리브레오피스 지원

은행 송금

기부금을 은행 계좌로 송금할 수 있습니다.

소유자: The Document Foundation
목적: 기부
계정: 29523932
은행 코드: 66190000
IBAN: DE36 6619 0000 0029 5239 32, BIC: GENODE61KA1
수령자 주소: The Document Foundation, Winterfeldtstraße 52, 10781 Berlin, Germany
은행 주소: Volksbank pur eG, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

리브레오피스는 SPI-associated(Software in the Public Interest, 비영리) 프로젝트입니다.

미국에서 기부하는 경우 기부 대상으로 "LibreOffice"를 지정할 수 있습니다. SPI를 통한 기부는 기부액의 일부가 미국 세금으로 공제될 수 있습니다.

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세금 공제

도큐먼트 재단에 기부한 금액은 일부 국가에서 세금 공제가 될 수 있습니다.
더 자세한 내용은 지역 세무서에 문의하십시오.

독일 거주민의 경우:"Für Spenden bis zu 300 € pro Jahr akzeptiert das Finanzamt den Kontoauszug als Spendenbescheinigung. Zusätzlich teilen Sie dem Finanzamt bitte mit, aufgrund welcher Bescheinigung und Steuernummer »The Document Foundation« als gemeinnützig anerkannt ist. 'Wir sind wegen Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung; der Volks- und Berufsbildung einschließlich der Studentenhilfe; des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements nach dem Freistellungsbescheid bzw. nach der Anlage zum Körperschaftsteuerbescheid des Finanzamtes Berlin StNr 27/641/01975, vom 13.11.2023 für den letzten Veranlagungszeitraum 2019-2021 nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 des Körperschaftsteuergesetzes von der Körperschaftsteuer und nach § 3 Nr. 6 des Gewerbesteuergesetzes von der Gewerbesteuer befreit.'

Einen vereinfachten Zuwendungsnachweis nach § 50 Abs. 2 Nr. 2 b EStDV können Sie hier herunterladen. Damit sparen Sie uns Arbeit und Porto, welches stattdessen unserer Projektarbeit zugute kommen kann. Für Beträge über 300 €, oder falls Sie dennoch eine Spendenbescheinigung wünschen, senden uns bitte eine E-Mail an [email protected]"

or you may also want to donate your time

Who we are

The Document Foundation is a charitable Foundation under German law, founded on February 17th, 2012. Its objective, as defined in the statutes, is to nurture and develop office software that is free to use by everyone. The foundation furthers a sustainable, independent and meritocratic community which develops free, libre and open source software based on open standards through international collaboration.

We are driven by thousands of volunteers as well as paid contributors worldwide, and with joint forces, provide the best free office suite,LibreOffice, which is available in over 110 languages, for any major platform.

Our values are openness, transparency and meritocracy. By using these as our guiding principles, we have made our budget as well as our financial reports public.

Why we need your support

Although the LibreOffice community is active, vibrant and very diverse, achieving the mission of The Document Foundation costs money. Servers and infrastructure need to be provided and maintained, domain names and trademarks need to be registered and taken care of, plus there is an ongoing demand for travel funding of our members, and participation in events.

You are more than welcome to donate to our ongoing operations budget.