A Special Report to celebrate the 10th Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit was released! Seafood Legacy and Nikkei Business Publications are pleased to jointly release the report, The Trajectory and Future Outlook of the Sustainable Seafood Movement. https://lnkd.in/d3MBDJFT
シーフードレガシーは、持続する豊かな海を実現するために、水産関連企業やNPO/NGOを戦略的にネットワークし、多くの海外成功事例に学びつつ日本のビジネス・土着文化に適った解決策を形にするコンサルティング会社です。 大手企業のCSRの活動や国連の採択したSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)の浸透により、日本でも環境や持続可能性に配慮した、資源の「サステナブル調達」が注目されています。 しかしながら、海洋資源においては2014年に相次いで絶滅危惧種に指定されたマグロ類やウナギ類のように各地で持続可能なレベルを超えて漁獲されており、さらに沿岸開発、海洋汚染、気候変動などの複合的要因とも相まって、その限界はもう目前に迫っています。 一方で、その経験に学ぶ水産関連企業とNPO/NGOとがパートナーシップを結び、積極的に「水産物のサステナブル調達」に取り組むことで、科学と予防原則に則った水産資源管理の需要を作り出し、水産を成長産業としてきた事例もいくつもあります。 これらの地域で積極的に「水産物のサステナブル調達」に取り組む企業は、消費者、投資家、地域社会の評価や信頼を勝ち得て繁栄しています。当社は、未来世代に対してその社会的責任を本気で果たそうとする企業やNPO/NGOをサポートし、両者を戦略的にネットワークし、多くの海外事例に学びつつ日本のビジネス・土着文化に適った解決策を共に形作ることで、持続する豊かな海を実現していきます。
- ウェブサイト
- 業種
- ビジネスコンサルティング・サービス
- 会社規模
- 社員 2 - 10名
- 本社
- Chuo、Tokyo
- 種類
- 非上場企業
- 創立
- 2015
- 専門分野
- NGOプラットフォーム、consulting、sustainable seafood
Ginza 8-14-9
Duplex Ginza tower 8/14
The Responsible seafood summit took place in Scotland. The next day after the three-day summit, we went on a field trip to a nearby port town. We visited three places, first to a natural salt factory, then to a harbor fishing town to see where lobsters and crabs are fished, and finally to a historical museum of the Scottish fishing industry. The Scottish people are descended from the Celts and the Vikings, who later raided Scotland. Like Japan, Scotland is surrounded by the sea on all sides, so the culture of seafarers developed in Scotland. This Summit was not only a great opportunity to interact with people from all over the world, but also to experience the actual fishing grounds and the revolutionary technology used in fisheries, which was a great learning experience for me!
At the ongoing Responsible Seafood Summit in Scotland, the third day featured presentations focused on shrimp welfare, along with production and import/export volumes of seafood by country. In the afternoon session, Wakayao Hanaoka, CEO of Seafood Legacy, took the stage to express his desire to pass Japan’s esteemed seafood heritage to future generations. He elaborated on Seafood Legacy’s initiatives, dividing them into three key areas: policy, market, and finance. Subsequent discussions also covered marketing strategies aimed at increasing fish consumption among Generation Z, specifically to promote health. Participants noted that Japan’s daily practice of consuming sashimi is uncommon and stands out among global culinary traditions.
After delivering a keynote speech at the Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit recently, Chris Ninnes, our CEO recounts some thoughts from the event: The annual sustainable seafood summit in Tokyo was particularly meaningful as it celebrated its 10th year. As before, but with a bigger audience and growing list of speakers, the event convenes key government, industry and market stakeholders from the region. This leads to an interesting mix of very helpful overviews from these different perspectives. Asia faces many production challenges. It provides the world with most of its seafood and consumes the greater part directly. Wild catches are diminishing and farmed seafood has both environmental and social impacts if not undertaken responsibly. Seafood trade is under increasing scrutiny both within the region and from external observers. Various presentations highlighted this and there are clear perception differences between the critics about what levels of progress are acceptable and others who consider policy initiatives as the panacea. Solutions are balanced between the competing demands to improve food security and livelihoods against the social improvement and equity also needed. Addressing the most egregious social challenges are a clear priority and collective international solutions must prevail. But so to must be preserving environmental resilience to provide humanity with a secure future. All of this is compounded by the global phenomena of cross-border labour mobility, both legal and illegal, that exacerbates problems and confounds solutions. It’s a heady mix within such an economically dynamic and diverse region and I very much look to future TSSS events where these topics are increasingly scrutinised and debated. Photo: ©︎Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit2024 Seafood Legacy #Aquaculture #FishFarming #Seafood #EcoLabel #Sustainability #SustainableSeafood #SDGs
🇯🇵🐟 Reflecting on an inspiring week in Tokyo, starting with the Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit (TSSS) by Seafood Legacy, where experts from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and beyond shared insights on advancing responsible fisheries. Glad to see our MarinTrust impact report featured and to have enjoyed the best of Japanese seafood culture! 🍥🍣 #TSSS2024 #ResponsibleSeafood #MarinTrust #Fisheries #FisheriesTransparency #ToyosuMarket #JapaneseCuisine
Concours OLIVIER ROELLINGER - JAPON 2024 La 3ème édition japonaise vient de se clôturer à l'Académie Hokuto Bunka, à Muroran, Hokkaido. Félicitations aux 12 candidats venant des différentes régions du Japon. 🏆 PALMARES : => Catégorie - Lycées 1er prix : Soshi TANAKA, Kurayoshi Kita High School 2ème prix : Ayano MIMURA, Keishin High School 3ème prix : Yudai MIZOUE, Kamimura Gakuen High School => Catégorie - Ecoles professionnelles 1er prix : Aoi OKAMOTO, Académie Hokuto Bunka 2e prix : Rio TAKAHASI, Ecole d'art culinaire de MIYAGI 3e prix : Akari GENNO, Académie Hokuto Bunka Merci à Julien Hennote, Chef de Hôtel Castelbrac d'avoir accepté de présider cette édition : "Ce concours me tient à cœur, il contribue au fil des années à améliorer les connaissances sur les enjeux des ressources et à mobiliser les professionnels de la restauration, qui modifient progressivement leurs pratiques. Les choses bougent, la prise de conscience est là, mais beaucoup reste encore à faire. Nous devons poursuivre et étendre cette mobilisation." 🐟 🌊 🌎 ------------ Merci à nos partenaires : Hokuto Bunka Academy Région Bretagne Seafood Legacy ROBUR LES ARTISTES Paris ------------ Co-fondateurs OLIVIER ROELLINGER Lycée Hôtelier de Dinard, Yvon Bourges FERRANDI Paris Relais & Châteaux Yukako Nishide Ethic Ocean
We are pleased to share that DIWA has signed an MoU with Seafood Legacy towards robust #humanrightsduediligence in the seafood industry in Japan. "Mutual goals include ensuring that the human rights of all people in Japan and overseas who are involved in the Japanese seafood market are protected, risks to companies and organizations that depend on seafood supply chains are reduced, and Japanese consumers can eat imported seafood with more assurance that their seafood was produced in a responsible way. This wide-ranging effort in Japan, the world's third largest seafood import market, aspires to have significant positive impacts on workers in global supply chains." Please read the full press release here: https://lnkd.in/gUJ-_u_y A Japanese version is also available here: https://lnkd.in/gmY8jTq3 #HRDD #Sustainable #Seafood #LabourRights
Thank you to all the team at the Seafood Legacy for all the great hospitality and with special thanks to Wakao Hanaoka for the invitation to speak at the #TSSS 2024. Such a great event with very interesting presentations and discussions. MarinTrust guides the path to take, Building systems strong, no mistake, With ingredients pure and plans so grand, Japan’s success is close at hand. One more day to go!!!! Michael McNicholas Marcelo Hidalgo Libby Woodhatch Laura Courage Nicola Clark Robert Lefebure Andrea Pani Emily McGregor Eva van Heukelom Petter Martin Johannessen Javier Igarashi Jorge Díaz David Parker Melanie Siggs Lief Hendrikz Oyvind Ihle Brett Glencross IFFO – The Marine Ingredients Organisation Humberto Speziani MSc. Ing. CIP Humberto OLIVERA Robinson Abraham Pinto Castillo Diego De la Cadena Gonzalo De Romaña R de C. Johannes Palsson Elizabeth C. Inciso Velásquez Valeska Weymann Remko Oosterveld Andrew Mallison Andrew Jackson
Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit 2024 is in the books - so much grattitude to the Seafood Legacy team for an amazing event. I had the honor of sharing the stage with Wakao Hanaoka, CEO of Seafood Legacy, and Jim Cannon CEO of SFP, to reflect on a decade of the sustainable seafood movement in Japan and the broader Asia-Pacific region and to look forward to the next 10 years (both of whom I’ve worked with in different seasons of my career, and who I look up to dearly). A few takeaways from the session: 1.) what happens in Japan affects the entire Asia-Pacific - if sustianable seafood is only driven by Western markets then we’re missing the big picture; 2.) the best solutions are locally driven, and developed collaboratively and amicably across stakeholders from industry, gov’t, and NGOs; 3.) as a business in seafood or fisheries, be fearless to take on sustainability and social responsibility - you’ll be rewarded in the end and you’ll find people willing to support you; 4.) we’re in it for the long haul - labor audits haven’t proved to be enough / it’s proactive human rights due diligence - environmentally sustainable seafood is a result of capacity building for govt (and industry), and their ability to implement fisheries mgmt - the starting point is usually simply collecting data. 5.) We have an amazing Asia Fisheries team at Ocean Outcomes - and truly the next generation of seafood champions!
This year, the GTA had a prominent presence at the Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit! Two of our members took the stage to discuss sustainable practices and transparency in the tuna industry, highlighting the GTA’s ongoing commitment to responsible fisheries. Usufukuhonten highlighted the need for improved traceability in the Japanese supply chain to deter IUU from entering the market, while Culinary Collaborations worked hard to ensure the Japanese market understand that, in unity, good actors in the supply chain have strength to make positive change. The event covered vital topics such as supply chain transparency, reducing overfishing, and promoting human rights due diligence. Our participation reflects the growing recognition of GTA’s efforts in the Japanese market, marking a step forward in regional collaboration. Thank you to all who participated to make it such an enriching day! Seafood Legacy Culinary Collaborations LLC