30 Things to Do during the Covid-19 quarantine

How many of you thought this year in 2020 was going to be one of your best years of your life or it was going to be the best year ever?

Well that was me thinking back in December 2019, that this year in 2020 was going to be one of the best because we were going to own a house, my 2nd daughter will be going to school and the husbands company will officially start. Little did we know, the America got a stay at home order for 15 days to slow the spread of this Coronavirus also known as Covid-19.

I never watch the news on tv, I would read it online but ever since this virus happened, I have watched about it everyday, especially from the federal government.

Our stay at home order in Las Vegas began on March 17 to slow the spread of Covid-19. It was supposed to be only for 15 days but when the 15 days was almost done the President extended another 30 days up till April 30.

At this time, I have been having anxiety, sleeping problems and a part of the reason is we just moved in and my side of the bed was facing the window with a street light (our backyard is on a main highway) and I wasnt used to things. We did have blinds but there not good. I was also hesistant on buying curtains yet.

All throughout my 20s and 30s, I was always working outside and it was finally nice to be working from home. After living in our new house, I felt tired of being home. I wanted to work at home but I couldnt feel productive or focused because of my 2 small children. I found my days as always cooking, cleaning, picking up after the kids. 

After the 15 days, I told myself in April that I am going to do things I want to do.

Here are some things you and your family can do at home during the pandemic.

#stayhome for 30 days

1. Read books or ebooks

2. Cook (Since I’m trying to save $ and eat better and dont really want to order out, I have tried new recipes and so far they are good. #annacooks)

3. Bake (I prefer to cook then bake because baking is alot of work)

4.Learn an instrument (I am learning the piano and its alot like learning a foreign language)

5.Learn a foreign language (I started learning  Korean on Duolingo app)

6.Organize closet (I personally organize it by color and then by type(such as short sleeve to long sleeve,etc.)

7.Update your home decor (I am into modern and minimal decor so I tend to like neutral colors like white, gray and black)

8.Watch your favorite shows on tv or movie (Thank God for a smart tv) btw Disney+ is $6.99/m, Netflix $12.99/m and Amazon Prime monthly $12.99)

9.Shop online but with limitations

10.Start a business online

11.Take an online course

12. Learn to sew and make face masks

13.Learn investing

14.Keep in touch with family and friends through social media, facetime, zoom.

15. Exercise for at least 30-60 minutes a day

16. Volunteer to help your community

17. Clean your house

18. Teach your kids or help with homework

19.Spend time with your pet if you have one

20.Make a donation box of your unwanted or unused things to give to your local charity

21. Make videos for fun (tiktok or youtube)

22. Make videos for your business

23. Do some gardening (pull out weeds or plant)

24. Play games

25. Hang out in your backyard if the weather is nice and if you have a pool, thats even better

26. Call your creditors and try to resolve your debts

27. Host a virtual party

28.Learn to write (I have started to write an ebook that I plan to self publish thru Amazon)

29. Practice Self care such as taking care of your skin health, time to yourself(no people,no electronics), I recently became addicted to Korean skincare routine and it does cost money but my skin feels better and brighter)

30. Pray and Meditate to God

I know were all not used to staying home but we need to for now until there is a vaccine.

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