
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for submission are available here.

Publication ethics information is provided here.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • According to the double-blind review procedure, the authors should submit:

    • A Title page, with authors' names, affiliations, acknowledgements and any Declaration of Interest statement, and a complete address for the corresponding author including an e-mail address.
    • A Blinded manuscript, the body of the paper (including references, figures, etc.) without any identifying information (e.g., the authors' names or affiliations).
  • The submission accompanying letter includes the follwoing information:

    • Competing interests declaration
    • Funding information (also on the manuscript)
    • Permission obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web
    • Documentation for any citations to unpublished work (e.g., articles in press/personal
    • Information about previous submissions to other journals (e.g., name of journal, reviewer comments)
    • Confirmation that the manuscript has been submitted solely to your journal and is not
      published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.
    • Authors should declare if the manuscript expands previous work (transparency is needed on the re-use of material to avoid the hint of ‘self-plagiarism’).
  • The authors have read and understood the Guidelines for Submission available here

Privacy Statement

Last updated: 8th January 2020

Thank you for visiting the IJSG website or registering a user account on the IJSG website. This policy explains what information we collect when you visit our website or register a user account, as well as how and why we collect and use it. We take your privacy seriously and are proactive in ensuring the necessary steps are taken to protect your personal data.



The IJSG website is owned and managed by Serious Games Society (SGS).

SGS reference person for data protection: Francesco Bellotti ([email protected], [email protected], +39 010 3532227)

Use of cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computer’s hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server, to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.

What do we use cookies for?

Some cookies used on our website are essential to its functionality. For example, in multi-page forms, cookies are set to enable inputted data to be transferred from one page to another. Cookies used for this purpose are set to expire upon form completion, after an elapsed time, or when a visitor closes their browser.

We use anonymous session cookies (short-term cookies that disappear when you close your browser) to help you navigate the website and make the most of the features. If you log into the website as a registered user, your session cookie may also contain your user ID so that it can check which services you are allowed to access. Where any personal data is collected it is relevant to purpose and only absolutely necessary personal details are recorded.

Google Analytics is an online analytics tool provided by Google and is used on the IJSG website. It collects information such as total views, page visits and referral statistics. Information collected by this service is used to assess the performance of IJSG website and to help us improve the site for future visits. All data collected by Google Analytics is anonymous. For information on Google’s privacy policy please visit:

The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information.

Disable cookies

You can at any time disable cookies on your browser. The setting allowing you to do this can usually be found in your browser’s Tools or Preferences menu. Certain parts of the IJSG website’s functionality might be affected by disabling cookies.

Personal Data: Collection and Use


Whilst using our website, you may be required to provide personal data (name, address, email, academic/professional affiliation, country, etc.). We will use this data essentially to inform you on academic and industrial activities about development and deployment of serious games, as detailed later. We will ensure that all personal data supplied is held securely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

You have the right at any time to request a copy of the personal data we hold on you. Should you wish to receive a copy of this, or would like to be removed from our database, please contact us at [email protected].

What data do we collect?

We normally collect the following personal data from individuals when they register as members of the SGS:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Affiliation
  • Country of residence
  • User account details (username and password)


Why is it being collected?

This data is collected in order to allow an individual to register as an author, reviewer, editor or reader of the journal. This allows the individual to log in to the journal software and participate in the journal submission, review and/or editorial process (where applicable).

How do we collect data?

SGS collects this data in two possible ways:

  1. When you perform an online subscription

When you complete the user registration form or enter your details in a text box. All this information requires a direct action by you at that time in order for us to receive it.

  1. When you give us written or oral permission

You may give us written permission (e.g. via email or a sign-up form) or oral (e.g. by telephone or in-person) for us to set up an account on your behalf.


How will the data be stored?

If you register in the website, your personal data will be stored on a database on our server (currently hosted at, located in USA, whose privacy policy can be read here), using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) publishing platform. All your personal data will be accessible by SGS, which takes the security of this database seriously.

The Editors of IJSG have access to your email address, name and user ID via the website, to fulfil the Editorial role and manage the publication process (including, but not limited to: selecting reviewers; inviting submissions from registered authors; setting up user accounts on behalf of a reviewer or author where permission has been given).

A third party will have access to the database only where strictly necessary for server maintenance or development and only of the duration of the project. We take your privacy very seriously and actively take steps to ensure access is providing securely.

How will it be used?

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this online, open-access journal, and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Email Notifications

If you are a registered user, you will receive automated email notifications from the journal software about submission or review processes in which they are involved. Announcements to all users will be given to notify about publication of issues, availability of special issues and news about the Games and Learning Alliance Conference (GaLA Conf). 

If you are a registered reviewer user, you may receive review requests by email from the Editorial team when an article has been submitted in your field of expertise.

Articles will be published with a correspondence address (both postal and email) for the corresponding author.

Direct Emails

The Editors may contact registered users who have not opted for the Reviewer role to invite them to register as a reviewer, if an article has been submitted in their field of expertise and no appropriate registered reviewer are available; this will be done only when the Editors deem it to be in SGS and IJSG legitimate interest (to publish high-quality work in the field of serious games, in order to fulfil SGS purpose to advance public knowledge in the field of serious games).

Any registered user may be emailed directly by SGS where necessary for providing access to their account or for completing the submission and publication process (e.g. if there are technical problems with the website).

Any registered user may be emailed directly by SGS or by the Editors on the basis of SGS legitimate interest to improve the service provided (i.e. surveys and feedback) and to provide symbolic compensation or recognition for their work.

Author Details

Articles will be published showing all the authors' affiliation and email.

Journal reviewer performance

The OJS platform traces the reviewers' performance in terms of review quality (assessed by the editors) and timeliness 

Consent Renewal

SGS may contact any registered user before their data is deleted (see below) to provide them with the opportunity to renew consent and remain on the system.


How long do we keep your data for?

SGS will not retain the personal data of the members longer than necessary. The data you provide will be stored for up to 5 years after the latest registered activity on your account, unless otherwise requested by you.

If legally required or if it is reasonably necessary to meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our policies, we may also retain some of your data for a limited period of time as required, even after it is no longer needed to provide the Services to you.


Choosing how we use your data


We understand that you trust us with your personal data and we are committed to ensuring you can manage the privacy and security of your personal data yourself.

With respect to the data relating to you that ends up in our possession, and recognise that it is your choice to provide us with your personally identifiable data, we commit to giving you the ability to do all of the following:

  • You can verify the details you have submitted to SGS by contacting the Support Team ([email protected], +39 010 353 2227 or +39 010 353 2795). Our security procedures mean that we may request proof of identity before we reveal information, including your e-mail address.
  • You can also log in to your account or contact us by the same method to change, correct, or to request that we delete your personal data in relation to your profile at any time. Please note though that, if you have shared any data with others through social media channels, that data may remain visible, even if your account is deleted.
  • You are also free to close your account through our account settings. If you do so, your account will be deactivated. However, we may retain archived copies of your data as required by law or for legitimate business purposes (including to help address fraud and spam).
  • You can request a readable copy of the personal data we hold on you at any time. To do this, please contact us ([email protected], +39 010 353 2227 or +39 010 353 2795).

Please note, we are constantly reviewing how we process and protect data. Therefore, changes to our policy may occur at any time. We will endeavour to publicise any changes.


Complaints or questions relating to your data protection and privacy should be directed to the SGS reference person for data protection: Francesco Bellotti ([email protected], +39 010 353 2227).