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Vacancy Details

Grade: 13

1 To meet the Qualifications Requirements for the Emergency Management Specialist, GS-13, select the option that best describes your experience background: Answer to this question is required
  • I have 1 YEAR OF SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE equivalent to the GS-12 level in or related to the work of THIS POSITION that provided the specific knowledges, skills and abilities to perform successfully the duties of THIS POSITION.
  • I do not meet the specialized experience requirement described above.

Grade: All Grades

1 Select the response that best describes the rating of record for your most recent performance appraisal: Answer to this question is required
  • Fully Successful (or equivalent) or higher
  • Less than Fully Successful (or equivalent)
  • I have never received a performance appraisal.
2 Please look at the qualification requirements (both experience and/or education) that are stated in this vacancy announcement. Does your resume clearly contain this information in order to determine you are qualified for the position? Answer to this question is required
  • Yes
  • No
3 Are you aware that you should limit your resume to a maximum of 7 pages? Answer to this question is required
  • Yes
  • No
4 For each position listed on your resume, did you include the position title, company, grade/level (if federal employment), weekly hours worked, and your actual beginning and ending dates of employment? Answer to this question is required
  • Yes
  • No
5 Have you reviewed the vacancy announcement "How to Apply" and required documents section to determine what supplemental material that you must provide? Answer to this question is required
  • Yes
  • No
6 Which resources led you to apply to this EPA position? Answer to this question is required
  • EPA webinar or virtual information session

    Enter month/year of webinar.

    Maximum length of 250 characters.
  • Job fair hosted or attended by the EPA

    Enter location, month, and host organization of job fair.

    Maximum length of 250 characters.
  • Handshake
  • Social media advertisement (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram)
  • Referral from a government or professional contact, friend, or family member
  • Unsolicited search of
  • Email from EPA inviting me to apply because I opted to make my resume/profile searchable on USAJOBS
  • Other
7 Please select the environmental cleanup programs of which you have experience in. Answer to this question is required
  • Hazardous waste or chemical treatment, containment, or removal processes.
  • Ground water cleanup methods
  • Innovative or emerging technologies for hazardous clean up
  • Soils or sediment clean up methods
  • Oil spill containment, removal, or treatment
  • None of the above
8 I have experience implementing rules and/or regulations under the following: Answer to this question is required
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
  • Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)
  • Clean Water Act (CWA)
  • Oil Pollution Act (OPA)
  • Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA)
  • National Response Framework (NRF)
  • Risk Management Program (RMP)
  • Clean Air Act (CAA)
  • None of the above
9 Planning and implementation of Superfund priorities, conducting emergency response actions at hazardous waste sites, and emergency incidents involving oil and chemical spills. Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
10 Participation and implementation of the NCP (National Contingency Plan). Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
11 Coordinate training activities, including training processes designed to meet specific organizational needs and/or broader workforce development objectives. Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
12 Plan, conduct and evaluate emergency response exercises. Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
    12.1 Identify the portion of your resume that reflects your experience, expertise, or training in support of your answer. Maximum length of 250 characters.
13 Establish and monitor performance measures to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and progress of a team in meeting its plans, goals, and objectives. Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
14 Development of Local, State or Federal emergency preparedness program documents such as area and regional contingency plans. Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
15 I have experience in emergency response and the Incident Command system as it applies to incidents involving the release of hazardous chemicals, radiation, or biological agents Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
16 Select the response that describes your highest level of experience with multi-discipline groups (technical, administrative, and contract) to resolve complex problems related to emergency preparedness, emergency response and/or hazardous substance removal Answer to this question is required
  • I have led several multi-discipline groups that solved these problems
  • I have led a multi-discipline group that solved these problems
  • I have been a member of a multi-discipline group that solved these problems
  • I do not have any of the above experiences
17 Implement and/or monitor information systems to meet organizational requirements. Answer to this question is required
  • I have not had experience, education, or training in performing this task.
  • I have completed formal education or training in performing this task, but have not yet performed this task on the job.
  • I have performed this task on the job under close supervision by a supervisor, manager, or senior employee to ensure compliance with correct procedures.
  • I have performed this task as a regular part of a job, independently and usually without review by supervisor, manager or senior employee.
  • This task has been a central or major part of my work. I have performed it myself routinely, and I have trained others in performance of this task and (or) others have consulted me as an expert for assistance in performing this task.
18 Select the responses that reflect your experience in oral communication: Answer to this question is required
  • I have made presentations to defend recommendations or conclusions to an audience having expertise on the topic being presented.
  • I have made presentations on controversial issues to audiences including people with conflicting viewpoints on the subject.
  • I have made presentations to groups in order to inform or give factual information.
  • I have formal training in public speaking or have been a member of Toastmasters or comparable organizations.
  • None of the above.
19 I have written communication experience in the following areas: Answer to this question is required
  • Making recommendations
  • Providing advice
  • Preparing analysis
  • Preparing reports
  • Issuing system availability notices
  • None of the above
20 I have used project management tools to develop the following documents: Answer to this question is required
  • Technical project plans
  • Budgets
  • Analyses
  • None of the above
21 Select the response that indicates where you have had experience with Stafford Act activations. Answer to this question is required
  • Regional Response Coordination Centers
  • Joint Field Offices
  • State Emergency Operations Centers
  • Emergency Support Function 10 responsibilities
  • Mission Assignments
  • None of the above