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アブー・バクル・ムハンマド・イブン・ザカリヤー・ラーズィーペルシア語: محمّد بن زكريّاءِ رازی‎, Muḥammad b. Zakariyā-yi Rāzī‎, (アラビア語: أبو بكر محمد بن زكريا الرازي‎, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyā al-Rāzī‎, ラテン語: Rhazes もしくは Rasis)は、ペルシャ[1][2]錬金術師化学者哲学者医師学者。ラテン語化されたラーゼスでも知られる。



アブー・ライハーン・アル・ビールーニーによると、ラーズィーはイランの Ray(レイ)で865年(251AH)に生まれ、925年(313 AH)にそこで亡くなった。






『天然痘と麻疹の書』(Kitab fi al-jadari wa-al-hasbah)では麻疹天然痘について記述し[6]、ヨーロッパに大きな影響を与えた。

『Doubts about Galen』では経験的な方法から四体液説の誤りを初めて証明した[7]


現代のテヘランにあるRazi Institute やケルマーンシャーにあるRazi Universityは、ラーズィーの名から取られたものであり、毎年8月27日は「ラーズィーの日」(医学の日)に定められている。[8] [9]


  1. ^ Robinson, Victor (1944), The story of medicine, New York: New Home Library 
  2. ^ Porter, Dorothy (1999), written at New York, Health, civilization, and the state : a history of public health from ancient to modern times, Routledge, p. 25, ISBN 0415200369 
  3. ^ Hakeem Abdul Hameed, Exchanges between India and Central Asia in the field of Medicine
  4. ^ David W. Tschanz, PhD (2003), "Arab Roots of European Medicine", Heart Views 4 (2).
  5. ^ S Safavi-Abbasi, LBC Brasiliense, RK Workman (2007), "The fate of medical knowledge and the neurosciences during the time of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire", Neurosurg Focus 23 (1), E13, p. 3.
  6. ^ A Treatise on the Small-pox and Measles, ウィリアム・アレキサンダー・グリーンヒルによる英訳, 出版者Printed for the Sydenham Society [by C and J. Adlrd], 1848年, pp. 252, URL
  7. ^ G. Stolyarov II (2002), "Rhazes: The Thinking Western Physician", The Rational Argumentator, Issue VI.
  8. ^ Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute.
  9. ^ Razi day commemoration.


  • M. M. Sharif, A History of Muslim Philosophy
  • Paul Kraus, Opera Philosophica: this is the only edition of Razi's philosophical books and fragments still extant. Abi Bakr Mohammadi Filii Zachariae Raghensis or Opera Philosophica, fragmentaque quae superssunt. Collegit et edidit Paulus Kraus. Pars Prior. Cahirae MCMXXXIX. Only the first volume was published since Kraus's suicide prevented the publication of the second volume for which he already had gathered a great amount of material. This material was transferred, after his death, to the Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale, in Cairo; it still remains to be published.
  • Walker, P. "The Political Implications of al-Razi's Philosophy", in C. Butterworth (ed.) The Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 61-94.(1992)
  • Motazed, K. Mohammad Zakaria Razi
  • Stolyarov II, H. "Rhazes: The Thinking Western Physician", in: The Rational Argumentator, Issue VI.(2002) [1]




  • Ibn al-Nadim, Fihrist, (ed. Flugel), pp. 299 et sqq.
  • Sa'id al-Andalusi, Tabaqat al-Umam, p. 33
  • ibn Juljul, Tabaqat al-Atibba w-al-Hukama, (ed. Fu'ad Sayyid), Cairo, 1355/1936, pp. 77-78
  • al-Biruni, Epitre de Beruni, contenant le repertoire des ouvres de Muhammad ibn Zakariya ar-Razi, publiee par P. Kraus, Paris, 1936
  • al-Baihaqi, Tatimmah Siwan al-Hikma, (ed. M. Ghafi), Lahore, 1351/1932
  • al-Qifti,Tarikh al-Hukama, (ed. Lippert), pp. 27-177
  • ibn abi Usaibi'ah,Uyun al-Anba fi Tabaqat al-Atibba, Vol. I, pp. 309-21
  • abu al-Faraj ibn al-'Ibri (Bar-Hebraeus),Mukhtasar Tarikh al-Duwal, (ed. A. Salhani), p. 291
  • Ibn Khallikan, Wafayat al-A'yan, (ed. Muhyi al-Din 'Abd al-Hamid), Cairo, 1948, No. 678, pp. 244-47
  • al-Safadi, Nakt al-Himyan, pp. 249-50
  • Ibn al-'Imad, Shadharat al-Dhahab, Vol. II, p. 263
  • al-'Umari, Masalik al-Absar, Vol. V, Part 2, ff. 301-03 (photostat copy in Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyyah).


  • G. S. A. Ranking, The Life and Works of Rhazes, in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Congress of Medicine, London, 1913, pp. 237-68.
  • J. Ruska, Al-Biruni als Quelle fur das Leben und die Schriften al-Razi's, Isis, Vol. V, 1924, pp. 26-50.
  • Al-Razi als Bahnbrecher einer neuer Chemie, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1923, pp. 118-24.
  • Die Alchemie al-Razi's der Islam, Vol. XXII,pp. 283-319.
  • Uber den gegenwartigen Stand der Razi-Forschung, Archivio di stori della scienza, 1924, Vol. V, pp. 335-47
  • H. H. Shader, ZDMG, 79, pp. 228-35 (see translation into Arabic by Abdurrahman Badawi in al-Insan al-Kamil,Islamica, Vol. XI, Cairo, 1950, pp. 37-44).
  • E. O. von Lippmann, Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie, Vol. II, p. 181.
  • S. Pines, Die Atomenlehre ar-Razi's in Beitrage zur islamischen Atomenlehre, Berlin, 1936, pp. 34-93.
  • Dr. Mahmud al-Najmabadi, Shah Hal Muhammad ibn Zakariya, (1318/1900) *Encyclopaedie des Islams, s. v. (by Ruska).
  • Gamil Bek, Uqud al-Jauliar, Vol. I, pp. 118-27.
  • Izmirli Haqqi, Ilahiyat, Fak. Macm., Vol. I, p. 151; Vol. II, p. 36, Vol. III, pp. 177 et seq.
  • Abdurrahman Badawi, Min Tarlkh al-Ilhad fi al-Islam Islamica, Vol. II, Cairo, 1945, pp. 198-228.
  • Hirschberg,Geschichte der Augenheilkunde, p. 101.
  • E. G.Browne, Arabian Medicine, Cambridge, 1921, pp. 44-53.
  • M. Meyerhof, Legacy of Islam, pp. 323 et seq.
  • F. Wüstenfeld, Geschichte der Arabischen Arzte und Naturforscher, ftn. 98.
  • L. Leelerc, Histoire de la medicine arabe, Paris, 1876, Vol. I, pp. 337-54.
  • H. P. J. Renaud, A propos du millenaire de Razes, in bulletin de la Societe Irancaise d'Histoire de la medicine, Mars-avril, 1931, pp. 203 et seq.
  • A. Eisen, Kimiya al-Razi, RAAD, DIB, 62/4.
  • Aldo Mieli, La science arabe, Leiden, 1938, pp. 8, 16.
  • Nasr, Science and Civilization in Islam, see. Razes: The Secret of Secrets, p.273, also pp.197-200, and Anawati: L'Alchemie arabe in Rased.
  • A.J. Arberry (transl.), The spiritual Physik of Rhazes (London, John Murray 1950).

