Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Europe (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 3
Europe (edit)
Aunìone europèe (edit)
Pajèsere Vasce (edit)

Total: 22
Abcasia (create)
Akrotiri e Dhekelia (create)
Armenie (create)
Asie (edit)
Azerbaigian (create)
Cipre d'u Nord (create)
George (create)
Gibilterre (create)
Guernsey (create)
Isole Fær Øer (create)
Isole de Man (create)
Jersey (create)
Kosovo (create)
Ossezia d'u Sud (create)
Repubbleche Populare de Doneck (create)
Repubbleche Populare de Lugansk (create)
Repubbleche de l'Artsakh (create)
Russie (edit)
Régne de le Pajèsere Vasce (create)
State d'u munne (create)
State de l'Europe (create)
Transnistria (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 48
Itaglie (edit)
Purtugalle (edit)
Bulgarie (edit)
Grecie (edit)
Spagne (edit)
Norveggie (edit)
Europe (edit)
Lituanie (edit)
Aunìone europèe (edit)
Austrie (edit)
Pajèsere Vasce (edit)
Pulonie (edit)
Turchie (edit)
Svizzere (edit)
Ucraine (edit)
Cetate d'u Vaticane (edit)
Germanie (edit)
Frange (edit)
Albanie (edit)
Regne Aunìte (edit)
Kazakistan (edit)
Islanne (edit)
Andorre (edit)
Bèlge (edit)
Russie Vianghe (edit)
Bosnie-Erzegovine (edit)
Repubbleche Ceche (edit)
Cipre (edit)
Croazie (edit)
Danemarche (edit)
Estonie (edit)
Finlandie (edit)
Irlanne (edit)
Lettonie (edit)
Liechtenstein (edit)
Lussemburghe (edit)
Macidonie d'u Nord (edit)
Malte (edit)
Moldavie (edit)
Prengepáte de Monache (edit)
Mondegnure (edit)
Romanie (edit)
San Marine (edit)
Serbie (edit)
Slovacchie (edit)
Slovenie (edit)
Svezzie (edit)
Ungherie (edit)

Total: 67
Abcasia (create)
Akrotiri e Dhekelia (create)
Albanie (edit)
Andorre (edit)
Armenie (create)
Asie (edit)
Austrie (edit)
Azerbaigian (create)
Bosnie-Erzegovine (edit)
Bulgarie (edit)
Bèlge (edit)
Cetate d'u Vaticane (edit)
Cipre (edit)
Cipre d'u Nord (create)
Croazie (edit)
Danemarche (edit)
Estonie (edit)
Finlandie (edit)
Frange (edit)
George (create)
Germanie (edit)
Gibilterre (create)
Grecie (edit)
Guernsey (create)
Irlanne (edit)
Islanne (edit)
Isole Fær Øer (create)
Isole de Man (create)
Itaglie (edit)
Jersey (create)
Kazakistan (edit)
Kosovo (create)
Lettonie (edit)
Liechtenstein (edit)
Lituanie (edit)
Lussemburghe (edit)
Macidonie d'u Nord (edit)
Malte (edit)
Moldavie (edit)
Mondegnure (edit)
Norveggie (edit)
Ossezia d'u Sud (create)
Prengepáte de Monache (edit)
Pulonie (edit)
Purtugalle (edit)
Regne Aunìte (edit)
Repubbleche Ceche (edit)
Repubbleche Populare de Doneck (create)
Repubbleche Populare de Lugansk (create)
Repubbleche de l'Artsakh (create)
Romanie (edit)
Russie (edit)
Russie Vianghe (edit)
Régne de le Pajèsere Vasce (create)
San Marine (edit)
Serbie (edit)
Slovacchie (edit)
Slovenie (edit)
Spagne (edit)
State d'u munne (create)
State de l'Europe (create)
Svezzie (edit)
Svizzere (edit)
Transnistria (create)
Turchie (edit)
Ucraine (edit)
Ungherie (edit)

Generated: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 01:34:27 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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