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A member registered Mar 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi! This is literally BEAUTIFUL, such a great job!! Amazing!!!

Can't wait to play the full game, for sure would recommend it to all my dr fan friends! :^
The characters seems so cool, too! Liked all their designs, the demo was funny too. 5/5, we need more contents like this. uwu7

best luck to y'all, will keep an eye on this game for sure. ;^;

Hey ciao! Sono finito a caso sulla tua pagina e ti auguro buona fortuna con il proseguimento del gioco !
Però ti suggerirei una cosa... ci sono persone con problemi alla vista che con il font(carattere) che hai utilizzato faticano a leggere appunto i dialoghi, e come penso tu abbia notato manca pure di alcuni accenti... ti suggerirei di passare ad uno in stampatello o più leggibile. In caso se vuoi cambiare più font all'interno del gioco e non sai come fare prova a cercare online che spiegano come fare in dei tutorial. 

Ho notato qualche piccolo errorino a livello di grammatica e coniugazione dei verbi, ma nulla di irrisolvibile, sono certo che se ricontrolli te ne accorgerai da te. (essendo un developer posso capirti su quanto tempo prenda lo sviluppare qualcosa, e le sviste capitano spesso. www)

Attendiamo la versione completa !

Basically I wanted to play this game for a lot of time, but I got it only last year on steam.. I think? And I was too shy to comment that time... I loved it a lot, when I saw the art style I was really curious bc I've played a lot of VN but none was like this. There are a lot of routes and endings and I literally cried. I spendend like 2-3 days playing this. I
loved almost all characters (especially Asa and Garret, but I liked a lot Valerian and Nen as well ((Nen best slime *coff coff*)) ). I saw a lot of characterization in this game, also the plot, the soundtracks, the MC... (Oh god, I loved Rhea a lot, and I'm used to dislike the female protag 70% of the times) It's a great game, I always say to my friends to play it, I'm sad no one checks this out.. its totally worth it imo ;;

(1 edit)

Can't wait to play the sequel!!! I'm dying to know how this will end ;; also who had the courage to destroy that wonderful garden.i'll punch them in the face >:(

I played this some months ago ;; I really loved it, its just too cute orz