Chi siamo

Webuild is a global leader in the design and construction of large, complex projects in the sectors of sustainable mobility, hydropower, water management and production, and green buildings. For many years, the recognized leader in the water sector, also ranking among the Top 10 international players in Australia, Europe and the US, the Group has consolidated experience in 50 countries. In almost 120 years of applied engineering on more than 3,200 projects, the Webuild Group has built 14,140 kilometres of rail and metro lines, 82,533 kilometres of roads and highways, 1,020 kilometres of bridges and viaducts, 3,408 kilometres of tunnels, and 313 dams and hydropower plants. As of December 31, 2023, the Webuild Group with 87,000 people, achieved €10 billion in total revenues, and a total backlog of €64 billion, with over 90% of its construction backlog related to projects linked to the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rozzano (MI)
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
construction, sustainable mobility, clean hydro energy, clean water, green buildings e infrastructure


Dipendenti presso Webuild


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Raccolta fondi

Webuild 2 round in totale

Ultimo round

Debito post-IPO

537.110.581,00 USD

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