Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute

Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute

Studi medici

Costa Masnaga, Lombardy 1.099 follower

Discovering the synergy between biology and technology to restore abilities, relationships, and dignity to individuals.

Chi siamo

Villa Beretta Research Rehabilitation Innovation Institute is a research and innovation institute dedicated to Rehabilitation Medicine. The institute works alongside the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Centre in perfect structural and operational synergy. The research and innovation activities are inscribed in the scientific framework of Network and Systems Medicine: medicine of the complexity that sees medicine, biology, neuropsychology, psychology, nutritional science, bio-engineering, and social and humanistic sciences combined and coordinated in an interdisciplinary manner to provide an overall vision of interconnected biological and social systems that influence human functioning. The strategy that guides our research activities focuses on the interaction between biology and technology. Our efforts are focused on identifying, designing, and producing technological instruments and multimodal care processes that can induce and enhance biological repair mechanisms, specifically neuroplasticity.

Sito Web
Studi medici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Costa Masnaga, Lombardy
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute


  • Sunday marked World Physiotherapy Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the vital role of physiotherapists in promoting health and well-being. For us, it provided an opportunity to engage in a conversation with Luca Colombo, the coordinator of physiotherapists at the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute. We discussed how this profession has evolved in response to significant technological advancements innovation in Rehabilitation Medicine. Here’s what we learned. ✔ The physiotherapist must ‘chew’ a bit of technology. The initial setup of devices is always the responsibility of bioengineers, based on the physician’s prescriptions. However, the ongoing use of this equipment should encourage the physiotherapist to deepen their understanding of the technology, to the extent that they can independently modify some parameters. For instance, when utilizing electrostimulation, the physiotherapist should be capable of adjusting the position of the electrodes or the intensity of the current, tailoring these settings to the patient’s rehabilitation journey. ✔ Never forget that patient feedback is essential. If a relationship of trust is not established between the patient and the technology, it is unlikely to yield the desired results. It is the physiotherapist’s responsibility to determine wether the patient has confidence in the device, and thus, attentive listening and observation remain fundamental. ✔ Where can one acquire all this knowledge? Unfortunately, it is not typically taught at universities and often not even during internships at various healthcare facilities. Currently, the only opportunity for a physiotherapist to develop technological expertise is within a neurorehabilitation center that emphasizes a high rate of technological innovation. #WorldPhysiotherapyDay #Neurorehabilitation #PhysicalTherapy #Rehabilitation

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  • All of us at the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute would like to extend our best wishes to Italian sprinter Ambra Sabatini. After her debut as the flag bearer at the Paralympic Games, she will compete in the 100 meters (category T63) tomorrow, Saturday, September 7. ✔ Ambra, who underwent an amputation above the left knee at the age of 17 due to a scooter accident, swiftly regained control of her life through her passion for athletics. She won the gold medal at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and at the 2023 World Championships in Paris, where she also set a world record in her event. ✔ Something else makes her special. Last January, Ambra captured our hearts with her smile while undergoing multimodal monitoring of various biological parameters, including heart rate and blood pressure, in our laboratories. This monitoring aimed to assess her autonomic system’s response to stress and tension. ✔ Additionally, we worked on imagination and movement planning. As demonstrated in this video, we employed a technology that, akin to a funhouse mirror, inverted the movement of Ambra's healthy leg and applied it to her amputated limb. ✔ Go Ambra! Tomorrow, we will all be with you!  Watch live on RAI 2 DH: semifinal at 11:27 AM and final at 9:22 PM. #Paralympics #Paris2024 #AdaptiveSports #Inclusion

    Ambra Sabatini-VBRRII: Movement pianificati on

  • All of us at the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute would like to extend our best wishes to Italian sprinter Ambra Sabatini. After her debut as the flag bearer at the Paralympic Games, she will compete in the 100 meters (category T63) tomorrow, Saturday, September 7. ✔ Ambra, who underwent an amputation above the left knee at the age of 17 due to a scooter accident, swiftly regained control of her life through her passion for athletics. She won the gold medal at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and at the 2023 World Championships in Paris, where she also set a world record in her event. ✔ Something else makes her special. Last January, Ambra captured our hearts with her smile while undergoing multimodal monitoring of various biological parameters, including heart rate and blood pressure, in our laboratories. This monitoring aimed to assess her autonomic system’s response to stress and tension. ✔ Additionally, we worked on imagination and movement planning. As you can see in this video, we employed a technology that, akin to a funhouse mirror, inverted the movement of Ambra's healthy leg and applied it to her amputated limb. ✔ Go Ambra! Tomorrow, we will all be with you!  Watch live on RAI 2 DH: semifinal at 11:27 AM and final at 9:22 PM. #Paralympics #Paris2024 #AdaptiveSports #Inclusion

  • Andrei Krassioukov is a Professor and Endowed Chair of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He is a pioneer in the treatment of spinal cord injuries and has over 20 years of experience in the Paralympic Games. In this interview, he explores the role of physiatrists in preparing athletes. ✔ When Professor Krassioukov observes individuals with disabilities he considers not only the visible physical disability, but also the often-overlooked invisible disabilities that can pose challenges for them, as these conditions may interfere with their performance. Cardiovascular dysfunctions and urinary bladder dysfunctions are among these challenges. ✔ However, there is something else that significantly influences athletes’ performances and must be considered by future members of the Paralympic Committee when determining how to classify athletes at the Paralympics. To discover what it is and to watch the full interview, click here: #Paralympics #Paris2024 #AdaptiveSports #Inclusion

    Paralympic sport: what can Physiatrists do to in supporting athletes

  • With the Paralympic Games now underway, the focus is on sports practiced by people with disabilities. While sports can hold competitive value, as demonstrated by the athletes competing in the events in Paris, they often represent much more than just an opportunity for comparison. Our conviction in this belief has deepened after observing five persons with complete spinal cord injury as part of a research project conducted in collaboration with the team from the Politecnico di Milano, titled Fes-Bike. ✔ For six months, our athletes have trained twice a week on recumbent trikes, utilizing functional electrical stimulation to assist with pedaling. Today, two of them are preparing for CYBATHLON, an international competition where individuals with physical disabilities compete using advanced assistive technologies. ✔ But what have we observed over these past months? “There has been significant involvement in all phases of the research, with some athletes even participating in the design of the trike” said Emilia Ambrosini, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano. “We began this work during the sub-acute phase of these patients, as they returned home. It was truly remarkable to witness their rebirth into a new life - one that is undoubtedly different, yet still filled with the essence of life”. ✔ “From a clinical perspective, we have observed an increase in muscle trophism and a reduction in bone degeneration due to osteoporosis, which is one of the most common consequences of spinal cord injury” stated Franco Molteni, Clinical Director of the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute. “But above all, we have noted that participation in sports has led to a significant improvement in the quality of life for these individuals. These are critical issues that my colleague Francois Genet also addresses, as he oversees the health of all the athletes competing in these Paralympic Games. To François and to all of them, I extend my best wishes for the upcoming competitions”. #Paralympics #Paris2024 #Disability #ChangeStartsWithSport #NeuroRehabilitation

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  • Why is it important to study the bone structure in patients with spinal cord injury? Dr. Franco Molteni, Clinical Director of the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute, answers this crucial question in a new video pill. ✔ Do you agree with him? Please let us know your opinion in the comments below. #VBRRII #SpinalCordInjury #NeuroRehabilitation

  • We are proud to announce a partnership with AlmavivA S.p.A., an Italian digital innovation group, with the aim of implementing and managing an innovative tele-rehabilitation solution. The project involves a trial that will focus on individuals affected by stroke, particularly young stroke patients. ✔ Thanks to this collaboration, the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute will have access to digital services and tools capable of enhancing advanced rehabilitation techniques. Specifically, it will utilize software that enables healthcare professionals to monitor the patient’s progress in hospital facilities and at home, ensuring continuity of care in a sustainable manner, both economically and organizationally. This will help reduce hospital stay times and improve functional recovery, both motor and cognitive. ✔ “The application suite is developed by leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence with the aim of enhancing medical assistance and innovating rehabilitation techniques. This solution improves the systems and tools of communication between patients and doctors and also ensures a more engaging and less stressful recovery process”  declares Giovanni Di Nardo, Head of Market Application domain Digital Healthcare at AlmavivA S.p.A. “In this way, we are able to combine the clinical excellence of Villa Beretta with our technological expertise, offering a state-of-the-art service that represents a significant step forward for the technological evolution and sustainability of the Healthcare System”. ✔ “This significant collaboration with Almaviva marks the culmination of 15 years of clinical research experience in the field of telerehabilitation” declares Franco Molteni, Clinical Director of the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute. “New technologies enable more effective rehabilitative care, particularly as they can be administered at home for extended periods. Immersive reality and personalized care are the pillars for the recovery of Human Functioning, the individual’s functionality, which directly impacts the quality of life”. #telerehabilitation #humafunctioning #innovationinhealthcare #stroke

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  • The Paris 2024 Olympic Games started a few days ago, but we already have an athlete who has captured our hearts. Kevin Piette, a former tennis player who suffered a spinal cord injury due to a motorcycle accident in 2012, completed a segment of the Olympic relay with the assistance of an exoskeleton. ✔ The device featured in the Olympics Torch Relay is a prototype of a personal exoskeleton that Kevin, as a Wandercraft pilot, is testing for the French company. It is in the final stages of Research and Development and is not available for commercial use. Wandercraft will be entering clinical trials in the United States soon, with the goal of commercial availability in the next few years. ✔ “I have no words to describe the emotion of seeing Kevin Piette walking the streets of Paris with the Olympic flame” says Dr. Franco Molteni, Clinical Director of the Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute. “Those like him, who have engaged in high-level sports, understand very well that moving without needing support, with the freedom to use their arms, is a significant achievement. It signifies reclaiming peripersonal space, mastering movement, and experiencing a complete and fulfilling interaction with the outside world”. ✔ A historic event and a splendid example of inclusion, which we hope will represent the future for many of our patients. #spinalcordinjury #neurorehabilitation #inclusion #Paris2024 Credit: Wandercraft

  • Yesterday, we celebrated one year of clinical activity with Atalante X. Over the past twelve months, more than 60 patients have taken over a million steps with the exoskeleton that enables individuals with spinal or brain injuries to walk without relying on any support. ✔ Additionally, Wandercraft announced some exciting news. The company will introduce the Personal Exoskeleton to the American market, followed by the European market. The ‘home’ version of the exoskeleton will finally allow people with severe mobility impairments the freedom of motion and social interactions during their daily lives. ✔ To get a glimpse of the day, click on our Video News Release here: #VBRRII #NeuroRehabilitation #SpinalCordInjury #BrainInjury

    Video News Release - Atalante X 1st Anniversary

  • “The robots are coming. And they are here to help us” says the cover of the latest issue of the MIT Technology Review, the bimonthly magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This statement perfectly summarizes what Franco Molteni, Clinical Director of Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Research Innovation Institute, where the first robots were introduced 20 years ago, presented at the conference organized at the Camera di Commercio di Como-Lecco by Uneba Lecco and Ucid Lecco on “AI & Care: the person at the center”. The presentation addressed a series of relevant points on this topic. ✔ Rehabilitative Medicine is a frontier where patients who were once considered incurable in the past are now finding hope. It is also a frontier where new treatment possibilities are constantly emerging. To leverage these advancements, we should not fear Artificial Intelligence (AI). Instead, we should embrace it as a tool that can revolutionize treatment methods in a compassionate, intelligent, and sustainable way. It is unthinkable that future doctors will not rely on an AI-powered support system for diagnosing and selecting treatments. ✔ Today, a person who has had a stroke can regain the ability to walk with the assistance of a physiotherapist and a robot that facilitates ambulation. The machine’s purpose, the patient’s intention to walk again, and the healthcare provider’s intention to aid the patient converge as a common intention through the mediation of AI. This technology does not diminish care but, instead, enhances it significantly. ✔ AI can integrate various technologies that patients use, including implanted and wearable technologies, to stimulate the biological regeneration of control systems, making them available to the person once again. AI is important in managing mirroring, where the body is reflected in and with technology. This process aids in reconstructing the body’s imagination, as patients can perform gestures spontaneously only if they can imagine them. ✔ Finally, AI will be used to process the massive amount of data obtained through telemedicine and daily monitoring of patients in their home environment. In this setting, it is highly likely that a robot will be present to facilitate optimal collaboration for conducting rehabilitative exercises, while also ensuring privacy and capturing the individual’s emotional responses. #VBRRII #AI #robotics #RehabilitationMedicine

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