Aps Asd Margherita Sport e Vita

Aps Asd Margherita Sport e Vita

Gestione organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Margherita di Savoia, BT 155 follower

For us Sport is Life!

Chi siamo

MSV has been engaged in projects supporting social integration of all citizens including marginalized, disadvantaged persons, people with disabilities and immigrants. Through trainings, workshops and seminars the organization has reached out to vulnerable social groups and communities including school children and youth activating them to take part in sports activities. Our activities have helped to reduce the social inequalities and has supported the integration of all participants in social groups. MSV has linked schools with sports organization and has involved local decision makers such as local departments of Municipalities, Regional Government Institutions in promoting and sustaining sports activities.

Sito Web
Gestione organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Margherita di Savoia, BT
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Sport, Project Management, EU Programme e Consulting Sme


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