Deepblue Energy Services S.r.l. of Italy

Deepblue Energy Services S.r.l. of Italy

Petrolio, gas e risorse minerarie

Porto Recanati, Marche 57 follower

DeepBlue - Developing Business in the energy sector, with expertise and technology

Chi siamo

Deepblue provides commercial consultancy services for your upstream projects and helps you to select the right downhole equipment / technology based on your needs.

Sito Web
Petrolio, gas e risorse minerarie
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Porto Recanati, Marche
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Commercial Advisory, Upstream, onshore drilling, workover, geothermal, offshore drilling, downhole tools, well intervention equipment, gas, workover rig e drilling rig



  • #AGIP #accaddeoggi Da tenere a mente …Grazie per la condivisione

    Visualizza il profilo di Renato Loiero, immagine

    Consigliere del PCM/Economic advisor- Cons. parlam.Senato Membro com. tec. attuaz. riforma tributaria e Comm econ non osservata-Ex Pres. Comm. garanzia qualità statistica-Economista, studioso public policy.

    #accaddeoggi Il 27 ottobre del 1962 morì in un misterioso incidente aereo a Bascapé, in provincia di Pavia, Enrico Mattei, fondatore e presidente dell’ENI. Le cause dello schianto non furono mai chiarite. Secondo la teoria del complotto, i mandanti dell’attentato furono le sette sorelle, le sette grandi società petrolifere dell’epoca. L’ipotesi del complotto internazionale deriva dalla storia e dall’attività di Mattei, che trasformò un vecchio ente fascista nella moderna ENI e la portò a competere in Italia e sui mercati internazionali.
Enrico Mattei nacque ad Acqualagna, in quella che è ora la provincia di Pesaro-Urbino. Figlio di un maresciallo dei carabinieri in pensione, a vent’anni, non ancora laureato, era già diventato direttore della conceria Fiore di Matelica. A 28 anni, nel 1934, fondò la sua prima impresa, una piccola azienda chimica che all’inizio aveva solo due operai. Dopo il 1943 Mattei fu un partigiano e scalò molto in fretta le gerarchie della Resistenza. Divenne in poco tempo uno dei capitani generali delle formazioni partigiane vicine alla Democrazia Cristiana e il rappresentante della DC presso il CLN-AI (Comitato di liberazione nazionale Alta Italia). Quasi tutti i dirigenti della Resistenza, finita la guerra, furono ricompensati dai loro partiti con un posto in parlamento, in un’amministrazione locale o in un ente pubblico. In questa assegnazione Mattei non fu molto fortunato: venne nominato commissario dell’Agenzia generale italiana petroli (AGIP), un vecchio carrozzone di epoca fascista che possedeva una manciata di concessioni per esplorazioni petrolifere. L’ordine che il commissario Mattei aveva ricevuto era quella di liquidare l’AGIP, cioè venderne le strutture e le concessioni al miglior offerente liberando lo stato da un peso inutile. Mattei non lo fece: a quanto pare alcune esplorazioni sismiche compiute durante la guerra avevano lasciato il sospetto che in alcune zone della Lombardia potessero esserci giacimenti di gas o petrolio. Era abbastanza per solleticare la fantasia di Mattei che dal 1945 al 1948 non fece altro che battersi per cercare di tenere in vita l’AGIP. Le esplorazioni intanto rivelarono che nel sottosuolo del lodigiano non c’era petrolio (se non pochissimo, a Cortemaggiore in provincia di Piacenza), ma c’era il metano e sembrava che ce ne fosse moltissimo. Per Mattei e per l’AGIP fu un successo: non solo avevano trovato una fonte energetica a basso costo, ma ora quelle fonti energetiche si trovavano nelle mani “sicure” di un ente pubblico italiano e non un privato inglese o americano. Grazie a questi successi, Mattei riuscì a far istituire l’Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, di cui l’AGIP sarà una delle colonne portanti. I motivi per ricordare il giorno della morte di Enrico Mattei sono validi moralmente perché spingono nella direzione di un traguardo forse impossibile, ma necessario: la verità.

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  • The Libya-Italy Roudtable held in Rome last week featured a half-day program focused on discussion regarding how we - Libyan and Italian companies & governmental entities - can contribute to improving the region's energy sector. Gained invaluable insight into new trends, prospects, and investment opportunities in the energy sector, including green energy. Thanks to the Organizer, its Partners, Sponsors and the great attendees's list.

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Libya Energy & Economic Summit, immagine

    2.283 follower

    I’m Deepblue Energy Services S.r.l. of Italy [], your reliable partner in the Geothermal, Mining, Oil & Gas Industry based in the southern part of Europe, with easy access to international infrastructures and communication ways, has joined the Libya-Italy Roundtable and VIP Networking Evening – taking place in Rome on September 23 as a proud Associate Sponsor –  this event will bring together top executives from Libyan and European energy firms for an Oil & Gas Roundtable to discuss the country’s current exploration and development prospects, as well as celebrate the Libyan-Italian connection in the upstream space. Libya's economy relies heavily on its upstream oil and gas sector, which holds Africa's largest proven oil reserves – over 48 billion barrels – and substantial natural gas reserves. To stabilize and increase current and future production levels, the country is rolling out a dynamic project pipeline that presents new opportunities for investment and partnership with industry stakeholders. The Libya-Italy Roundtable and VIP Networking Evening will feature a program that unites Libyan and Italian business leaders and government officials. If your company is interested in participating, please contact [email protected] #AfricanEnergy #InvestinAfrica #Libya #oilandgas #innovation #LEES

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  • #trust Why is so important in every facet of our life ?

    #trust To Trust or Not to Trust. It can be difficult to know whether to trust or not. Either course has its dangers, especially in a world where deception and betrayal are so pervasive. Imagine if you have to trust every single time you take an airplane. just as a practical example. Yet we all need trusted friends who will support us in time of trouble, or trusted business partners which you are entering into the very first agreement worked together. Almost two thousand years ago, Roman writer Phaedrus expressed the dilemma this way: “To trust or not to trust is perilous.” Deepblue's choice: Be balanced. Make allowances for the imperfections and mistakes of others. It may be better to trust too much, that never to trust at all.

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  • Deepblue Energy Services S.r.l. of Italy ha diffuso questo post

    #trust To Trust or Not to Trust. It can be difficult to know whether to trust or not. Either course has its dangers, especially in a world where deception and betrayal are so pervasive. Imagine if you have to trust every single time you take an airplane. just as a practical example. Yet we all need trusted friends who will support us in time of trouble, or trusted business partners which you are entering into the very first agreement worked together. Almost two thousand years ago, Roman writer Phaedrus expressed the dilemma this way: “To trust or not to trust is perilous.” Deepblue's choice: Be balanced. Make allowances for the imperfections and mistakes of others. It may be better to trust too much, that never to trust at all.

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  • #trust To Trust or Not to Trust. It can be difficult to know whether to trust or not. Either course has its dangers, especially in a world where deception and betrayal are so pervasive. Imagine if you have to trust every single time you take an airplane. just as a practical example. Yet we all need trusted friends who will support us in time of trouble, or trusted business partners which you are entering into the very first agreement worked together. Almost two thousand years ago, Roman writer Phaedrus expressed the dilemma this way: “To trust or not to trust is perilous.” Deepblue's choice: Be balanced. Make allowances for the imperfections and mistakes of others. It may be better to trust too much, that never to trust at all.

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  • Founded by Luigi Liberatore, Deepblue Energy Services S.r.l. helps your organization by the following activities: i) commercial advisory services related to drilling machineries, drilling technologies and high-tech services (office based and field based); ii) provision of drilling machineries, downhole tools, well intervention tools, any kind of material to be used to drill geothermal wells or hydrocarbon wells; iii) market intelligence in the Energy sector (Geothermal, Mining and Hydrocarbon)

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