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LibreOffice è una suite per ufficio formidabile; l'interfaccia pulita e i numerosi strumenti a disposizione vi consentono di liberare la vostra creatività e aumentare la vostra produttività.
Le diverse applicazioni disponibili rendono LibreOffice la migliore suite per ufficio libera e o
pen source sul mercato

Suite libera per l'ufficio

LibreOffice 7: la suite libera per ufficio che si distingue tra tutte le altre.

Lasciatevi sorprendere!

Un progetto dinamico

LibreOffice è uno dei progetti più dinamici e solidi nel mondo del software libero e open source.

Chi siamo - I nostri valori

Gente fantastica

LibreOffice è molto più che un semplice software. Riguarda le persone, la cultura, la produzione, la condivisione e la collaborazione.

Entrate a far parte della comunità!

LibreOffice è un software Libero e Open Source. Lo sviluppo è aperto ai nuovi talenti e alle nuove idee; il nostro software è testato e utilizzato quotidianamente da una numerosa e affezionata comunità di utenti

LibreOffice joined Software Freedom Day celebrations in Nepal 😊

On September 21, free and open source software (FOSS) enthusiasts celebrated the 21st worldwide Software Freedom Day. Our community members in Nepal were not behind with the celebrations either: they were active supporting small open source communities and connecting them for the greater good in the LibreOffice community. Here’s their report: Suraj Bhattarai, LibreOffice liaison […]

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Passbolt supporting the LibreOffice Conference 2024

Our LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 is taking place next week in Luxembourg, and one of the sponsors is Passbolt S.A., which makes an open source password manager. Kevin Muller, the company’s CEO, says: We are excited to participate in the LibreOffice and Open Source Conference, where I will be speaking about the pivotal […]

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Per-paragraph semi-transparent shape text in Impress

The SVG export in Impress now supports a per-paragraph setting to handle semi-transparent shape text, while previously this was only possible to control at a per-shape level.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is available in desktop Impress as well.


As described in a

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LibreOffice joined Software Freedom Day celebrations in Nepal 😊

On September 21, free and open source software (FOSS) enthusiasts celebrated the 21st worldwide Software Freedom Day. Our community members in Nepal were not behind with the celebrations either: they were active supporting small open source communities and connecting them for the greater good in the LibreOffice community. Here’s their report: Suraj Bhattarai, LibreOffice liaison […]

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