Inimeitiel (Posts tagged Fanart)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Riccardo and Chaewon graduating

Rose and Chaewon gossiping in French

Rose being very fancy

Aimé, Riccardo and Nicola being bros

Rose and Aimé belong to @avril-circus, Riccardo, Chaewon and Nicola belong to me and @ivanhoenineteenninetyfour

I think I’m done with dumping art for everything else of relevance you can check my Twitter and Instagram art fanart Riccardo Ventimiglia Chaewon Langlais Nicola quattrociocchi Rose Aimé le jardin original character
“““As I said the other day, there will be a lot of surprises regarding Monster Allergy this year at the Lucca Comic Con! And here you have another sneak peek…
Can you guess who’s the author of this beautiful illustration?” – Barbara...

“As I said the other day, there will be a lot of surprises regarding Monster Allergy this year at the Lucca Comic Con! And here you have another sneak peek…

Can you guess who’s the author of this beautiful illustration?” – Barbara Canepa

[ Source ]

The author is Carlotta Dicataldo! Make sure to check out her Tumblr blog, @inimeitiel!


Non ho fatto in tempo a postare io haha!

Sfrutto l'occasione per dirlo ufficialmente. Sarò a Lucca Comics&Games quest'anno, allo stand Tunué con la cover che ho realizzato per Monster Allergy ❤ sono ovviamente emozionatissima e onoratissima! Dovrei riuscire ad esserci tutti i giorni, vi terrò aggiornati man mano che la data si avvicina. Ci vediamo lì!

art monster allergy fanart I'll post this in a better resolution once I'll have permission