Thu 17 Oct 2024


2024 newspaper of the year

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About is your essential daily briefing, covering everything you need to know about the things that matter – without jargon or bluster. is the UK’s most trusted news brand, according to data from industry auditor PAMCo. We’re proudly independent and have no agenda when it comes to political disputes – but we won’t hesitate to call out injustice or wrongdoing when we see it, no matter who’s doing it.

Our coverage of the news doesn’t stop at the headline, but digs deep with people-focused stories that reveal the truth of life in the UK, explainers that make politics plain, and vibrant coverage of social and cultural talking points.

We’re proud of our relationship with our readers and do our best to respond to listen to what they’re telling us, whether that means shining a light on stories that aren’t receiving enough attention or expanding our perspective on broader issues. and i are owned by dmg media. Since 2016, we are not affiliated with The Independent. i is regulated by Ipso.

Pitching to i 


Please send pitches for comment and analysis to [email protected]. You can view our full pitching guidelines here.


Please send features pitches to [email protected]. We’re always looking for character-led stories with strong news pegs, preferably upbeat in tone, where an individual’s experience highlights an important issue or interesting trend of national significance. We’re also interested in tougher topics when there is a compelling personal tale at the heart of the story.


Please send arts pitches to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. We’re always looking for original features and strongly argued opinion pieces in all areas of culture, as well as big-name interviews, interesting ideas for reviews and well-researched, original culture reporting.

Customer services contact details

Contact: Customer services
Telephone: 0800 082 0628 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm)
Email: [email protected]