Papers by Giacomo Todeschini
R. Naismith ed., A Cultural History of Money in the Medieval Age, 2019
in BRUNORI (Luisa), DAUCHY (Serge), DESCAMPS (Olivier), PRÉVOST (Xavier) (dir.), Le Droit face à l'économie sans travail, Tome I, Sources intellectuelles, acteurs, résolution des conflits, 2019
Cheiron, 2019
La crescita europea dell'economia finanziaria e delle banche come istituzioni pubbliche è accompa... more La crescita europea dell'economia finanziaria e delle banche come istituzioni pubbliche è accompagnata fra XV e XVII secolo da un accentuarsi del carattere esclusivo della cittadinanza. Questo fenomeno politico-economico è caratterizzato, nello stesso periodo, da una moltiplicazione degli elaborati teorici finalizzati alla giustificazione della violenza e della guerra nei confronti di quanti non potessero essere riconosciuti come membri della società europea che si andava rappresentando come soggetto razionale collettivo unificato da specifiche regole economiche, politiche e religiose.
Rivista Storica Italiana, 2021
Jewish History , 2021
The linguistic structure of the Western Christian discourse about economics as resembling and sym... more The linguistic structure of the Western Christian discourse about economics as resembling and symbolizing the entire logic of earthly government and order was closely connected to the shaping of the Christian discourse about Jews and Judaism as a religious and legal system as seen in the framework of the Christian "economy" of Salvation. Seeing the Christian representation of Jews and Judaism from this viewpoint, it becomes evident that a close historical relationship has existed between the history of Western anti-Judaism and the shaping of the Western Christian way of analyzing and representing public and private economic organization. Otherwise stated, there is a close relationship between European anti-Judaism and Western economics.
Ideology in the Middle Ages Approaches from Southwestern Europe Edited by: Flocel Sabaté, 2019
L’Inquisizione e gli Ebrei. Nuove ricerche, a cura di Marina Caffiero, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 1990
Les relations entre société juive et société chrétienne dans l'Italie du centre et du Nord, entre... more Les relations entre société juive et société chrétienne dans l'Italie du centre et du Nord, entre le XIIIe siècle et le XVe siècle, bien qu'elles aient été étudiées à fond depuis au moins cinquante ans, sont aujourd'hui réexaminées par l'historiographie. L'interprétation traditionnelle paraît en effet céder, qui faisait de la tension judéo-chrétienne un problème de tolérance ou d'intolérance, bloquant la minorité face à la majorité dans un rapport fonctionnel immuable et réduisant l'autonomie culturelle et juridique des juifs à une sorte de parenthèse en retrait du système officiel des signifiés historiques.
Presentation at Collège de France 2 december 2019
J. Adams & C. Hess edd., The Medieval Roots of Antisemitism: Continuities and Discontinuities from the Middle Ages to the Present Day, London-New York, Routledge, 2018
Intentio e dominium come caratteri di cittadinanza, 2017
Papers by Giacomo Todeschini
Publication des actes du congrès international organisé à Trieste par Giacomo Todeschini (
la produzione della violenza e le forme di vita nelle quali essa è introdotta, organizzata, perpetrata. Quale nesso sussiste tra il “male” – posto che un tale oggetto sia effettivamente definibile – e i processi di legittimazione o connivenza con esso?
Come è possibile che “di fronte al male” si producano argomentazioni volte a giustificare, legittimare, o comunque a convivere con la presenza di forme della violenza diffusa? Si tratta di domande complicate, rispondere alle quali è possibile solo con il contributo di varie discipline, il cui concorso si rende necessario per indagare adeguatamente un problema per sua natura multiforme.
dall'Introduzione di Francesco Cerrato e Gennaro Imbriano
La disobbedienza è la condizione vissuta da chi, a vario titolo, viene percepito come ribelle ai meccanismi del potere e delle gerarchie. Tali voci fuori dal coro rappresentano il punto focale di questa edizione dell’Apprendistato dello Storico. Attraverso lo studio della disobbedienza nel Medioevo si scorgono riflessi di tensioni in atto nella ridefinizione di sistemi gerarchici, siano essi di natura politica, culturale, religiosa. Si tratta dunque di un argomento trasversale che consente di mettere in relazione studi apparentemente distanti, ma intimamente interconnessi, come quelli proposti in questo incontro. Anche quest’anno l’Apprendistato dello Storico persegue infatti lo scopo per cui è stato ideato: mettere a confronto le ricerche di giovani studiosi provenienti da tutta Europa, sotto l’occhio attento di esperti medievisti di alto calibro.
IV annual Seminar organized by PhD students in Medieval History of the Doctorate in Storia, Antropolgia, Religioni of Sapienza University of Rome.
Disobedience is the condition experienced by those who, for various reasons, are perceived as rebellious to the mechanisms of power and hierarchies. These unconventional voices represent the focal point of this edition of the Apprendistato dello Storico. Through the study of disobedience in the Middle Ages, ongoing tensions in the redefinition of hierarchical systems could be relative to political, cultural, religious nature. It is therefore a transversal topic that allows us to relate apparently distant studies, but intimately interconnected, such as those proposed in this seminar. In fact, this year the Apprendistato dello Storico also pursues the aim for which it was born: to compare the research of young scholars from all over Europe, under the watchful eye of high-caliber medievalist scholars.
Mercredi 7 novembre 2018, 14h-16h
École des hautes études en sciences sociales,
54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris, salle BS1_28
En présence de l’auteur, Giacomo Todeschini, interviendront : Javier Castaño (CSIC, Madrid), Mathias Dreyfuss (Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration), Michaël Gasperoni (CNRS / Centre Roland Mousnier), Sylvie Anne Goldberg (Études juives, EHESS), Davide Mano (Études juives, EHESS).
Mercredi 7 novembre 2018, 14h-16h
École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS),
54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris,
salle BS1_28
En présence de l’auteur, Giacomo Todeschini, interviendront : Javier Castaño (CISC, Madrid), Mathias Dreyfuss (Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration), Michaël Gasperoni (CNRS / Centre Roland Mousnier), Sylvie Anne Goldberg (Études juives, EHESS), Davide Mano (Études juives, EHESS).
Pisa, 25-26 Marzo 2019
Dante and Economics
COORDINATED BY ANTONIO MONTEFUSCO AND FILIPPO PETRICCA; CONTRIBUTIONS BY Kristina M. Olson, William Caferro, Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Giacomo Todeschini, Enrico Fenzi, Juan Varela-Portas De Orduña, Ronald L. Martinez
In 1927, the philosopher Benedetto Croce argued that socialism revitalized the political landscape and affected every aspect of intellectual life in Italy. Yet there was a space which socialism could not penetrate: literature. Croce was responding explicitly to Frederick Engels's preface to the Italian edition of the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1893). Engels claimed that, just as medieval Italy was the cradle [End Page 176] of capitalism and Dante its poet, at the end of the nineteenth century Italy was awaiting the Dante of socialism (Engels 1893). For Croce, conversely, poetry was irreducible to economics, and Dante's gaze at the past was precisely what made him a poet: "Dante era uno spirito doloroso, in contrasto coi suoi tempi, e rivolto romanticamente al passato, e perciò fu poeta" (Croce 1991 [1927]: 207–8).
Croce and Engels exemplify the two main approaches that twentiethcentury scholars have taken to Dante and economics. On the one hand, Dante is presented as resistant to the rising monetary economy, rescuing the Empire and the Church in an anachronistic attempt to reform the system and preserve a declining medieval world. On the other, Dante emerges as a champion of progress: capitalist, modern, socialist or democratic, sometimes aligned with the poor and sometimes with the wealthy class. The contradictions apparent across these conclusions raise the question: what exactly does it mean to investigate Dante and economics? As we know, economics was not a separate discipline in the Middle Ages. What we understand today as "economics" was then a set of rules and aspects intertwined with theology, philosophy, and broader moral concerns (Lambertini 2019), encompassing questions of the circulation and distribution of resources, the determination of value, the nature and fairness of exchange, monetary policies, and legislation. Dante certainly engages with these themes in his works: he stages and envisions systems of distribution; he presents sins such as avarice, simony, usury, and greed; he uses language and metaphors involving trade, usury, and debt; he represents money, and takes sides in the theorization of excess and moderation, trade and gift. These matters were particularly important in the context of late medieval Florence, a city under transformation, with an increasing population, a growing economy, and an expanding trade network (Faini 2010, Day Jr. 2015; Goldthwaite 2009; Caferro 2020). So where was Dante standing in relationship to this world in flux? Was he aware of the significant financial shifts and techniques that Florence was witnessing and developing at this time? Did he reject or embrace the economic changes that made the Florentine economy so influential?