Teachers can address the global demand for technology-based teaching and learning tools and equip... more Teachers can address the global demand for technology-based teaching and learning tools and equipment to replace traditional teaching techniques by integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In Indonesia, information, and communication technology (ICT) is regarded as one of the most critical components in the country's future development and success. As part of the present teaching blueprint, the Ministry of Education has embraced technology-based education and learning in its national curriculum (2013-2025). The goal of this study was to find out what teachers thought about the value of ICT integration in aiding the alpha generation's education and learning process. A survey was given to 107 Tangerang private school teachers at random. We used SPSS (version 26) to analyze the data from this quantitative study for descriptive and inference statistics. The findings of this study show that integrating ICT is beneficial to both teachers and students. According ...
The Rebo Wekasan ritual which has become a tradition in various regions of the archipelago aims t... more The Rebo Wekasan ritual which has become a tradition in various regions of the archipelago aims to seek safety from the arrival of danger and is a form of guarding or rejecting reinforcements and asking to be protected from harm. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Rebo Wekasan as a ritual in building the collective trust of the Karundang community as an effort to grow social resilience in a pandemic. This study uses social construction theory. The approach used is qualitative by interviewing the leader of the neighborhood association, a religious leader, the daughter of a traditional leader, and one citizen. The main results of this research, obtained through thematic analysis, are first, while most people construct the Rebo Wekasan ritual as an effort to reject reinforcements and maintain tradition, some see it as simply an attempt to reduce stress due to the pandemic; second, while these constructions are different, the three of them together can encourage collective...
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR)
Pandemi Covid-19 memunculkan berbagai macam kebijakan yang tujuannya adalah untuk membatasi kegia... more Pandemi Covid-19 memunculkan berbagai macam kebijakan yang tujuannya adalah untuk membatasi kegiatan masyarakat agar Covid-19 tidak cepat menyebar. Adanya pembatasan ini menyebabkan masyarakat bukan hanya terbatas dalam melakukan aktivitasnya saja melainkan juga kesulitan untuk berobat bagi mereka yang terpapar. Oleh sebab itu Pemerintah memperkenalkan telemedicine yaitu: layanan medis online/virtual yang memungkinkan tenaga medis untuk memberikan layanan konsultasi kesehatan yang mana termasuk upaya pengobatan Covid-19. Layanan telemedicine memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih berbagai macam aplikasi yang ada didalamnya. Namun demikian penggunaan layanan telemedicine ini tidak sepenuhnya bisa dipahami oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu hambatan yang banyak dijumpai adalah: perlunya melakukan literasi digital bagi masyarakat dan menanamkan kepercayaan untuk mau menggunakannya layanan telemedicine mengingat pada layanan ini bersifat daring dan tidak bersifat tatap mu...
SOSIOHUMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora
The Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) has presented the E-Catalogue ... more The Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) has presented the E-Catalogue service, which is aimed at creating transparent governance of government procurement of goods and services, involving community participation in monitoring, as well as being a provider that markets goods and services. To achieve these goals, LKPP needs to implement an appropriate communication strategy in disseminating the use of the E-Catalogs. The approach in this study is qualitative and is supported by the use of the case study method. The data in this study were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and literature review. The data were then processed through coding techniques to draw conclusions. The study found several communication strategies that have been implemented by LKPP, including setting rules and distributing circulars, creating content on websites and social media, publishing articles in mass media, using social media, forming working groups, providing assis...
In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of
1998 was one of the financia... more In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of 1998 was one of the financial scandals affecting Indonesia. This phenomenon prompted the regulator to ensure that Indonesians received adequate consumer protection, directly impacting the Indonesian financial sector, especially the life insurance sector, where penetration has remained low over the past decade. Due to its long-term nature and significant economic contribution (OJK [Otoritas Jasa Keuangan], 2017), life insurance is at the forefront of the right to adequate consumer protection, which includes the disclosure of accurate and reliable information when purchasing or selling insurance. This study examined the current state of consumer protection experiences in Indonesia’s life insurance industry based on empirical research. This study investigated how these requirements are viewed regarding the benefits and difficulties associated with their implementation. A qualitative study employing the case study research methodology was conducted to examine the life insurer experiences of the sampled life insurance companies. Despite the numerous benefits and risks, the study found that consumer protection is still being implemented in the workplace, albeit inconsistently and not optimally. The study demonstrates the significance of enhancing need-based selling, consistent consumer protection, and trust-building efforts by life insurers. This study provides regulators with valuable feedback on the need to enhance their oversight, financial literacy, and regulatory challenges. Finally, this study identified opportunities for further research into the optimal customer engagement strategy to address industry issues.
Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science
Attacking persons based on their physique is often called body shaming. Body shaming occurs not o... more Attacking persons based on their physique is often called body shaming. Body shaming occurs not only in the real world, but also in cyberspace, especially as the development of the media can have a negative impact on one's thinking. On the other hand there are efforts made to counter body shaming, through the campaign on loving oneself, or often called self love. This study aims to find out how the Self Love Warrior (SLW) organization conducts a campaign through Instagram @selflovewarrior.id so that it can encourage the community, especially Indonesian women, to stand up against body shaming, and help Indonesian women to love themselves more (self love). This study used a qualitative approach and case study research method. The theory used in this study was the social construction theory. Primary data were sourced from interviews, where researcher conducted interviews with three main informants, namely the proprietor, the head of design, and head of content of SLW. Based on inte...
In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of 1998 was one of the financial... more In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of 1998 was one of the financial scandals affecting Indonesia. This phenomenon prompted the regulator to ensure that Indonesians received adequate consumer protection, directly impacting the Indonesian financial sector, especially the life insurance sector, where penetration has remained low over the past decade. Due to its long-term nature and significant economic contribution (OJK [Otoritas Jasa Keuangan], 2017), life insurance is at the forefront of the right to adequate consumer protection, which includes the disclosure of accurate and reliable information when purchasing or selling insurance. This study examined the current state of consumer protection experiences in Indonesia’s life insurance industry based on empirical research. This study investigated how these requirements are viewed regarding the benefits and difficulties associated with their implementation. A qualitative study employing the case study resea...
Asuransi jiwa penting karena menawarkan perlindungan untuk mengurangi risiko bagi pemegang polis.... more Asuransi jiwa penting karena menawarkan perlindungan untuk mengurangi risiko bagi pemegang polis. Industri asuransi jiwa di Indonesia memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan dalam industri keuangan Indonesia meskipun mengalami fenomena tingkat penetrasi yang rendah, literasi yang buruk, perlindungan konsumen dan praktik misselling. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus melalui serangkaian wawancara mendalam pada beberapa perusahaan asuransi jiwa dengan mengeksplorasi pengamalam transformasi digital mereka. Kajian ini mengeksplorasi kondisi eksisting perusahaan asuransi jiwa Indonesia dalam mengembangkan kapabilitas dinamis berbasis digital serta kapabilitas transformasional penyediaan layanan dalam menciptakan SCA digital untuk bertahan di industri asuransi jiwa Indonesia. Studi ini mengidentifikasi dan membahas tiga tema utama yang terdiri dari pengembangan perjalanan pelanggan yang tepat, mendapatkan kepercayaan, dan tantangan utama sebagai faktor kunci keberhasilan dalam meng...
Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío
Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo explorar el estado actual de las experiencias de tran... more Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo explorar el estado actual de las experiencias de transformación digital de las compañías de seguros de vida de Indonesia y sus capacidades dinámicas para adaptarse a la industria de seguros de vida de Indonesia a través de la tecnología digital. El estudio examinó específicamente las experiencias de transformación digital del equipo de liderazgo en seguros de vida de Indonesia. La unidad de análisis fue a nivel de las compañías de seguros de vida, teniendo como informantes objetivo a los directores generales y al directorio (BOD). Este estudio identificó tres temas críticos asociados con las capacidades relevantes: desarrollar el viaje óptimo del cliente, ganarse la confianza y los desafíos críticos como factores de éxito esenciales para desarrollar y ejercer las capacidades mencionadas anteriormente. El estudio identificó un debate entre dos grandes grupos de alta gerencia con respecto a las ventajas y desventajas de utilizar un enfoque d...
Nowadays, as Indonesia is preparing its human resources to reach the Industry 4.0 stage, it turns... more Nowadays, as Indonesia is preparing its human resources to reach the Industry 4.0 stage, it turns out that other parts of the world have reached the Industry 5.0 stage. Unlike Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 continues to rely on the role of human beings, and is human-centered in its use, so that the role of human beings is not degraded or replaced. The role of humans in Industry 5.0, in addition to having a positive impact, also has the potential of leading to negative impacts, which are now widely found in the circulation of hoaxes, online persecution (doxing), and also online radicalization, which are spread using the Internet. The sources of the data in this study are the results of in-depth interviews with social observers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran members as primary data sources. The findings of this study reinforce the notion that Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran is a highly exclusionary movement. This movement is hostile to people outside their gro...
Teachers can address the global demand for technology-based teaching and learning tools and equip... more Teachers can address the global demand for technology-based teaching and learning tools and equipment to replace traditional teaching techniques by integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In Indonesia, information, and communication technology (ICT) is regarded as one of the most critical components in the country's future development and success. As part of the present teaching blueprint, the Ministry of Education has embraced technology-based education and learning in its national curriculum (2013-2025). The goal of this study was to find out what teachers thought about the value of ICT integration in aiding the alpha generation's education and learning process. A survey was given to 107 Tangerang private school teachers at random. We used SPSS (version 26) to analyze the data from this quantitative study for descriptive and inference statistics. The findings of this study show that integrating ICT is beneficial to both teachers and students. According ...
The Rebo Wekasan ritual which has become a tradition in various regions of the archipelago aims t... more The Rebo Wekasan ritual which has become a tradition in various regions of the archipelago aims to seek safety from the arrival of danger and is a form of guarding or rejecting reinforcements and asking to be protected from harm. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Rebo Wekasan as a ritual in building the collective trust of the Karundang community as an effort to grow social resilience in a pandemic. This study uses social construction theory. The approach used is qualitative by interviewing the leader of the neighborhood association, a religious leader, the daughter of a traditional leader, and one citizen. The main results of this research, obtained through thematic analysis, are first, while most people construct the Rebo Wekasan ritual as an effort to reject reinforcements and maintain tradition, some see it as simply an attempt to reduce stress due to the pandemic; second, while these constructions are different, the three of them together can encourage collective...
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR)
Pandemi Covid-19 memunculkan berbagai macam kebijakan yang tujuannya adalah untuk membatasi kegia... more Pandemi Covid-19 memunculkan berbagai macam kebijakan yang tujuannya adalah untuk membatasi kegiatan masyarakat agar Covid-19 tidak cepat menyebar. Adanya pembatasan ini menyebabkan masyarakat bukan hanya terbatas dalam melakukan aktivitasnya saja melainkan juga kesulitan untuk berobat bagi mereka yang terpapar. Oleh sebab itu Pemerintah memperkenalkan telemedicine yaitu: layanan medis online/virtual yang memungkinkan tenaga medis untuk memberikan layanan konsultasi kesehatan yang mana termasuk upaya pengobatan Covid-19. Layanan telemedicine memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih berbagai macam aplikasi yang ada didalamnya. Namun demikian penggunaan layanan telemedicine ini tidak sepenuhnya bisa dipahami oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu hambatan yang banyak dijumpai adalah: perlunya melakukan literasi digital bagi masyarakat dan menanamkan kepercayaan untuk mau menggunakannya layanan telemedicine mengingat pada layanan ini bersifat daring dan tidak bersifat tatap mu...
SOSIOHUMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Dan Humaniora
The Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) has presented the E-Catalogue ... more The Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) has presented the E-Catalogue service, which is aimed at creating transparent governance of government procurement of goods and services, involving community participation in monitoring, as well as being a provider that markets goods and services. To achieve these goals, LKPP needs to implement an appropriate communication strategy in disseminating the use of the E-Catalogs. The approach in this study is qualitative and is supported by the use of the case study method. The data in this study were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and literature review. The data were then processed through coding techniques to draw conclusions. The study found several communication strategies that have been implemented by LKPP, including setting rules and distributing circulars, creating content on websites and social media, publishing articles in mass media, using social media, forming working groups, providing assis...
In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of
1998 was one of the financia... more In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of 1998 was one of the financial scandals affecting Indonesia. This phenomenon prompted the regulator to ensure that Indonesians received adequate consumer protection, directly impacting the Indonesian financial sector, especially the life insurance sector, where penetration has remained low over the past decade. Due to its long-term nature and significant economic contribution (OJK [Otoritas Jasa Keuangan], 2017), life insurance is at the forefront of the right to adequate consumer protection, which includes the disclosure of accurate and reliable information when purchasing or selling insurance. This study examined the current state of consumer protection experiences in Indonesia’s life insurance industry based on empirical research. This study investigated how these requirements are viewed regarding the benefits and difficulties associated with their implementation. A qualitative study employing the case study research methodology was conducted to examine the life insurer experiences of the sampled life insurance companies. Despite the numerous benefits and risks, the study found that consumer protection is still being implemented in the workplace, albeit inconsistently and not optimally. The study demonstrates the significance of enhancing need-based selling, consistent consumer protection, and trust-building efforts by life insurers. This study provides regulators with valuable feedback on the need to enhance their oversight, financial literacy, and regulatory challenges. Finally, this study identified opportunities for further research into the optimal customer engagement strategy to address industry issues.
Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science
Attacking persons based on their physique is often called body shaming. Body shaming occurs not o... more Attacking persons based on their physique is often called body shaming. Body shaming occurs not only in the real world, but also in cyberspace, especially as the development of the media can have a negative impact on one's thinking. On the other hand there are efforts made to counter body shaming, through the campaign on loving oneself, or often called self love. This study aims to find out how the Self Love Warrior (SLW) organization conducts a campaign through Instagram @selflovewarrior.id so that it can encourage the community, especially Indonesian women, to stand up against body shaming, and help Indonesian women to love themselves more (self love). This study used a qualitative approach and case study research method. The theory used in this study was the social construction theory. Primary data were sourced from interviews, where researcher conducted interviews with three main informants, namely the proprietor, the head of design, and head of content of SLW. Based on inte...
In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of 1998 was one of the financial... more In the financial sector, trust is essential. The economic crisis of 1998 was one of the financial scandals affecting Indonesia. This phenomenon prompted the regulator to ensure that Indonesians received adequate consumer protection, directly impacting the Indonesian financial sector, especially the life insurance sector, where penetration has remained low over the past decade. Due to its long-term nature and significant economic contribution (OJK [Otoritas Jasa Keuangan], 2017), life insurance is at the forefront of the right to adequate consumer protection, which includes the disclosure of accurate and reliable information when purchasing or selling insurance. This study examined the current state of consumer protection experiences in Indonesia’s life insurance industry based on empirical research. This study investigated how these requirements are viewed regarding the benefits and difficulties associated with their implementation. A qualitative study employing the case study resea...
Asuransi jiwa penting karena menawarkan perlindungan untuk mengurangi risiko bagi pemegang polis.... more Asuransi jiwa penting karena menawarkan perlindungan untuk mengurangi risiko bagi pemegang polis. Industri asuransi jiwa di Indonesia memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan dalam industri keuangan Indonesia meskipun mengalami fenomena tingkat penetrasi yang rendah, literasi yang buruk, perlindungan konsumen dan praktik misselling. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus melalui serangkaian wawancara mendalam pada beberapa perusahaan asuransi jiwa dengan mengeksplorasi pengamalam transformasi digital mereka. Kajian ini mengeksplorasi kondisi eksisting perusahaan asuransi jiwa Indonesia dalam mengembangkan kapabilitas dinamis berbasis digital serta kapabilitas transformasional penyediaan layanan dalam menciptakan SCA digital untuk bertahan di industri asuransi jiwa Indonesia. Studi ini mengidentifikasi dan membahas tiga tema utama yang terdiri dari pengembangan perjalanan pelanggan yang tepat, mendapatkan kepercayaan, dan tantangan utama sebagai faktor kunci keberhasilan dalam meng...
Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío
Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo explorar el estado actual de las experiencias de tran... more Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo explorar el estado actual de las experiencias de transformación digital de las compañías de seguros de vida de Indonesia y sus capacidades dinámicas para adaptarse a la industria de seguros de vida de Indonesia a través de la tecnología digital. El estudio examinó específicamente las experiencias de transformación digital del equipo de liderazgo en seguros de vida de Indonesia. La unidad de análisis fue a nivel de las compañías de seguros de vida, teniendo como informantes objetivo a los directores generales y al directorio (BOD). Este estudio identificó tres temas críticos asociados con las capacidades relevantes: desarrollar el viaje óptimo del cliente, ganarse la confianza y los desafíos críticos como factores de éxito esenciales para desarrollar y ejercer las capacidades mencionadas anteriormente. El estudio identificó un debate entre dos grandes grupos de alta gerencia con respecto a las ventajas y desventajas de utilizar un enfoque d...
Nowadays, as Indonesia is preparing its human resources to reach the Industry 4.0 stage, it turns... more Nowadays, as Indonesia is preparing its human resources to reach the Industry 4.0 stage, it turns out that other parts of the world have reached the Industry 5.0 stage. Unlike Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 continues to rely on the role of human beings, and is human-centered in its use, so that the role of human beings is not degraded or replaced. The role of humans in Industry 5.0, in addition to having a positive impact, also has the potential of leading to negative impacts, which are now widely found in the circulation of hoaxes, online persecution (doxing), and also online radicalization, which are spread using the Internet. The sources of the data in this study are the results of in-depth interviews with social observers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran members as primary data sources. The findings of this study reinforce the notion that Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran is a highly exclusionary movement. This movement is hostile to people outside their gro...
Papers by Rizaldi Parani
1998 was one of the financial scandals affecting Indonesia. This
phenomenon prompted the regulator to ensure that Indonesians
received adequate consumer protection, directly impacting
the Indonesian financial sector, especially the life insurance sector,
where penetration has remained low over the past decade. Due to
its long-term nature and significant economic contribution (OJK
[Otoritas Jasa Keuangan], 2017), life insurance is at the forefront of
the right to adequate consumer protection, which includes
the disclosure of accurate and reliable information when
purchasing or selling insurance. This study examined the current
state of consumer protection experiences in Indonesia’s life
insurance industry based on empirical research. This study
investigated how these requirements are viewed regarding
the benefits and difficulties associated with their implementation.
A qualitative study employing the case study research
methodology was conducted to examine the life insurer
experiences of the sampled life insurance companies. Despite
the numerous benefits and risks, the study found that consumer
protection is still being implemented in the workplace, albeit
inconsistently and not optimally. The study demonstrates
the significance of enhancing need-based selling, consistent
consumer protection, and trust-building efforts by life insurers.
This study provides regulators with valuable feedback on the need
to enhance their oversight, financial literacy, and regulatory
challenges. Finally, this study identified opportunities for further
research into the optimal customer engagement strategy to
address industry issues.
1998 was one of the financial scandals affecting Indonesia. This
phenomenon prompted the regulator to ensure that Indonesians
received adequate consumer protection, directly impacting
the Indonesian financial sector, especially the life insurance sector,
where penetration has remained low over the past decade. Due to
its long-term nature and significant economic contribution (OJK
[Otoritas Jasa Keuangan], 2017), life insurance is at the forefront of
the right to adequate consumer protection, which includes
the disclosure of accurate and reliable information when
purchasing or selling insurance. This study examined the current
state of consumer protection experiences in Indonesia’s life
insurance industry based on empirical research. This study
investigated how these requirements are viewed regarding
the benefits and difficulties associated with their implementation.
A qualitative study employing the case study research
methodology was conducted to examine the life insurer
experiences of the sampled life insurance companies. Despite
the numerous benefits and risks, the study found that consumer
protection is still being implemented in the workplace, albeit
inconsistently and not optimally. The study demonstrates
the significance of enhancing need-based selling, consistent
consumer protection, and trust-building efforts by life insurers.
This study provides regulators with valuable feedback on the need
to enhance their oversight, financial literacy, and regulatory
challenges. Finally, this study identified opportunities for further
research into the optimal customer engagement strategy to
address industry issues.