A szociális munkás szakmai identitása a segítő tevékenység döntő tényezője. A tudás és a készsége... more A szociális munkás szakmai identitása a segítő tevékenység döntő tényezője. A tudás és a készségek mérésére a felsőoktatási intézmények hagyományosan felkészültebbek, a szakmai identitás szempontjából meghatározó attitűdök és a fejlődő autonómia, felelősségvállalás mérésére azonban kevésbé, pedig ezek megfelelő fejlettsége a szakmai motiváció és a reflektív működésmód nélkülözhetetlen alapja. Az identitásstruktúra analízise (ISA) segítségével nem csupán a szakmai identitás főbb elemeit, de az egyes elemek közötti összefüggéseket, az identitás alakulását befolyásoló dinamikát is vizsgálni tudjuk. Vizsgálatunkat 57 gyakorló szakember bevonásával végeztük el. Eredményeink azt jelzik, hogy a szakirányú diploma megszerzése, a kutatómunka és a kritikai gondolkodás igénye kevésbé jellemző a vizsgált csoportra, ugyanakkor nagyra értékelik a szakmai továbbképzéseket. Fontos szükségletként azonosítottuk továbbá az önismereti munkát és a klinikai szupervíziót. Mindezek alapján érdemes a szociá...
Social 1 work was reintroduced to Hungary during the third wave of democratization in Europe. As ... more Social 1 work was reintroduced to Hungary during the third wave of democratization in Europe. As an academic discipline, it is in a disadvantaged position: the domestic academic traditions prefer strict disciplinary boundaries to inter- or transdisciplinary integration. Ongoing reforms in the country highlight the economic gains and the societal mission of higher education, with a strong focus on internationalization and direct connections to professional practice. Unfortunately, in this new framework, social work is understood as an auxiliary profession. This, in combination with female academics’ unfavorable position in Hungary, establishes a situation in which gender-based and disciplinary disadvantages result in a negative synergy. To explore the potential impacts, we maintain a dual focus throughout the paper and analyze academic women's position and the position of academics in social work.
The purpose of the current study is to explore identity structure and processes of novel psychoac... more The purpose of the current study is to explore identity structure and processes of novel psychoactive users. Authors conduct computer-aided qualitative content analysis on 24 narratives, written by NPS users on admission to a residential treatment centre. Findings show that NPS users' family network is characterized by addictive and abusing patterns, which, as loss of control experiences, result in controlled loss of control and in an "instrumental" approach to human relationships. These personal constructions are accompanied by chasing "abso-lute" consumerist values as identity resources. In this consumerist framework, risks and deviance are represented as marketable commodities. Social and health care systems-as any other institutional context are often manipulated and misused by the clients. Authors propose in-depth regional-level studies-including ethnographic research and identity explorations via social network analysis-to reach a deeper understanding o...
This article explores social constructions on change. The article begins with a theoretical revie... more This article explores social constructions on change. The article begins with a theoretical review on change, focusing mainly on the theories that connect personal and communal domains. Political reality is organized by the discursive practices of the political actors and institutions. Discourse is a mode of political existence that expresses and shapes individuals’ and groups’ opportunities in life. Learned helplessness and double bind situations are a devastating legacy of the “soft dictatorship” of the communist regime in Hungary in the life-world of the individuals. Parallel to ongoing structural transformations, cultural-discursive reconstruction could promote economic and social development and improve the psychosocial well-being of people. The issue of transition is examined by identifying major turning points in the left-wing rhetoric dominating Hungary’s political life for more than sixty years.
A szociális munkás szakmai identitása a segítő tevékenység döntő tényezője. A tudás és a készsége... more A szociális munkás szakmai identitása a segítő tevékenység döntő tényezője. A tudás és a készségek mérésére a felsőoktatási intézmények hagyományosan felkészültebbek, a szakmai identitás szempontjából meghatározó attitűdök és a fejlődő autonómia, felelősségvállalás mérésére azonban kevésbé, pedig ezek megfelelő fejlettsége a szakmai motiváció és a reflektív működésmód nélkülözhetetlen alapja. Az identitásstruktúra analízise (ISA) segítségével nem csupán a szakmai identitás főbb elemeit, de az egyes elemek közötti összefüggéseket, az identitás alakulását befolyásoló dinamikát is vizsgálni tudjuk. Vizsgálatunkat 57 gyakorló szakember bevonásával végeztük el. Eredményeink azt jelzik, hogy a szakirányú diploma megszerzése, a kutatómunka és a kritikai gondolkodás igénye kevésbé jellemző a vizsgált csoportra, ugyanakkor nagyra értékelik a szakmai továbbképzéseket. Fontos szükségletként azonosítottuk továbbá az önismereti munkát és a klinikai szupervíziót. Mindezek alapján érdemes a szociá...
Social 1 work was reintroduced to Hungary during the third wave of democratization in Europe. As ... more Social 1 work was reintroduced to Hungary during the third wave of democratization in Europe. As an academic discipline, it is in a disadvantaged position: the domestic academic traditions prefer strict disciplinary boundaries to inter- or transdisciplinary integration. Ongoing reforms in the country highlight the economic gains and the societal mission of higher education, with a strong focus on internationalization and direct connections to professional practice. Unfortunately, in this new framework, social work is understood as an auxiliary profession. This, in combination with female academics’ unfavorable position in Hungary, establishes a situation in which gender-based and disciplinary disadvantages result in a negative synergy. To explore the potential impacts, we maintain a dual focus throughout the paper and analyze academic women's position and the position of academics in social work.
The purpose of the current study is to explore identity structure and processes of novel psychoac... more The purpose of the current study is to explore identity structure and processes of novel psychoactive users. Authors conduct computer-aided qualitative content analysis on 24 narratives, written by NPS users on admission to a residential treatment centre. Findings show that NPS users' family network is characterized by addictive and abusing patterns, which, as loss of control experiences, result in controlled loss of control and in an "instrumental" approach to human relationships. These personal constructions are accompanied by chasing "abso-lute" consumerist values as identity resources. In this consumerist framework, risks and deviance are represented as marketable commodities. Social and health care systems-as any other institutional context are often manipulated and misused by the clients. Authors propose in-depth regional-level studies-including ethnographic research and identity explorations via social network analysis-to reach a deeper understanding o...
This article explores social constructions on change. The article begins with a theoretical revie... more This article explores social constructions on change. The article begins with a theoretical review on change, focusing mainly on the theories that connect personal and communal domains. Political reality is organized by the discursive practices of the political actors and institutions. Discourse is a mode of political existence that expresses and shapes individuals’ and groups’ opportunities in life. Learned helplessness and double bind situations are a devastating legacy of the “soft dictatorship” of the communist regime in Hungary in the life-world of the individuals. Parallel to ongoing structural transformations, cultural-discursive reconstruction could promote economic and social development and improve the psychosocial well-being of people. The issue of transition is examined by identifying major turning points in the left-wing rhetoric dominating Hungary’s political life for more than sixty years.
Papers by Márta Erdős