The nine essays of this volume, spanning from the eighteenth to mid-twentieth century, highlight ... more The nine essays of this volume, spanning from the eighteenth to mid-twentieth century, highlight the workings of, and reactions to, colonial domination in Asian contexts. The scholars, which include Victoria Haskins of the University of Newscastle, use a range of social science history methods to explore new paths to colonial history. How were individuals, groups, and social categories able to order their lives in the face of the implementation of external dominance? In other words, what was the agency enabling them to interact with, adapt to, use, counteract and in the end defeat colonialism? The essays emphasize colonialism as a multifaceted historical phenomenon which has taken a number of mutually incompatible forms. The various texts thus reflect on both the “early” colonialism build on indirect and informal practices, and the later forms marked by a high degree of authoritarian control.
Antologi med atta bidrag rorande barnlitteratur och fantasy, med anledning av tioarsjubileet for ... more Antologi med atta bidrag rorande barnlitteratur och fantasy, med anledning av tioarsjubileet for sommarkurserna i litteraturvetenskap vid Vaxjo universitet och Linneuniversitetet.
Kapitlet diskuterar politisk auktoritet i det moderna Indonesien (sedan 1949), i huvudsak under S... more Kapitlet diskuterar politisk auktoritet i det moderna Indonesien (sedan 1949), i huvudsak under Sukarno- och Soehartoerorna fram till 1998. Traditionella forestallningars roll analyseras gentemot r ...
A review of the controversial Mao Zedong biography by Jung Chang and Jon Haliday. The review is h... more A review of the controversial Mao Zedong biography by Jung Chang and Jon Haliday. The review is highly critical of the lack of satisfactory contextualization of the portrait of Mao presented in the ...
A study of the collective biography (prosopography) of Western sinologists in the 19th and 20th c... more A study of the collective biography (prosopography) of Western sinologists in the 19th and 20th centuries, using theoretical concepts of, i.a., Edward Said.
This is a review of K.A. Wellen's work The Open Door, which details the historical experience... more This is a review of K.A. Wellen's work The Open Door, which details the historical experience of diaspora among the Wajorese people of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The review acknowledges the original contribution of the work, as qualifying traditional concepts of state building.
The paper studies the contrasts between documented events in Solor and Timor (insular Southeast A... more The paper studies the contrasts between documented events in Solor and Timor (insular Southeast Asia) in the 17th century, and oral traditions of the same events recorded in the 19th and 20th centu ...
Diskussion om arkivmaterial rorande Nederlandska Ostindiens historia under VOC-perioden, med exem... more Diskussion om arkivmaterial rorande Nederlandska Ostindiens historia under VOC-perioden, med exempel fran ostra delen av Indonesien. Texten namner behovet av att bedriva en arkivens etnografi, och ...
Archipel-etudes Interdisciplinaires Sur Le Monde Insulindien, 2013
Cycles de royauté féminine à Timor : une réponse à Douglas Kammen. Le présent article se veut une... more Cycles de royauté féminine à Timor : une réponse à Douglas Kammen. Le présent article se veut une réplique à l’étude récente de Douglas Kammen “ Queens of Timor” (Archipel 84, 2012). Étudiant les nombreuses petites entités politiques («royaumes » ) du Timor portugais, Kammen y relève la remarquable multiplication de dirigeantes féminines au cours du XIXe siècle, phénomène expliqué par l’interaction entre maison, royaume et administration coloniale. Cependant, l’existence du pouvoir féminin avant 1800 n’est pas aussi rare que le suggère Kammen. Au contraire, les sources archivistiques contemporaines (néerlandaises et portugaises) révèlent un modèle cyclique de reines au pouvoir. Alors que pratiquement aucune dirigeante n’est attestée au cours du XVIIIe siècle, il existe au moins onze de ces cas à Timor et dans les îles environnantes durant la période 1640-1700, c’est-à-dire dès le moment où l’on dispose d’une documentation détaillée sur Timor. Certaines acquirent leur position par héritage, d’autres par leur statut de veuve d’ancien dirigeant. Cet article discute la question de la royauté timoraise en relation avec la montée contemporaine du pouvoir féminin à Aceh, Patani, et ailleurs. Comme dans ces régions, la disparition provisoire du pouvoir féminin à Timor après 1700 pourrait être liée à des forces externes, dans ce cas les nouveaux réseaux mis en place par les autorités européennes.
Nar det kinesiska kejsardomet stortades for 100 ar sedan inleddes det moderna Kinas historia. Men... more Nar det kinesiska kejsardomet stortades for 100 ar sedan inleddes det moderna Kinas historia. Men forhoppningar om en ljusnande framtid grusades snabbt, och i stallet for modernisering foljde inbor ...
The article discusses the contrasts between Chinese and Western uses of history, from earliest ti... more The article discusses the contrasts between Chinese and Western uses of history, from earliest times up to the 19th century. Five categories of such uses are scrutinized in order to capture the his ...
The nine essays of this volume, spanning from the eighteenth to mid-twentieth century, highlight ... more The nine essays of this volume, spanning from the eighteenth to mid-twentieth century, highlight the workings of, and reactions to, colonial domination in Asian contexts. The scholars, which include Victoria Haskins of the University of Newscastle, use a range of social science history methods to explore new paths to colonial history. How were individuals, groups, and social categories able to order their lives in the face of the implementation of external dominance? In other words, what was the agency enabling them to interact with, adapt to, use, counteract and in the end defeat colonialism? The essays emphasize colonialism as a multifaceted historical phenomenon which has taken a number of mutually incompatible forms. The various texts thus reflect on both the “early” colonialism build on indirect and informal practices, and the later forms marked by a high degree of authoritarian control.
Antologi med atta bidrag rorande barnlitteratur och fantasy, med anledning av tioarsjubileet for ... more Antologi med atta bidrag rorande barnlitteratur och fantasy, med anledning av tioarsjubileet for sommarkurserna i litteraturvetenskap vid Vaxjo universitet och Linneuniversitetet.
Kapitlet diskuterar politisk auktoritet i det moderna Indonesien (sedan 1949), i huvudsak under S... more Kapitlet diskuterar politisk auktoritet i det moderna Indonesien (sedan 1949), i huvudsak under Sukarno- och Soehartoerorna fram till 1998. Traditionella forestallningars roll analyseras gentemot r ...
A review of the controversial Mao Zedong biography by Jung Chang and Jon Haliday. The review is h... more A review of the controversial Mao Zedong biography by Jung Chang and Jon Haliday. The review is highly critical of the lack of satisfactory contextualization of the portrait of Mao presented in the ...
A study of the collective biography (prosopography) of Western sinologists in the 19th and 20th c... more A study of the collective biography (prosopography) of Western sinologists in the 19th and 20th centuries, using theoretical concepts of, i.a., Edward Said.
This is a review of K.A. Wellen's work The Open Door, which details the historical experience... more This is a review of K.A. Wellen's work The Open Door, which details the historical experience of diaspora among the Wajorese people of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The review acknowledges the original contribution of the work, as qualifying traditional concepts of state building.
The paper studies the contrasts between documented events in Solor and Timor (insular Southeast A... more The paper studies the contrasts between documented events in Solor and Timor (insular Southeast Asia) in the 17th century, and oral traditions of the same events recorded in the 19th and 20th centu ...
Diskussion om arkivmaterial rorande Nederlandska Ostindiens historia under VOC-perioden, med exem... more Diskussion om arkivmaterial rorande Nederlandska Ostindiens historia under VOC-perioden, med exempel fran ostra delen av Indonesien. Texten namner behovet av att bedriva en arkivens etnografi, och ...
Archipel-etudes Interdisciplinaires Sur Le Monde Insulindien, 2013
Cycles de royauté féminine à Timor : une réponse à Douglas Kammen. Le présent article se veut une... more Cycles de royauté féminine à Timor : une réponse à Douglas Kammen. Le présent article se veut une réplique à l’étude récente de Douglas Kammen “ Queens of Timor” (Archipel 84, 2012). Étudiant les nombreuses petites entités politiques («royaumes » ) du Timor portugais, Kammen y relève la remarquable multiplication de dirigeantes féminines au cours du XIXe siècle, phénomène expliqué par l’interaction entre maison, royaume et administration coloniale. Cependant, l’existence du pouvoir féminin avant 1800 n’est pas aussi rare que le suggère Kammen. Au contraire, les sources archivistiques contemporaines (néerlandaises et portugaises) révèlent un modèle cyclique de reines au pouvoir. Alors que pratiquement aucune dirigeante n’est attestée au cours du XVIIIe siècle, il existe au moins onze de ces cas à Timor et dans les îles environnantes durant la période 1640-1700, c’est-à-dire dès le moment où l’on dispose d’une documentation détaillée sur Timor. Certaines acquirent leur position par héritage, d’autres par leur statut de veuve d’ancien dirigeant. Cet article discute la question de la royauté timoraise en relation avec la montée contemporaine du pouvoir féminin à Aceh, Patani, et ailleurs. Comme dans ces régions, la disparition provisoire du pouvoir féminin à Timor après 1700 pourrait être liée à des forces externes, dans ce cas les nouveaux réseaux mis en place par les autorités européennes.
Nar det kinesiska kejsardomet stortades for 100 ar sedan inleddes det moderna Kinas historia. Men... more Nar det kinesiska kejsardomet stortades for 100 ar sedan inleddes det moderna Kinas historia. Men forhoppningar om en ljusnande framtid grusades snabbt, och i stallet for modernisering foljde inbor ...
The article discusses the contrasts between Chinese and Western uses of history, from earliest ti... more The article discusses the contrasts between Chinese and Western uses of history, from earliest times up to the 19th century. Five categories of such uses are scrutinized in order to capture the his ...
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2008
Recension av ett ekonomisk-historiskt arbete om handelsstaderna Melaka (Malacka) och Penang, bela... more Recension av ett ekonomisk-historiskt arbete om handelsstaderna Melaka (Malacka) och Penang, belagna vid Malackasundet, mellan 1780 och 1830. Recensionen berommer forfattarens empiriska flit och givande fragestallningar om socioekonomisk dynamik, samtidigt som boken kritiseras for en alltfor tung materialstyrd disposition.
Books by Hans Hägerdal
Papers by Hans Hägerdal