Thesis Chapters by Lilia Fernandez Souza
Disertación doctoral. Aborda, desde la arqueología de los grupos domésticos, el caso de dos conju... more Disertación doctoral. Aborda, desde la arqueología de los grupos domésticos, el caso de dos conjuntos residenciales de élite en el sitio de Sihó, Yucatán, México.
Papers by Lilia Fernandez Souza
These "Thin Partitions": Bridging the Growing Divide between Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology, 2017
The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 2015
The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 2018
Temas antropológicos: Revista científica de investigaciones regionales, 2009
... 3.3. Área Central de Dzibilchaltún 3.4. Grupo Ah Canul de Oxkintok 3.5. Palacio de Xkipché 3.... more ... 3.3. Área Central de Dzibilchaltún 3.4. Grupo Ah Canul de Oxkintok 3.5. Palacio de Xkipché 3.6. ... Vietnina Echeverría, Dr. Pedro Miranda, Dr. Edgar Santiago, Mtro Yuri Balam, Dr. Page 10. 10Alexander Voss, Mtro. Jurgen Krämer, Mtro Carlos Evia, Mtra. Teresita Castillo, Mtra. ...
Temas antropológicos: Revista científica de investigaciones regionales, 2012
Temas antropológicos: Revista científica de investigaciones regionales, 2001
The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 2017
Latin American Antiquity, Dec 1, 2008
glyphs were constructed in complexes and they were almost constantly being constructed, maintaine... more glyphs were constructed in complexes and they were almost constantly being constructed, maintained, and modified (p. 98). In terms of activities associated with the geoglyphs, most of the lineal ones have compacted areas, suggesting they were walked on frequently; however, other types such as trapezoids, and figures on hillsides, show limited evidence of compaction. The types of ceramic vessels associated with the geoglyphs (including whole broken pots) suggest food and drink consumption. Small stone structures found with some geoglyphs were excavated and they may have been used for offerings. High wooden posts were erected near some of these structures that were likely used for sighting the geoglyphs across the flat landscape.
Ancient Mesoamerica
The structure of power underlying the hegemonic control Chichen Itza held over the Northern Maya ... more The structure of power underlying the hegemonic control Chichen Itza held over the Northern Maya Lowlands has been debated for decades. In this article, we present the idea of a dominant discourse on masculinities, which played a fundamental role in both practice and on a symbolic level among the strategies designed to support this emblematic pre-Columbian capital. Our discussion of archaeological evidence will focus on spaces where men are represented, where they would meet and carry out rituals. We contend that gallery-patios such as Structure 2D6 served as instruction and socialization locales for groups of warriors. The architectural configuration of this building is very similar to a series of venues at Chichen Itza and other Mesoamerican cities. In these spaces, associated iconography depicts male individuals in processions and ritual practice, including sacrifice and self-sacrifice. We argue that the gallery of Structure 2D6 was a semi-public, performative space, whose theatr...
Homo-journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2012
Arqueología Mexicana, 2015
La medicina nahuatl prehispanica constituyo un sistema integral de conocimientos acerca de la sal... more La medicina nahuatl prehispanica constituyo un sistema integral de conocimientos acerca de la salud y la enfermedad, asi como de la manera de abordar los problemas relacionados con ellas
Thesis Chapters by Lilia Fernandez Souza
Papers by Lilia Fernandez Souza