AbstractInnovation is discussed as a critical element in the success of an organization but if an... more AbstractInnovation is discussed as a critical element in the success of an organization but if an organization's culture does not support innovation it is unlikely to occur. So, it is very important for business to make the culture compatible with innovation. In this context, the study aims to examine the relationship between culture types (Adhocracy, Market, Clan, Hierarchy) and innovation performance in hotels, and basically argues that hotels demonstrate different innovation performances according to the their cultural features. To accomplish this aim, 1562 three, four and five-star hotels in Turkey were determined as research population and the sample is comprised of 310 of them. The questionnaire method was used to collect the data from hotel senior manager. The data were analyzed through LISREL program. Firstly, confirmatory factor analysis, relating to culture types and innovation performance, was conducted. Then, the relationships among these two constructs were examined. The findings show that there is a significant relationship between organizational culture features and innovation performance. The innovation performance of hotels, which have the characteristics of adhocracy culture and market culture, is more positive than the hotels with the clan culture and the hierarchy culture. So, it is suggested that hotels transform the existing culture into adhocracy culture and market culture to increase their innovation performance.Keywords: Culture types (adhocracy, market, clan, hierarchy), tourism sector, hotel business, innovation performanceIntroductionInnovativeness has drawn interdisciplinary attentions for decades, because of the impact of innovation on firm performance and on economic growth (Deshpande and Farley, 2004). Some researches attempt to explain sustained superior performance and innovativeness of firms by focusing on their culture (Barney, 1986). In the literature there is a consensus on that culture is an important determinant of organizational innovativeness and plays important role in making an innovation successful (Dombrowski et al., 2007). Innovation is discussed as a critical element in the success of an organization but if an organization's culture does not support innovation it is unlikely to occur (Belassi et al., 2007).Organizational culture has fascinated both academics and practitioners alike since the early 1980s (Lewis et al., 1997). There are a lot of fields are researched by scholars relating to organizational culture. The field of culture-performance studies has been on-going (the numbers of research published in the field is 144) (Deshpande and Farley, 2004). Many scholars (e.g. Chatman and Jehn, 1994; Denison and Mishra, 1995; Kotter and Heskett, 1992) has examined the relationships between culture, performance and effectiveness (Lee and Yu, 2004). The results of the studies suggest that culture can affect all organizational performance (finance, learning, market, innovation etc.) if it is "strong" (wide consensus, deeply internalized and socialized) and appropriate to its environment (relevant to its industry and business conditions) (Lee and Yu, 2004).According to Rashid (2004) there is an association between organizational culture and the affective, cognitive, and behavioral tendency of attitudes toward organizational change, and also different types of organizational culture have different levels of acceptance of attitudes toward organizational change. This means that certain type of organizational culture could facilitate the acceptability of change, while other types of culture could not accept it. In the same way, Ahmed (1998) suggested that innovation is the engine of change and the possession of positive cultural characteristics provides the organization with necessary ingredients to innovate. Also, culture could enhance or inhibit the tendency to innovate.On the other hand, although the relationship between culture and effectivenessperformance is relatively well established in the literature, relatively fewer indirect articles have been contributed towards the relationship between culture and innovation performance. …
Is cevresi ve isletme stratejisi, stratejik yonetim alaninda isletmelerin basarisini etkileyen en... more Is cevresi ve isletme stratejisi, stratejik yonetim alaninda isletmelerin basarisini etkileyen en onemli konular arasinda gosterilmektedir. Konular uluslararasi literaturde gereken ilgiyi gormus ve belirli bir olgunluga ulasmis olmasina ragmen Turkiye olceginde oldukca sig kalmistir. Bu arastirma; is cevresinin, isletme stratejisi uzerindeki etkisini kesifsel analiz yontemleriyle tespit ederek alan yazindaki bu boslugu kapatmayi amaclamaktadir. Nicel arastirma yontemi ve anket teknigi kullanilarak ust duzey yoneticilerden verileri elde edilen arastirmada oldukca ilgi cekici sonuclara ulasilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore proaktif strateji uzerinde en onemli etkisi olan is cevresi ozelligi dinamizmdir. Baski unsurunun egemen oldugu is cevrelerinde isletmeler cogunlukla agresif stratejileri tercih ederken taklitci ve savunmaci strateji ise en fazla cesitlilik ve kompleksligin egemen oldugu is cevrelerinde tercih edilmektedir
Building viable teams provides a sustainable organizational culture and supports efforts to overc... more Building viable teams provides a sustainable organizational culture and supports efforts to overcome challenges and maintain a long-lasting and growing business. This study analyzed the role of organizational distributive justice on the relationship between team-building interventions and team viability, alongside team performance. As we understand the underlying concepts of viability and performance better, we can build more resilient teams. An empirical study was conducted on a sample of 402 employees in different teams in organizations. A research model was built with viability and performance as the dependent variables and team-building as the independent variable. The perception of distributive justice was the mediator. Team-building was measured by four variables, where the results of the factor analysis suggested that problem-solving and interpersonal relationships converged into one variable, whereas goal-setting and role clarification represented the second factor of team-b...
International dimension of economy, globalisation, and increase in using information technologies... more International dimension of economy, globalisation, and increase in using information technologies due to instant innovation need force the business organizations to operate in extreme competition environment. Business organizations develop different strategies and methods to be successful in this competition environment. In this respect, business organizations should have high quality sources and skills in order to strengthen the competition advantage and dominate the others. One of this high quality sources is innovation. Business organizations should always be updated for the current situation and adapt the new situations quickly. Under instantly changing circumstances firms must be open to changes. In case business organizations carry out renewal process, they can enhance their performance and have sustainable competition advantage. One of the main elements for business organizations to provide a competitive advantage is intellectual capital and the importance of this intellectua...
AbstractInnovation is discussed as a critical element in the success of an organization but if an... more AbstractInnovation is discussed as a critical element in the success of an organization but if an organization's culture does not support innovation it is unlikely to occur. So, it is very important for business to make the culture compatible with innovation. In this context, the study aims to examine the relationship between culture types (Adhocracy, Market, Clan, Hierarchy) and innovation performance in hotels, and basically argues that hotels demonstrate different innovation performances according to the their cultural features. To accomplish this aim, 1562 three, four and five-star hotels in Turkey were determined as research population and the sample is comprised of 310 of them. The questionnaire method was used to collect the data from hotel senior manager. The data were analyzed through LISREL program. Firstly, confirmatory factor analysis, relating to culture types and innovation performance, was conducted. Then, the relationships among these two constructs were examined. The findings show that there is a significant relationship between organizational culture features and innovation performance. The innovation performance of hotels, which have the characteristics of adhocracy culture and market culture, is more positive than the hotels with the clan culture and the hierarchy culture. So, it is suggested that hotels transform the existing culture into adhocracy culture and market culture to increase their innovation performance.Keywords: Culture types (adhocracy, market, clan, hierarchy), tourism sector, hotel business, innovation performanceIntroductionInnovativeness has drawn interdisciplinary attentions for decades, because of the impact of innovation on firm performance and on economic growth (Deshpande and Farley, 2004). Some researches attempt to explain sustained superior performance and innovativeness of firms by focusing on their culture (Barney, 1986). In the literature there is a consensus on that culture is an important determinant of organizational innovativeness and plays important role in making an innovation successful (Dombrowski et al., 2007). Innovation is discussed as a critical element in the success of an organization but if an organization's culture does not support innovation it is unlikely to occur (Belassi et al., 2007).Organizational culture has fascinated both academics and practitioners alike since the early 1980s (Lewis et al., 1997). There are a lot of fields are researched by scholars relating to organizational culture. The field of culture-performance studies has been on-going (the numbers of research published in the field is 144) (Deshpande and Farley, 2004). Many scholars (e.g. Chatman and Jehn, 1994; Denison and Mishra, 1995; Kotter and Heskett, 1992) has examined the relationships between culture, performance and effectiveness (Lee and Yu, 2004). The results of the studies suggest that culture can affect all organizational performance (finance, learning, market, innovation etc.) if it is "strong" (wide consensus, deeply internalized and socialized) and appropriate to its environment (relevant to its industry and business conditions) (Lee and Yu, 2004).According to Rashid (2004) there is an association between organizational culture and the affective, cognitive, and behavioral tendency of attitudes toward organizational change, and also different types of organizational culture have different levels of acceptance of attitudes toward organizational change. This means that certain type of organizational culture could facilitate the acceptability of change, while other types of culture could not accept it. In the same way, Ahmed (1998) suggested that innovation is the engine of change and the possession of positive cultural characteristics provides the organization with necessary ingredients to innovate. Also, culture could enhance or inhibit the tendency to innovate.On the other hand, although the relationship between culture and effectivenessperformance is relatively well established in the literature, relatively fewer indirect articles have been contributed towards the relationship between culture and innovation performance. …
Is cevresi ve isletme stratejisi, stratejik yonetim alaninda isletmelerin basarisini etkileyen en... more Is cevresi ve isletme stratejisi, stratejik yonetim alaninda isletmelerin basarisini etkileyen en onemli konular arasinda gosterilmektedir. Konular uluslararasi literaturde gereken ilgiyi gormus ve belirli bir olgunluga ulasmis olmasina ragmen Turkiye olceginde oldukca sig kalmistir. Bu arastirma; is cevresinin, isletme stratejisi uzerindeki etkisini kesifsel analiz yontemleriyle tespit ederek alan yazindaki bu boslugu kapatmayi amaclamaktadir. Nicel arastirma yontemi ve anket teknigi kullanilarak ust duzey yoneticilerden verileri elde edilen arastirmada oldukca ilgi cekici sonuclara ulasilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore proaktif strateji uzerinde en onemli etkisi olan is cevresi ozelligi dinamizmdir. Baski unsurunun egemen oldugu is cevrelerinde isletmeler cogunlukla agresif stratejileri tercih ederken taklitci ve savunmaci strateji ise en fazla cesitlilik ve kompleksligin egemen oldugu is cevrelerinde tercih edilmektedir
Building viable teams provides a sustainable organizational culture and supports efforts to overc... more Building viable teams provides a sustainable organizational culture and supports efforts to overcome challenges and maintain a long-lasting and growing business. This study analyzed the role of organizational distributive justice on the relationship between team-building interventions and team viability, alongside team performance. As we understand the underlying concepts of viability and performance better, we can build more resilient teams. An empirical study was conducted on a sample of 402 employees in different teams in organizations. A research model was built with viability and performance as the dependent variables and team-building as the independent variable. The perception of distributive justice was the mediator. Team-building was measured by four variables, where the results of the factor analysis suggested that problem-solving and interpersonal relationships converged into one variable, whereas goal-setting and role clarification represented the second factor of team-b...
International dimension of economy, globalisation, and increase in using information technologies... more International dimension of economy, globalisation, and increase in using information technologies due to instant innovation need force the business organizations to operate in extreme competition environment. Business organizations develop different strategies and methods to be successful in this competition environment. In this respect, business organizations should have high quality sources and skills in order to strengthen the competition advantage and dominate the others. One of this high quality sources is innovation. Business organizations should always be updated for the current situation and adapt the new situations quickly. Under instantly changing circumstances firms must be open to changes. In case business organizations carry out renewal process, they can enhance their performance and have sustainable competition advantage. One of the main elements for business organizations to provide a competitive advantage is intellectual capital and the importance of this intellectua...
Global Business and Technology Association -2004 Cape Town , 2004
To examine the relationnship between perception of charismatic leadership, collective behavior an... more To examine the relationnship between perception of charismatic leadership, collective behavior and follower performance, data obtained from 238 soldiers from Turkish army, was used. The effects of charismatic leadership and collective behavior on follower performance. Then data were analyed by correlation analysis and multiple regression models. According to the findings of this study, all dimesions of charismatic leadership are positively related to collective behavior, however, the most important dimension of charismatic leadership is sensitivity to the environment for the emergence of collective behavior and personal performance. The results further reveal interesting outcomes for both academicians and practicing managers and have several implications from theoretical and practical perspectives.
XV. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2007
Bu çalıĢmanın amacı, farklı tipte örgüt kültürü ölçüm yöntemleri arasındaki
farklılığı anlamaktır... more Bu çalıĢmanın amacı, farklı tipte örgüt kültürü ölçüm yöntemleri arasındaki farklılığı anlamaktır. Bu çalıĢmada Cameron ve Quinn‘in (1999) geliĢtirmiĢ olduğu ve rekabetçi değerler olarak adlandırılan kültür tipleri kullanılmıĢtır. Bunlar ; Ġnsan iliĢkileri ve geliĢimi (klan) kültürü, dıĢ çevreye uyum (adhokrasi) kültürü ve bürokrasi (hiyerarĢi) kültürü ve piyasa (market) kültürüdür. Bu çalıĢmada bu kültürel özellikler iki farklı tipte ölçülmüĢtür. Ġlk kullanılan yöntemde (farklı kültürleri temsil eden) sorular beĢli likert tipi ölçek kullanarak sorulmuĢ. Ġkinci olarak kullanılan yöntemde ise (yine aynı sorular ile) dört kültürel özelliği temsil eden sorular arasında on puanın dağıtılması Ģeklinde olmuĢtur. Kamu kurumu olan bu organizasyonun 161 çalıĢanından elde edilen sonuçlar analize tabi tutulmuĢtur. Her iki yöntemde uygulanan çalıĢma sonuçlarında bazı farklılıkların olduğu görülmüĢtür. BeĢli likert tipi ölçeğe göre yapılan çalıĢmada adhokrasi ile klan kültürü arasında pozitif ve yüksek iliĢki görülürken, on puanın her bir kültürel özelliğe dağıtılması sonucu oluĢan analizlerde kültürel yapılar arasında pozitif bir iliĢki görülmezken, adhokrasi ile hiyerarĢi (bürokrasi) kültürü arasında yüksek düzeyde negatif iliĢki görülmüĢtür.
The study explores the pair-wise relationships across
the mukiple dimensions of ethical climate i... more The study explores the pair-wise relationships across the mukiple dimensions of ethical climate in a Turkish public sector company and the financial and qualitative components of organizational performance. As expected, a majority of the ethical dimensions is found to relate positively to both performance components. Strict, individua|-Level applications of self-interest based or principle based elhical criteria arefound to be unrelated or even inhibiting the organizational performance components, however. Implications of these findings are discussed.
Papers by Ercan Ergün
farklılığı anlamaktır. Bu çalıĢmada Cameron ve Quinn‘in (1999) geliĢtirmiĢ
olduğu ve rekabetçi değerler olarak adlandırılan kültür tipleri kullanılmıĢtır.
Bunlar ; Ġnsan iliĢkileri ve geliĢimi (klan) kültürü, dıĢ çevreye uyum (adhokrasi)
kültürü ve bürokrasi (hiyerarĢi) kültürü ve piyasa (market) kültürüdür. Bu
çalıĢmada bu kültürel özellikler iki farklı tipte ölçülmüĢtür. Ġlk kullanılan
yöntemde (farklı kültürleri temsil eden) sorular beĢli likert tipi ölçek kullanarak
sorulmuĢ. Ġkinci olarak kullanılan yöntemde ise (yine aynı sorular ile) dört
kültürel özelliği temsil eden sorular arasında on puanın dağıtılması Ģeklinde
olmuĢtur. Kamu kurumu olan bu organizasyonun 161 çalıĢanından elde edilen
sonuçlar analize tabi tutulmuĢtur. Her iki yöntemde uygulanan çalıĢma
sonuçlarında bazı farklılıkların olduğu görülmüĢtür. BeĢli likert tipi ölçeğe göre
yapılan çalıĢmada adhokrasi ile klan kültürü arasında pozitif ve yüksek iliĢki
görülürken, on puanın her bir kültürel özelliğe dağıtılması sonucu oluĢan
analizlerde kültürel yapılar arasında pozitif bir iliĢki görülmezken, adhokrasi ile
hiyerarĢi (bürokrasi) kültürü arasında yüksek düzeyde negatif iliĢki görülmüĢtür.
the mukiple dimensions of ethical climate in a Turkish
public sector company and the financial and qualitative
components of organizational performance. As expected, a
majority of the ethical dimensions is found to relate
positively to both performance components. Strict,
individua|-Level applications of self-interest based or
principle based elhical criteria arefound to be unrelated or
even inhibiting the organizational performance
components, however. Implications of these findings are