Registration Form for the IMMAA 2019 Conference
Hosted by Northwestern University in Qatar
4th to 6th of October
1st Call – Special Reduced Fee
Deadline for submitting abstracts and panel proposals: until July 1st
Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance: until July 10th
Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance: until July 10th
Registration: 150€ until July 25th*
2nd Call
Deadline for submitting abstracts and panel proposals: until August 15th
Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance: until August 25th
Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance: until August 25th
Registration: 200€ until August 31st*
3rd Call
Deadline for submitting abstracts and panel proposals: until September 5th
Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance: until September 20th
Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance: until September 20th
Registration: 250€ until September 30th*
*A reduced registration fee (150€) is available for all that submit the papers until the 15th of July. Students and junior academic researchers, which don’t have a scholarship or a salary, also may have an additional discount: 30% – 1st call; 25% – 2nd call; 20% – 3rd call.
Important notice:
We recommend that participants only purchase their flights (or any mean of transportation) after the 10th of September. At this date, we will confirm if the conference will occur and send the provisional program.
If major reasons don’t allow the conference to occur, IMMAA will refund the registration fee.
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