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        FIEKView:應用研究機構國際網絡2024年首長年會倡議 - 建構韌性社會:應用研究機構在長期跨境合作中的角色
        RIN (RTOs International Network) 2024 CEO Summit Joint Statement - Building Resilient Society: RTOs’ Role in Long-term Cross-Borders Collaboration
        • 2024/06/24
        • 1260
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        工研院資深副總蘇孟宗,目前代表工研院擔任「應用研究機構國際網絡」(RIN - RTOs International Network)的主席,RIN是歐盟中最重要的研發組織協會(EARTO - European Association of Research and Technology Organization)於2019年成立的轄下國際組織,會員,包含EARTO前十大會員機構,及歐盟外的重要國家應用研究機構(Research and Technology Organization, RTO),目前共有全球十五家領導型RTOs,包括臺灣工研院。

        RIN首長年會(CEO Summit)今年首度移師亞洲,於3月26日至27日在臺灣首次舉行。來自12個國家的頂尖國際RTOs負責人齊聚臺灣,蘇孟宗作為RIN主席帶領討論,共同倡議各國國際RTOs應攜手建立緊密夥伴關係,加速建設「韌性社會」,以創造更美好的未來世界。之後也得到所有RIN會員機構的一致認同,正式公告在EARTO官網。     


        應用研究機構國際網絡(RTOs International Network, RIN)聯合聲明

        – 建構韌性社會:RTOs在長期跨境合作中的角色–


        EARTO(European Association of Research and Technology Organization)是歐盟中最重要的研發組織協會。該協會代表來自歐洲20餘國、350個不同領域的應用研究機構。EARTO所屬會員機構,總共擁有超過15萬工程及技術研發人員,每年與超過10萬個以上的公司進行合作計畫。EARTO於2019年成立轄下組織之「應用研究機構國際網絡」(RTOs International Network,RIN),包含EARTO前十大會員機構,及歐盟外的重要國家應用研究機構(Research and Technology Organization, RTO),目前共有全球十五家領先的RTOs,包括新加坡A*STAR、日本國AIST、澳洲CSIRO、法國CEA、丹麥DTI、巴西ELDORADO、德國Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft、臺灣ITRI、加拿大NRC、韓國NST、瑞典RISE、挪威SINTEF、西班牙TECNALIA、荷蘭TNO和芬蘭VTT。在EARTO的支持下,RIN的會員機構認識到RTOs在透過過創新技術解決方案和國際合作,構建韌性社會(Resilient Society)方面的角色更加重要。




        • 日本AIST和臺灣ITRI合作研究和長期投資,開發了一種二氧化碳轉化的處理過程,使二氧化碳能夠作為創新減碳的新技術重新利用。
        • 此外,臺灣ITRI開發了易於拆解和可回收的太陽能模組,經法國CEA驗證能夠承受嚴酷的天氣條件。
        • 新加坡A*STAR和澳洲CSIRO在“精準健康食品創新計劃”上的合作,帶來了有助於消費者做出更健康食品和飲食選擇的研究成果。
        • 加拿大NRC與德國Fraunhofer IFAM等機構正在合作開發低成本氫氣生產技術,設計和優化千兆瓦級的新型鹼性膜電解槽,預計2025年取得成果。
        • 加拿大NRC與日本AIST之間的合作針對健康老化的創新,預計在2025年和2026年取得包括綜合性高齡評估(包括認知能力)的數位監控和舒適環境建設指南等方面的成果。
        • 此外,許多RTOs正在投資開發協作機器人以提高勞動生產率。

        這些進展強調了RTOs之間未來合作的潛力。在這合作過程中,RTOs在辨識挑戰、促進合作和超越傳統界限以制定有效解決方案方面扮演重要角色。此外,RTOs與國際合作夥伴廣泛合作,利用如EUREKA Globalstars和Horizon Europe等平台來擴大其影響。這些集體努力對於全球各國政府減輕RD&I生態系的負荷極為重要,從而推動邁向一個韌性社會。




        RTOs International Network (RIN) Joint Statement

        – RTOs as decisive vehicles to drive international collaboration on RD&I –

        26 April 2024

        Fifteen leading Research & Technology Organisations (RTOs) globally, namely A*STAR-Agency for Science Technology and Research(Singapore), AIST-National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), CSIRO-Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ResearchOrganisation (Australia), CEA(France), DTI–DanishTechnologicalInstitute(Denmark), ELDORADO (Brazil), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft(Germany), ITRI-IndustrialTechnologyResearchInstitute(Taiwan), NRC-NationalResearchCouncil(Canada), NST-NationalResearchCouncilofScienceandTechnology(SouthKorea), RISEResearch Institutes of SwedenAB(Sweden), SINTEF(Norway), TECNALIA(Spain), TNO(The Netherlands), VTTTechnicalResearchCentreofFinland(Finland) supported by EARTO, acknowledge the increasing roles for RTOs in building resilient society with innovative technology solutions and international collaboration.


        The core of a resilient society lies its ability to endure, absorb, adapt, and recover from various challenges, including external shocks and stresses, in a timely and effective manner. Resilient development, as outlined by the World Bank (2013), involves achieving development objectives while simultaneously reducing vulnerability over both short and long-term horizons, despite incurring certain costs. This notion resonates with the concept of a resilient society articulated by the Rockefeller Foundation (2014), which emphasizes the importance of maintaining essential functions, structures, and identity while withstanding shocks and stresses.

        These societal challenges can range from short-term shocks like extreme weather leading to droughts and water shortages, to long-term stresses such as geomorphological destruction that leads to infrastructure collapses, and an aging population posing threats to social stability due to caregiver and working labor shortages. Moreover, the widespread use of  General Artificial Intelligence has intensified the need for accurate information in today's society. Establishing such resilience necessitates comprehensive RD&I strategies that address these challenges, ensuring societal stability and fortitude. In this context, the innovative solutions and technological advancements provided by RTOs play a pivotal role in overcoming these societal hurdles.

        RTOs around the globe have embarked on technology strategies and development initiatives aimed at fostering collaborative research efforts and sharing best practices to combat these challenges. As key RD&I stakeholders, many RTOs worldwide have been actively involved in diverse endeavors to surmount these societal challenges. Here are some examples of international collaborations between RTOs that led to key results:

        • Collaborative research and long-term investments between AIST and ITRI have resulted in the development of a CO2 conversion process, enabling the reuse of CO2 as a novel input for carbon reduction.
        • Additionally, ITRI has developed PV modules easy for disassembling and recycling, verified by CEA to withstand severe weather conditions.
        • A*STAR and CSIRO’s partnership on an “Innovations in Food for Precision Health” programme led to insights which could empower consumers to make healthier choices on food and diet.
        • NRC and Fraunhofer IFAM, with others, are working towards developing low-cost hydrogen production technology by designing and optimizing a novel alkaline membrane electrolyser for gigawatt scale. Results are expected in 2025.
        • Collaboration between NRC and AIST is targeting innovations for healthy aging with results expected in 2025 and 2026 on various aspects from digital monitoring of comprehensive geriatric assessment including cognitive capacity to construction guidance for comfortable environmental conditions.
        • Furthermore, many RTOs are investing in the development of collaborative robots to enhance labor productivity.

        These advancements underscore the potential for future collaboration among RTOs. An integral aspect of this process is the role of RTOs in identifying challenges, fostering collaboration, and transcending conventional boundaries to devise effective solutions. Moreover, RTOs collaborate extensively with international partners and leverage platforms such as EUREKA Globalstars and Horizon Europe to amplify their impact. These collective efforts are indispensable for governments worldwide in mitigating the impact of RD&I ecosystems, thereby advancing towards a resilient society.

        In the concerted efforts to drive innovation and foster collaboration, RTOs are committed to proactively reinforcing resource sharing, including the sharing of research facilities, data, and expertise, all aimed at accelerating the innovation process, minimizing duplication, and enhancing the quality and efficiency of research endeavors. Moreover, recognizing the importance of continuous and dedicated RD&I resources to support long-term cross-border collaboration. Adequate annual allocation of base funding with autonomy would need to be ensured to empower RTOs for pursuing collaborative initiatives effectively and sustainably.

        As global challenges arise and technological races accelerate, RTOs must explore new avenues for international collaboration. Such international collaboration involves enhancing conditions for innovative technology solutions while striking the right balance between national autonomy and the necessity for cross-border and cross-discipline joint efforts in knowledge sharing and technology fusion. Only with continuous RD&I support for long-term cross-border collaboration and adequate base funding allocation with autonomy, could RTOs serve as greater catalysts for global innovation. By working together, members of the RIN are committed to contributing to overcoming short- and long-term challenges for building a more resilient society.

        RTOs - Research and Technology Organisations: From the lab to your everyday life. RTOs innovate to improve your health and well- being, your safety and security, your mobility and connectivity. RTOs’ technologies cover all scientific fields. Their work ranges from basic research to new products and services development. RTOs are non-profit organisations with public missions to support society. To do so, they closely cooperate with industries, large and small, as well as a wide array of public actors.

        EARTO - European Association of Research and Technology Organisations: Founded in 1999, EARTO promotes RTOs and represents their interest in Europe. EARTO network counts over 350 RTOs in more than 20 countries. EARTO members represent 150.000 highly-skilled researchers and engineers managing a wide range of innovation infrastructures.

        RIN – RTOs International Network: Founded in 2019, administrated by EARTO, RIN regroups the largest RTOs worldwide.


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