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Pemisahan agama

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Dua pintu terpisah (satu untuk Yahudi, satu untuk Kristen) di sebuah bangunan di kota Endingen, Swiss.

Pemisahan agama adalah pemisahan orang-orang menurut agama mereka. Istilah tersebut ditujukan kepada pemisahan berdasarkan pada agama yang terjadi sebagai fenomena sosial,[1] serta pemisahan yang timbul dari hukum, entah tersurat atau tersirat.[2]

Istilah serupa apartheid agama juga dipakai untuk situasi dimana orang-orang dipisahkan berdasarkan pada agama,[3] termasuk fenomena sosiologi.[4]


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  1. ^ Knox, H. M. (October 1973). "Religious Segregation in the Schools of Northern Ireland". British Journal of Educational Studies.  "...[S]egregated schooling, although in theory open to all, is in practice availed of by virtually only one denomination...." Also refers to pre-Partition religious schools which retained their exclusively Catholic demographics after Partition.
  2. ^ Norgren, Jill; Nanda, Serena (2006). American Cultural Pluralism and Law. Greenwood Publishing Group. hlm. 132. ISBN 0-275-98692-6. , quoting U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet: "...[D]rawing school district lines along the religious lines of the village impermissibly involved the state in accomplishing the religious segregation."
  3. ^ Akkaro, Anta (2000-09-01). "Pakistan's Christians Demand End to 'Religious Apartheid' at Polls". Christianity Today. Diakses tanggal 2008-08-18. 
  4. ^ "Religion In Schools". The Big Debate. 2008-01-29. 0:09:29 and 0:11:52 menit berlalu. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2008-09-21. , in which Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain says (at 0:09:29): "If you have separate Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu schools, essentially you’re segregating children, you’re separating children" and (at 0:11:52): "It’s a religious apartheid society we’re creating."