Shrimp stuffed with garlic oil

Shrimp stuffed with garlic oil
463 Recipes 31.6k Fans


The sweet shrimp flavor with a rich garlic aroma, only simple sea salt seasoning, salty and fresh and sweet, with the simplest cooking method to bring out the flavor of the ingredients, is definitely a dish that everyone should try.
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  • Olive oil (subject to availability.)
    about 250ml
  • Shrimp
    12 pieces
  • Minced garlic
    1 tablespoon
  • Dried chili peppers
    2 stalks
  • Sea salt
    a pinch
  • Baili
    a pinch


  • First, heat the oil, add minced garlic and dried chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant.

    First, heat the oil, add minced garlic and dried chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant.

  • Add the shrimp and stir-fry

    Add the shrimp and stir-fry

  • Add salt to taste and mix well; Those who like it can also add some spices in this step.

    Add salt to taste and mix well; Those who like it can also add some spices in this step.

  • Finally, sprinkle basili as you like.

    Finally, sprinkle basili as you like.

  • Such a simple and delicious garlic oil stuffy shrimp is completed, you can also prepare some bread dipped in garlic oil and eat it together~ Everyone must try it.

    Such a simple and delicious garlic oil stuffy shrimp is completed, you can also prepare some bread dipped in garlic oil and eat it together~ Everyone must try it.

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男人廚房1+1 463 Recipes 31.6k Fans

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