Virtual Labs by Piero Berni Millet
Amphorae ex Hispania: Hispanic Roman amphorae database, 2023
This dataset is part of the project “Amphorae ex Hispania: Landscapes of production and consumpti... more This dataset is part of the project “Amphorae ex Hispania: Landscapes of production and consumption” focused on the interdisciplinary study of Roman amphorae of Hispanic production. These ceramic containers, with different designs and functions, were used in Roman times to transport surplus agricultural and maritime products to the main consumer markets of the Roman provinces. Today, their material remains constitute a key fossil director for reconstructing the extensive and complex commercial networks of Roman times.
The detailed study of the amphorae typologies of Hispania, their production centers, their dating, their contents and distribution, is of great interest to any researcher interested in exploiting this very specific line of archaeological knowledge.
Ramppa - The Atlantic-Mediterranean Network of Excellence on Ancient Fishing Heritage. Fishing an... more Ramppa - The Atlantic-Mediterranean Network of Excellence on Ancient Fishing Heritage. Fishing and fish-canning industry have been one of the mainstays of the economy of the Ancient World. Research on the main archaeological evidence of such activity, the Roman salting factories, its origin goes back to the sixties of the last century, being today a line of relevant research from various international research teams. The object is to optimize previous scientific research, providing them with an international dimension and allowing its global accessibility through a Virtual Laboratory Network. The project RAMPPA is directed by Darío Bernal from the University of Cádiz.
More than thirty authors have worked more than 250 cetariae files. The database is an open document that will grow over the next years, with total autonomy on the part of the partners of the project.
The site with his Virtual Lab is accessible since 2017 from:
Amphorae ex Hispania is funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and It develops fro... more Amphorae ex Hispania is funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and It develops from the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC). The project AexH started in the year 2012 with the title " Landscapes of production and consumption", with a primary target: the startup of a Virtual Laboratory for the study of Hispanic amphoras. The Lab project deals on many aspects in the study of amphoras: typology, production, trade, epigraphy, archaeometry, etc. The laboratory allows, through a communicative platform, remote research work in a collaborative way, sharing common interests on this specific research line. This project ends in the year 2014, and now in 2016 has started a new phase of the project with the title "Systematization and accessibility network of pottery production centers", whose objective is the study of the Hispanic figlinae, and it aims to create the map of production centres.
You can access to this project at
Database CEIPAC on amphoras latin inscriptions. Project closed in 2004.
The application is basica... more Database CEIPAC on amphoras latin inscriptions. Project closed in 2004.
The application is basically a search engine to find inscriptions (stamps and tituli picti). Very fast, because only performs read operations in the database. Originally, I designed this project to work my doctoral thesis about Dressel 20 stamps. At that time, I needed to move more than 15,000 stamps for my research. Nowadays, I don't have any link with this project, which is still developing & feeding in the CEIPAC.
Books by Piero Berni Millet
Járrega Domínguez, R.; Berni Millet, P. Eds. (2016). Amphorae ex Hispania: paisajes de producción... more Járrega Domínguez, R.; Berni Millet, P. Eds. (2016). Amphorae ex Hispania: paisajes de producción y consumo. III Congreso Internacional de la SECAH. Mongrafías Ex Officina Hispana III. Tarragona. ISBN: 978-84-942034-6-6.
Our most important scientific contribution is the extensive work on food production and trade in ... more Our most important scientific contribution is the extensive work on food production and trade in Roman antiquity (639 pages!). The book represents the result of seven years of research on the epigraphy of oil amphorae produced in the province of Hispania Baetica, with special regard to amphora stamps. It shows a new methodology to perform the study of this epigraphic source, considering revised criteria how to read and interpret the stamps, while previous research mainly focused on the collection of data for cataloging.
The first part of the book includes a discussion of all elements which are required to perform this critical analysis, based on external and internal features of the inscriptions. Therefore, the work can be regarded as the first Latin epigraphy manual on amphora stamps. The second part contains a complete and comprehensive study of Baetican amphora stamps and their areas of production. Thus it has become possible to (re-)assess the historical, economic and social significance of the stamps as an archaeological and epigraphic source to explain the various models of pottery ownership and management in Hispania Baetica during the early and mid Roman periods. The book has been reviewed in "Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne” (35 / I - 2009, pp. 188-189) as "un travail magistral" by Dr. Fanette Laubenheimer, emeritus research director of CNRS and director of the French journal Gallia. It had been also reviewed by Joaquín Ruíz de Arbulo, Professor of Archaeology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in “Archivo Español de Arqueología” (2010, 83, págs. 304-306).
Col·lecció Instrumenta, 4 (Barcelona): 272 pp., 1998
This book includes the scientific outcome of several years of predoctoral training as a member of... more This book includes the scientific outcome of several years of predoctoral training as a member of the research group CEIPAC (Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica) of the University of Barcelona ( group, headed by José Remesal (Professor of Ancient History), concentrates on the study of foodstuff production and commercialization during the early and mid Roman periods. The work aims at two aspects: First it provides a synthesis of previous and current research on Baetican oil amphorae and their long morphological evolution, including changes in the epigraphic habit. The Baetican oil amphorae are re-valued as a chrono-stratigraphic fossil director based on their morphology and epigraphy. The chronological development is confirmed by the comparison with stratified amphorae from Monte Testaccio in Rome. The second aspect refers to the study of Baetican oil consumption in the eastern part of the province of Hispania Tarraconensis based on the amphora finds. In this part various problems are discussed such as the mechanisms of oil trade in this region and the role of the province of Tarraconensis regarding the distribution and consumtion of these amphorae. The book was reviewed in both national (Pyrenae, 29; Geryon, 16; Gallaecia, 19) and international journals (Sehepunkte 7, No. 1).
Books chapters by Piero Berni Millet
Regional Economies in Action. Standardization of Transport Amphorae in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean: Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Danish Institute at Athens, 16-18 October 2017, 2023
González Cesteros, H.; Berni Millet, P.; Miró Canals, J. (2023). "The Tarraconensis Paradigm. Vol... more González Cesteros, H.; Berni Millet, P.; Miró Canals, J. (2023). "The Tarraconensis Paradigm. Volumes, Measures, and Formal Changes in the Late Republican and Early Imperial Amphorae of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula". In Regional Economies in Action. Standardization of Transport Amphorae in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean: Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Danish Institute at Athens, 16-18 October 2017 (González Cesteros, H.; Leidwanger, J. Eds). Wien (Sonderschriften Band 63): 115-197
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Regional Economies in Action. Standardization of Transport Amphorae in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean: Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Danish Institute at Athens, 16-18 October 2017, 2023
Bernal Casasola, D.; García Vargas, E.; Berni MIllet, P. (2023). "Amphorae from Baetica and Stand... more Bernal Casasola, D.; García Vargas, E.; Berni MIllet, P. (2023). "Amphorae from Baetica and Standarization Processes. Models and Trends". In Regional Economies in Action. Standardization of Transport Amphorae in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean: Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Danish Institute at Athens, 16-18 October 2017 (González Cesteros, H.; Leidwanger, J. Eds). Wien (Sonderschriften Band 63): pp. 99-114
Full book:
Arqueología y Numismática. Estudios en homenaje a la profesora Francisca Chaves Tristán. Sevilla, 2021
Bernal-Casasola, D.; Villada Paredes, F.; Fantuzzi, L.; Berni Millet, P.; Portillo Sotelo, J.L.; ... more Bernal-Casasola, D.; Villada Paredes, F.; Fantuzzi, L.; Berni Millet, P.; Portillo Sotelo, J.L.; Alberto Retamosa Gámez, J.A.; Pascual Sánchez, M.A., "Con cuatro años de solera… un nuevo Titulus Pictus en ánfora gaditana procedente de la Tingitana Septem", Arqueología y Numismática. Estudios en homenaje a la profesora Francisca Chaves Tristán. Sevilla, Sevilla, p. 815-832.
In illo tempore. Granollers en època romana.Granollers, 2022
Berni, P.; Carreras, C.; Olesti, O.; Guàrdia, M. (2022): Les propietats de la gens Licinia: una p... more Berni, P.; Carreras, C.; Olesti, O.; Guàrdia, M. (2022): Les propietats de la gens Licinia: una proposta per un topònim. In illo tempore. Granollers en època romana. Granollers; pp. 57-88
Tituli picti on Spanish amphorae, 2021
Roman Amphora Contents. Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity. In honour of... more Roman Amphora Contents. Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity. In honour of Miguel Beltrán Lloris. Proceedings of the Roman Amphora Contents International Interactive Conference (RACIIC) (Cadiz, 5-7 October 2015), Edited by Darío Bernal-Casasola, Michel Bonifay, Alessandra Pecci and Victoria Leitch, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 17, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2021: 241-248
This papers deals with the epigraphy on Roman Spanish amphorae. It focuses on the Dressel 20 oil amphorae from Baetica and the salted fish and fish sauces amphorae from Hispania, most of them having been produced (the amphorae and their content) also in Baetica. It offers an overview of the organization and the purposes of these inscriptions
L'épigraphie sur céramique. L'instrumentum domesticum, ses genres textuels et ses fonctions dans les sociétés antiques, 2021
Berni Millet, P. (2021). "Producción anfórica en Hispania. La evidencia de la epigrafía". L'épigr... more Berni Millet, P. (2021). "Producción anfórica en Hispania. La evidencia de la epigrafía". L'épigraphie sur céramique. L'instrumentum domesticum, ses genres textuels et ses fonctions dans les sociétés antiques. Édition coordonnée par Wim BROEKAERT, Alain DELATTRE, Emmanuel DUPRAZ, María José ESTARÁN TOLOSA Hautes Etudes du monde gréco-romain, 60. Droz. pp. 19-39
Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.). Archäologische Forschungen, Band: 29, 2019
González Cesteros, H.; Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Hispanic amphorae". Amphora Research in Castrum ... more González Cesteros, H.; Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Hispanic amphorae". Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.). Archäologische Forschungen, Band: 29. Wien: 47-54.
Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.), 2019
Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Inscriptions on laterite finds from Brijuni". Amphora Research in Castr... more Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Inscriptions on laterite finds from Brijuni". Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.). Archäologische Forschungen, Band: 29. Wien: 147-.184.
The Brijuni National Park Archaeological Museum (BNPAM) has a splendid and very interesting collection of non-amphora finds with epigraphy on laterite (tegula, imbrex and dolium). In this paper we will explain these finds, an assemblage of 131 pieces, the vast majority of which are stamps on tegulae imported from various manufacturing
regions in the Upper Adriatic area.
Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.), 2019
Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Calendar graffiti on Dressel 20 amphorae. Asiaticus: another paradigmat... more Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Calendar graffiti on Dressel 20 amphorae. Asiaticus: another paradigmatic case with a new find from Brijuni". Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.). Archäologische Forschungen, Band: 29. Wien: 125-145.
Dressel 20 globular amphorae from Baetica usually preserve different types of inscriptions, among which the best known are ante cocturam graffiti, stamps, painted inscriptions (tituli picti) and post cocturam graffiti.2 All were added at different times by different hands using diverse writing techniques. Their purpose had to do with each of the stages in the life cycle of these olive oil amphorae: the manufacture of the pottery object, its filling with olive oil, its marketing, transportation and distribution, sale and consumption, and finally, its possible reuse for a completely different purpose.
Carta arqueológica subacuática de Alicante i fondeadero de Lucentum (Bahía de l’Albufereta, Alicante), 2017
Asunción Fernández Izquierdo, Piero Berni Millet y Antonio Aguilera Martín. "El pecio romano Albu... more Asunción Fernández Izquierdo, Piero Berni Millet y Antonio Aguilera Martín. "El pecio romano Albufereta I (siglo I d.C.): el cargamento". Carta arqueológica subacuática de Alicante i fondeadero de Lucentum (Bahía de l’Albufereta, Alicante). Rafael Azuar y Omar Inglese (Coords.). Alicant, 2017: pp. 99-114 (Serie Excavaciones Arqueológicas Memorias; 7).
Berni Millet, P. (2017). "Chapter 8. Amphorae-Epigraphy: Stamps, Graffiti and Tituli Picti from R... more Berni Millet, P. (2017). "Chapter 8. Amphorae-Epigraphy: Stamps, Graffiti and Tituli Picti from Roman Nijmegen". Amphorae from the Kops Plateau (Nijmegen): trade and supply to the Lower-Rhineland from the Augustan period to AD 69/70. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology, 20. Oxford: 185-282, 289-343.
Virtual Labs by Piero Berni Millet
The detailed study of the amphorae typologies of Hispania, their production centers, their dating, their contents and distribution, is of great interest to any researcher interested in exploiting this very specific line of archaeological knowledge.
More than thirty authors have worked more than 250 cetariae files. The database is an open document that will grow over the next years, with total autonomy on the part of the partners of the project.
The site with his Virtual Lab is accessible since 2017 from:
You can access to this project at
The application is basically a search engine to find inscriptions (stamps and tituli picti). Very fast, because only performs read operations in the database. Originally, I designed this project to work my doctoral thesis about Dressel 20 stamps. At that time, I needed to move more than 15,000 stamps for my research. Nowadays, I don't have any link with this project, which is still developing & feeding in the CEIPAC.
Books by Piero Berni Millet
The first part of the book includes a discussion of all elements which are required to perform this critical analysis, based on external and internal features of the inscriptions. Therefore, the work can be regarded as the first Latin epigraphy manual on amphora stamps. The second part contains a complete and comprehensive study of Baetican amphora stamps and their areas of production. Thus it has become possible to (re-)assess the historical, economic and social significance of the stamps as an archaeological and epigraphic source to explain the various models of pottery ownership and management in Hispania Baetica during the early and mid Roman periods. The book has been reviewed in "Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne” (35 / I - 2009, pp. 188-189) as "un travail magistral" by Dr. Fanette Laubenheimer, emeritus research director of CNRS and director of the French journal Gallia. It had been also reviewed by Joaquín Ruíz de Arbulo, Professor of Archaeology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in “Archivo Español de Arqueología” (2010, 83, págs. 304-306).
Books chapters by Piero Berni Millet
Full book:
Full book:
This papers deals with the epigraphy on Roman Spanish amphorae. It focuses on the Dressel 20 oil amphorae from Baetica and the salted fish and fish sauces amphorae from Hispania, most of them having been produced (the amphorae and their content) also in Baetica. It offers an overview of the organization and the purposes of these inscriptions
The Brijuni National Park Archaeological Museum (BNPAM) has a splendid and very interesting collection of non-amphora finds with epigraphy on laterite (tegula, imbrex and dolium). In this paper we will explain these finds, an assemblage of 131 pieces, the vast majority of which are stamps on tegulae imported from various manufacturing
regions in the Upper Adriatic area.
Dressel 20 globular amphorae from Baetica usually preserve different types of inscriptions, among which the best known are ante cocturam graffiti, stamps, painted inscriptions (tituli picti) and post cocturam graffiti.2 All were added at different times by different hands using diverse writing techniques. Their purpose had to do with each of the stages in the life cycle of these olive oil amphorae: the manufacture of the pottery object, its filling with olive oil, its marketing, transportation and distribution, sale and consumption, and finally, its possible reuse for a completely different purpose.
The detailed study of the amphorae typologies of Hispania, their production centers, their dating, their contents and distribution, is of great interest to any researcher interested in exploiting this very specific line of archaeological knowledge.
More than thirty authors have worked more than 250 cetariae files. The database is an open document that will grow over the next years, with total autonomy on the part of the partners of the project.
The site with his Virtual Lab is accessible since 2017 from:
You can access to this project at
The application is basically a search engine to find inscriptions (stamps and tituli picti). Very fast, because only performs read operations in the database. Originally, I designed this project to work my doctoral thesis about Dressel 20 stamps. At that time, I needed to move more than 15,000 stamps for my research. Nowadays, I don't have any link with this project, which is still developing & feeding in the CEIPAC.
The first part of the book includes a discussion of all elements which are required to perform this critical analysis, based on external and internal features of the inscriptions. Therefore, the work can be regarded as the first Latin epigraphy manual on amphora stamps. The second part contains a complete and comprehensive study of Baetican amphora stamps and their areas of production. Thus it has become possible to (re-)assess the historical, economic and social significance of the stamps as an archaeological and epigraphic source to explain the various models of pottery ownership and management in Hispania Baetica during the early and mid Roman periods. The book has been reviewed in "Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne” (35 / I - 2009, pp. 188-189) as "un travail magistral" by Dr. Fanette Laubenheimer, emeritus research director of CNRS and director of the French journal Gallia. It had been also reviewed by Joaquín Ruíz de Arbulo, Professor of Archaeology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in “Archivo Español de Arqueología” (2010, 83, págs. 304-306).
Full book:
Full book:
This papers deals with the epigraphy on Roman Spanish amphorae. It focuses on the Dressel 20 oil amphorae from Baetica and the salted fish and fish sauces amphorae from Hispania, most of them having been produced (the amphorae and their content) also in Baetica. It offers an overview of the organization and the purposes of these inscriptions
The Brijuni National Park Archaeological Museum (BNPAM) has a splendid and very interesting collection of non-amphora finds with epigraphy on laterite (tegula, imbrex and dolium). In this paper we will explain these finds, an assemblage of 131 pieces, the vast majority of which are stamps on tegulae imported from various manufacturing
regions in the Upper Adriatic area.
Dressel 20 globular amphorae from Baetica usually preserve different types of inscriptions, among which the best known are ante cocturam graffiti, stamps, painted inscriptions (tituli picti) and post cocturam graffiti.2 All were added at different times by different hands using diverse writing techniques. Their purpose had to do with each of the stages in the life cycle of these olive oil amphorae: the manufacture of the pottery object, its filling with olive oil, its marketing, transportation and distribution, sale and consumption, and finally, its possible reuse for a completely different purpose.
Berni Millet, P.; Carreras Monfort, C. (2013). "Corpus epigràfic de segells en àmfores, dolia, tegulae i gerres de ceràmica comuna oxidada del Baix Llobregat". Marques i terrisseries d'àmfores al Baix Llobregat. Barcelona: 127-286
finds made in recent years in the western part of the territory of Tarragona as part of the “Ager Tarraconensis Project (atp): A study of the archaeological landscape on the right of the River Francolí (2005-2009)” carried out by the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology.
We are presenting the corpus of epigraphy on amphoras tiles, imbrices and doliae documented for this research.
González Cesteros, H.; García Vargas, E.; González Tobar, I.; Berni Millet, P.; de Almeida, R.R. (2024). "Before the Dressel 20: pottery workshops and olive oil amphorae of the Guadalquivir valley between the Late Republic and Augustan-Tiberian times". Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp- 1-37.
The Late Roman Republic and Early Augustan ages are of maximum importance for the understanding of the enormous volume of the Baetican exports of olive oil in later moments. Further, these initial stages mark the beginning of the phenomenon of the intense stamping on oil amphorae. The aim of this work is to analyse in depth the epigraphical production of Lucius Horatius, who appears to be the oldest stamp on south Spanish olive oil amphorae. The most recent findings are presented in detail, enlarging the nomina and geography of this production. A critical update is made of all the epigraphical and archaeological data known to date and problems related to their typological ascription are discussed as well. Through such an integral analysis the main trade routes of the Horati stamps can be traced, with an important diffusion in the Iberian Peninsula, with special incidence in the Portuguese and Galician Atlantic façade, and a second line of diffusion towards other Mediterranean regions. The findings in Galicia and Portugal are related to the definitive conquest of the
Iberian Peninsula as a whole in the time of Augustus, while those of the Mediterranean façade point to other trade routes, which were expanding with other south Spanish ovoid amphorae shortly before the beginning of
the Augustan period.
González Tobar, I., Soler i Nicolau, A., & Berni Millet, P. (2023). Las Geórgicas de Virgilio in figlinis: A propósito de un grafito ante cocturam sobre un ánfora olearia bética. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 36-1: pp. 1-22. doi:10.1017/S1047759423000156
The article reviews the question of exports of wine amphorae from Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis to Carthage. Delattre’s study of the second wall of amphorae and its re-examination by J. Freed are the starting point, coupled with results from the more recent excavations, notably those of the German Archaeological Institute. Recent publications relating to the amphora production centers of the Citerior Tarraconensis have marked significant advances in the epigraphy and typology of these amphorae. This permits a new summary of these commercial activities. Since Layetania was a major player in this trade, special attention is paid to Lauronense wine.
This contribution has a dual scientific purpose. First, we summarize the main ideas of our recent review of the typology Dressel 2-4 Tarraconense, today called Dressel 3-2, study that we published in 2015 in Archivo Español de Arqueología. Second, we widen the field of investigation to several aspects whose importance is essential for the study of these amphorae. Thanks to the descriptive method of classification of Dressel 3-2 – in particular the evolution of the shape of the bottom and the associated laetanian epigraphy –, it is not only possible to identify them with precision, but also to date the different phases of the activity of the figlinae and its protagonists. We then focus on the commercial dynamics of the wines produced on the two slopes of the territory of laetanian by proposing the hypothesis of a polarization of the wine production and the amphora industries in the two zones, western and eastern. On the basis of archaeological data, we suggest that the laetanian wine trade had to face two punctual moments of crisis (second quarter of the 1st century AD and Flavian period).
Berni Millet, P. (2015) "Novedades sobre la tipología de las ánforas Dressel 2-4 tarraconenses". Archivo español de arqueología, 88. pp. 187-201
methods and comparisons.
The documentary source of this work is a series of stamps with carto in planta pedis compounded by simple slave cognomina. We know up to seven different names of people: Lupatus, Macrinus, Martinus, Martinianus, Octavianus, Pascasius, Vernacellus. The form of these names is a clear symptom of the christianization of Roman onomastics in the productive ambiances of Baetica. Regarding the geography of production, the finds are centered in sites of andalusians of Isla de la Barqueta, and specially, Monjas/Soto del Rey, where there are many amphorae Dressel 20 of this period.
The oil trade in amphorae Dressel 23 with stamps in planta pedis had a wide and strong consumers market focused in the cost between Hispania and Gallia. Nowadays we had twenty epigraphical finds scattered in urban and rural sites, well communicated with the maritime ports of reception with these products. The finds in Hispania are circumscribed toe the province Tarraconensis with an important presence of proofs in Tarraco. Its commerce by French territory was already studied in an excellent work carried out by Pierre Abauzit (1999).
The production and commerce of oil amphorae Dressel 23 with stamps in planta pedis is related with a particular historical reality with a commercial vitality and growth not related with times of economic recession. This moments belongs to the first decades of V century AD and it is developed on the main towns on the coast of the north-western Mediterranean, with a substantial increase of these amphorae regarding the two previous levels of IV century AD.
We believed it is necessary to integrate diverse types of existent documentation sources, and we propose in the present case to study a working model focus on the gens Licinia. The importance of this gens in the Northeast of the Peninsula and the outstanding volume of información preserved allow us to put forward a series of methodological and historical reflections we judge significant.
El artículo presente pretende reconstruir todo el circuito comercial de Barcino a partir de las numerosas estampillas de ánforas encontradas en las excavaciones. Estas marcas comerciales no sólo evidencian una próspera producción de vino en el área, sino también la correspondiente demanda externa.
Bernal-Casasola, D.; Cau, M-A; Cardell, J.; García Riaza, E.; Pecci, A.; Retamosa, J.A; Portillo-Sotelo, J.L.; Fantuzzi, L.; Oviedo, J.; de Juan, C.; Munar, S.; Berni, P.; Moya, J.A. (2024). "Ánforas vinarias de la Cartaginense: aportaciones del pecio mallorquín de Ses Fontanelles". II Col·loqui internacional d'arqueologia romana. El vi a l'antiguitat. Economia, producció i comerç al Mediterrani (Badalona, 19-21 oct 2022). pp. 550-568
Coll Monteagudo, R.; Jàrrega Domínguez, R.; Berni Millet, P.; Prevosti Monclús, M. (2024). "Epigrafia amfòrica de la terrisseria de la vil·la romana de la Gran Via-Can Ferrerons (Premià de Mar, Barcelona)". II Col·loqui internacional d'arqueologia romana. El vi a l'antiguitat. Economia, producció i comerç al Mediterrani (Badalona, 19-21 oct 2022). pp. 360-372.
Cau-Ontiveros, M.A.; Bernal-Casasola, D.; Fantuzzi, L.; Retamosa, J.A.; Portillo-Sotelo, J.L.; Pecci, A.; Valenzuela, A.; Munar Llabrés, S.; Berni MIllet, P.; Cardell, J.; García Riaza, E. (2024). "Primera aproximación a la tipología y procedencia de las ánforas del pecio de Ses Fontanelles (Mallorca, Islas Baleares)". Los cursos fluviales en Hispania, vías de comercio cerámico. Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la SECAH (Zaragoza, 2022). Monografías EX OFFICINA HISPANA, 6: pp. 401-414.
working in the potteries (figlinae). We discuss the reading and the multi-layered semantic meaning of this short
text and add some thoughts on the organisation of amphorae production and the function of graffiti ante cocturam.
El proyecto AexH pretende convertirse en un centro de referencia internacional sobre los temas relativos a las ánforas hispanas, poniendo en manos del público en general varias herramientas de consulta con información de calidad, científicamente contrastada por expertos en la materia, con el fin de difundir y potenciar esta línea específica y compleja del conocimiento. Otro de sus objetivos principales es la creación de una comunidad científica abierta a las ánforas hispanas, accesible para todo aquél que quiera participar de forma voluntaria o integral, compartiendo información, para de este modo eliminar las fronteras académicas de nuestro entorno físico más próximo que, normalmente, son la causa principal de su improductividad al limitar las sinergias de la sintonía humana en los esfuerzos e intereses comunes.
La temática general del proyecto AexH se centra en las producciones anfóricas hispanas, los centros de producción (talleres) y lugares de consumo. Los contenidos abarcan los problemas metodológicos que presenta actualmente el estudio de las ánforas hispanas:
• Sistematización de las tipologías anfóricas;
• Determinación de sus centros y áreas de producción;
• Problemas derivados a partir de la epigrafía, arqueometría, sistemas de cuantificación, etc.
La labor de los grupos de investigación implicados en el proyecto AexH se está llevando a cabo en Red con el soporte informático de un Laboratorio Virtual que permite la gestión y consulta de los contenidos científicos, mediante un espacio interactivo y de intercambio de conocimientos. El público de Internet tiene la posibilidad de consultar la información generada en nuestra base de datos con los servicios más destacados del Lab que son accesibles desde el portal público del proyecto:
La Fase I del proyecto consistió en la puesta en marcha del Laboratorio Virtual diseñado íntegramente con software libre.
Asimismo, se dio a conocer su funcionamiento interno junto con el diseño conceptual general de las aplicaciones propias del proyecto que se están y se irán desarrollando progresivamente según las fases de desarrollo pactadas en la memoria del I+D+i.
La primera aplicación finalizada es la Biblioteca On-line, desde donde ya se pueden descargar más de 300 publicaciones subidas al Lab por los miembros del proyecto AexH, siendo la primera herramienta on-line que comienza a dar sus frutos con la difusión de nuestras investigaciones (a día de hoy se contabilizan en el Lab más de 14.000 descargas por parte de los usuarios de Internet).
Para el presente Congreso Internación de la SECAH a celebrar en Braga (Portugal) queremos dar a conocer la Fase II del proyecto AexH que versa sobre el diseño y la puesta en marcha del catálogo general de los tipos anfóricos, con el fin de estandarizar la terminología para las producciones hispanas. Esta estandarización afecta a la terminología empleada para identificar las ánforas por su forma y origen.
A día de hoy, esta labor ha permitido sintetizar y actualizar los contenidos de 37 tipos de ánforas hispanorromanas firmadas por los siguiente epecialistas: Dario Bernal Casasola, Piero Berni Millet, Cèsar Carreras Monfort, José Juan Díaz Rodríguez, Rui Miguel de Almeida, Enrique García Vargas, Horacio González Cesteros, Ramon Járrega Domínguez, Lázaro Gabriel Lagóstena Barrios, Rui Morais Lopes de Souse, Daniel Martín-Arroyo, Daniel Mateo Corredor, Jaime Molina Vidal, Juan Moros Díaz, Antonio M. Sáez Romero, Joaquim Tremoleda Trilla. Ha sido un ilusionante trabajo compartido y grupal, que ha permitido el intercambio de experiencias y la colaboración de diversos investigadores al efecto. Las fichas de tipologías son, gracias al Laboratorio virtual, un documento digital abierto que puede ser actualizado por sus propios autores en cualquier momento.
Cuando escribimos estas líneas, se ha activado la segunda y última tanda de elaboración de Fichas Tipológicas con el objetivo final de tener para enero de 2013 todas las fichas accesibles en Internet (cerca de 100 fichas). Desde el proyecto se ha decidido proponer que participen en la elaboración de las fichas no únicamente los miembros del proyecto, sino todos aquellos investigadores especializados en esta temática que quieran sumarse al proyecto.
A lo largo del primer semestre del año 2013 se editará un libro-manual que recogerá tanto algunos estudios generales sobre las ánforas romanas hispanas como, especialmente, todas las fichas del Laboratorio en otro formato, firmadas por sus respectivos autores, con el objetivo de que se convierta en un libro de cabecera para la clasificación preliminar de las ánforas producidas en Hispania entre el s. II a.C. y el VII d.C., tanto en el campo como en el laboratorio.
El LDV es una herramienta informática que persigue tres objetivos fundamentales. El primero es proyectar hacia las TIC la labor científica de grupos de investigación con proyectos nuevos o consolidados. El segundo, conseguir una herramienta idónea para la gestión y consulta de los contenidos generados por la comunidad científica ligada al proyecto, mediante un espacio interactivo y de intercambio de conocimientos, que permita mejorar la productividad científica, fomentando las sinergias de los grupos implicados, y ayudando a consolidar las relaciones institucionales con la vinculación de comunidades científicas a través de las TIC. El tercero, que el LDV se convierta en un “estándar de referencia” para esta línea de investigación, abierta a Internet para investigadores, estudiantes universitarios, y profesionales de la arqueología.
En la actualidad, “Amphorae ex Hispania” cuenta con la colaboración externa de varios grupos de investigadores del ámbito nacional, con una experiencia consolidada sobre este tema, adscritos a las universidades de Cádiz (Lázaro Lagóstena, Darío Bernal) y Sevilla (Enrique García Vargas). Pero desde el ICAC se pretende que este LDV sea la base para una colaboración más amplia, con el objetivo de crear una red básica de cooperación entre investigadores especialistas de distintas universidades, tanto españolas como portuguesas.
El proyecto de Laboratorio Virtual ha sido pensado para que los usuarios interactúen con el sistema informático a través de dos ambientes de trabajo diferenciados y con recursos propios: el “portal público” del proyecto abierto al público de Internet; el laboratorio virtual como una “intranet” para usuarios registrados.
El portal público tiene tres propósitos principales: presentar las bases del proyecto y su progreso; difundir el conocimiento generado en el Lab a un nivel didáctico y divulgativo; ofrecer al público de Internet la posibilidad de consultar nuestras bases de datos con los servicios más destacados, como lo es ahora la Biblioteca on-line desde donde se pueden descargar publicaciones digitales sobre ánforas hispanas.
La intranet o espacio privado es el motor fundamental del proyecto, desde donde se alimentan las bases de datos con el trabajo concurrente de los miembros registrados. Para el acceso concurrente, el LDV contempla cuatro tipos de perfiles de usuarios registrados (director, responsable científico, colaborador, invitado), cada uno de los cuales ofrece un nivel de acceso, mayor o menor, a los servicios del Laboratorio y a las informaciones de la base de datos.
La intranet de laboratorio cuenta con dos grupos de aplicaciones informáticas: las llamadas “genéricas”, que forman parte del núcleo del sistema y son comunes a todos los laboratorios; y las llamadas “específicas”, diseñadas para el proyecto en sí, a razón de sus necesidades. Sobre las aplicaciones del segundo grupo cabe destacar las siguientes: “yacimientos” (lugares de producción; lugar de tránsito; mercados receptores); “intervenciones” (excavación, prospección, etc., o los registros arqueológicos de los materiales estudiados); “producciones” (cuantificaciones de los materiales anfóricos recogidos en cada intervención); “objetos” (la ficha de un ánfora de especial interés científico por su información metrológica, arqueométrica y epigráfica); “tipologías” (a modo de síntesis, la descripción general de los tipos anfóricos hispanos clasificados por la forma del recipiente y el origen geográfico de la producción).
Con la puesta en marcha del LDV “Amphorae ex Hispania” y la aportación progresiva de sus participantes, pretendemos alcanzar una serie de objetivos científicos: estandarizar la terminología para las ánforas hispanas; ofrecer un mapa detallado de los centros de producción de ánforas en Hispania; ofrecer un mapa detallado de impacto de estas producciones en los mercados receptores; fomentar el uso de las metodologías y formas de cuantificación de las ánforas; fomentar los estudios arqueométricos en los distintos centros de producción; completar la epigrafía anfórica local con el microanálisis de marcas, grafitos y tituli picti.
Donde mejor se observa la carencia de una metodología específica para el estudio de los sellos anfóricos es, justamente, en las deficientes lecturas de estos epígrafes, no pocas veces resueltas a “suerte”, intuitivamente, al verse incapaz el autor de desglosar los elementos onomásticos y toponomásticos del formulario fuertemente contraído que caracteriza a esta clase de inscripciones. De aquí la finalidad de nuestro trabajo: ofrecer al investigador nuevas ideas y técnicas que le ayuden a llevar a cabo, en forma transparente y objetiva, la autopsia crítica sobre los sellos en ánfora, con un tratamiento sistemático de estos datos más propio de un manual de epigrafía latina.
El lenguaje oscuro de los textos de los sellos en ánfora, aparentemente críptico, es el mayor inconveniente con el que se enfrenta el investigador interesado en clasificar las indicaciones onomásticas y toponomásticas, que esta fuente histórica y arqueológica esconde en su singular lenguaje, para así mirar de reconstruir aspectos concretos de la historia económica y social de una región productora en época altoimperial. Pero a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras clases de inscripciones romanas, en las que el texto escrito es accesible a la lectura e interpretación de cualquier persona, los sellos de nuestras ánforas fueron, mayoritariamente, incomprensibles al público. La transmisión del mensaje utilizado estaba garantizada entre las personas encargadas de fabricar estos envases y los responsables del funcionamiento del complejo alfarero. Pero el valor de este registro de fábrica se perdía con su significado al comercializarse el producto envasado.
Por tanto, el epigrafista que quiera resolver los mensajes fuertemente contraídos de los sellos de las ánforas, ha de ser capaz de sistematizar y definir las claves del lenguaje utilizado en las alfarerías de cada región productora. Para tal fin, ha procurar colocar con orden y máxima precisión las diferentes piezas de estos “rompecabezas”, que son los sellos, en sus respectivos juegos de mesa, que son los lugares de producción de las ánforas. Este proceso debe llevarse a cabo con un balance de la información histórica y arqueológica disponible en el territorio de origen del sello, tras haber hecho previamente el análisis crítico de la inscripción por sus rasgos de forma y contenido.
with special incidence in the Portuguese and Galician Atlantic façade, and a second line of diffusion towards other Mediterranean regions. The findings in Galicia and Portugal are related to the definitive conquest of the Iberian Peninsula as a whole in the time of Augustus, while those of the Mediterranean façade point to other trade routes, which were expanding with other south Spanish ovoid amphorae shortly before the beginning of the Augustan period.
Key words: Hispania; Guadalquivir Valley; Roman Amphorae; Ovoid Amphorae; Betic Olive Oil; Pottery
Production; Gaul.
En los últimos años ha habido un importante avance sobre el conocimiento de las primeras fases de exportación del aceite de oliva de la Bética, ejemplarizado en la individualización de los primeros envases propiamente béticos de tradición romana, usados para comercializar este producto dentro y fuera de Hispania. Se trata de un proceso innovador que se inicia durante el tercer cuarto del siglo I a.C. y que se incrementa exponencialmente a partir de la segunda mitad de siglo. La finalidad de esta ponencia es explicar el proceso evolutivo y de transformación de los diferentes envases precursores de la Dressel 20, con sus talleres en el valle del Guadalquivir y los focos de difusión exterior. Queremos indagar en el devenir de este proceso dentro del amplio contexto económico del Mediterráneo tardorrepublicano y augusteo, comparando los datos relativos al aceite bético con la producción y exportación de aceite desde otras regiones mediterráneas, e intentando sugerir ciertas pautas relativas al avance de la producción de aceite en la Bética desde la aparición de los primeros tipos olearios hasta que se convierte en la región productora más importante desde el cambio de era hasta el abandono del Monte Testaccio en el s. III d.C.