Celebrating the Life and Music of Hod O'Brien
January 19, 1936 - November 20, 2016
"The outpouring of kindness we've received from those who were touched by Hod has been overwhelming. Thank you for the memories and stories you've shared with us and for keeping his spirit and music be-bopping in your hearts"
With love, Stephanie and Veronica (wife and daughter)
It's now been over two years since his passing, and after great urging and requests from his followers, Hod O'Brien's family has agreed to bring back his website in tribute to the profound mark he made to the world of jazz.
While some of his catalog is available, the more rare performances are in limited supply. As the family seeks to secure these precious moments in Hod's life, if you are interested in a recording that is listed as "unavailable," please contact us and we will notify you should a copy be found.
The family expresses their deep gratitude to all who loved Hod and who continue to cherish his legacy through his music.