明愛安老服務踏入2024年4月已經成立45年了,我們因此舉辦幾項慶祝活動。首先,在2024年6月7日舉行職員聯歡晚宴。約500名來自不同單位及職級同工聚首一堂享用筵席外,亦透過回顧過去大家同心協力、互勵互勉推動明愛安老服務的發展,重新得力繼續向前邁進。 另一項重點慶祝活動是在2024年10月17日於荃灣西如心酒店宴會廳,舉辦名為「明愛長者暖萬心」活動,以感謝服務使用者、善長、合作夥伴及義工多年的支持。當日有約1,000名人士出席,活動內容豐富多元,包括互動遊戲、嘉賓、同工及職員歌舞表演、讀劇、抽獎及頒發感謝狀。有賴由明愛長者聯會及同工組成的籌委會的精心策劃,一眾參加者都非常投入,當合唱《明愛伴我行》時,所有在場人士均沉浸在明愛精神內,大家不分彼此,和諧共融。這個活動成為所有參加者一個珍貴的回憶,特別是陪伴及見證安老服務多年的發展和成就的一群服務用者。 我們將於2025年1月出版一本特刊,總結及重點分享明愛安老服務45年來的發展和成就,以繼往開來的精神持續向有需要的長者及護老者提供與時並進的服務。
Caritas-Hong Kong
Non-profit Organizations
Founded by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Offer relief and rehabilitation services to the poor and the distressed.
About us
Caritas–Hong Kong (Caritas) was founded in July 1953 by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. The primary purpose of its establishment was to offer relief and rehabilitation services to the poor and the distressed, with the aim of addressing some of the social hardships and inequalities in Hong Kong resulting from the Second World War and subsequent social and political changes at the time. Over sixty-five years of development, Caritas now turns to a multi-service non-governmental organization rendering help to different sectors of the community in response to Hong Kong's changing needs. The wide-ranging services provided by Caritas include social work services, education, medical care, community development and hospitality, etc.Today Caritas serves the community through over 260 service units from about 150 locations. It has more than 6,000 full time staff and receives ongoing support from thousands of volunteers. The annual budget for recurrent expenditure exceeds HK$ 2 billion. Although the Government provides funding for some of the services, Caritas largely relies on the fees and subsidies from those who participate in and use the services, and on the donations and fund-raising campaigns throughout the territory. Caritas receives contributions from the Community Chest and actively participates in its fund-raising activities. The support from private sources precludes a total dependence on the Government for funds. Thus, the degree of flexibility achieved enables assistance to be extended to other worthy causes or to the unaided. Caritas–Hong Kong is a member of Caritas Internationalis, a federation of 165 Caritas organizations operating in over 200 countries throughout the world. Each Caritas organization is committed to a united world without poverty, societies without divisions, equality among communities and a civilisation of love and solidarity.
- Website
External link for Caritas-Hong Kong
- Industry
- Non-profit Organizations
- Company size
- 5,001-10,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Hong Kong
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1953
2 Caine Road
Caritas House
Hong Kong, HK
Employees at Caritas-Hong Kong
2024 明愛慈善聖誕曲奇 聖誕佳節傳暖意 香港明愛的慈善聖誕曲奇自推出以來深受各界歡迎,除了設計精美外,更因是由康復服務轄下天糧包餅工房的學員親手製作,旨在提供在職培訓和就業機會,每一塊曲奇都標誌著學員的努力和我們的心意。 今年三款小方罐的設計主題是「平安」、「喜樂」及「分享」,曲奇義賣收益將用於特殊教育服務,為智障兒童及有行為和情緒需要的學生送上愛心祝福、傳遞溫暖。 天糧不斷創新口味,今次推出兩款口感豐富的曲奇,分別是海鹽焦糖合桃及黃金芝士。今年亦設精緻的三合一禮盒套裝,送禮自用皆宜。善長每購買禮盒一盒,可獲贈咖啡掛耳包五個。數量有限,送完即止。 聖誕節是普天同慶的大日子,也是與眾「童」樂的好機會。善長可支持「曲奇送暖・佳節『童』樂」項目,所認購的曲奇將會轉贈予低收入或單親家庭的小朋友,在冬日為他們送上關懷與喜樂。 慈善聖誕曲奇於10月14日至12月2日期間發售,請大家踴躍支持,讓節日倍添意義!凡於11月11日(星期一)或之前訂購滿港幣1,200元或以上,即可享全單九折早鳥優惠。
2024「明愛暖萬心」慈善晚會圓滿結束 由「明愛之友」主辦的年度籌款盛事「明愛暖萬心」慈善晚會已於7月6日(星期六)完滿舉行。晚會由醫院管理局行政總裁高拔陞醫生太平紳士、天主教香港教區主教周守仁樞機、「明愛暖萬心」慈善晚會主席和富慈善基金主席李宗德博士, GBS, 太平紳士、明愛籌款委員會主席中國工商銀行(亞洲)高級業務總監詹偉基博士、「明愛之友」榮譽顧問陳德權先生及「明愛之友」主席吳彩玉太平紳士一同主持亮燈儀式。 今年晚會以「給他們一個希望」為主題,五位司儀汪明荃、孔德賢、林正峰、潘靜文和許文軒化身演說者,將明愛「給他們一個希望」的感人故事,與市民大眾分享。在明愛樂仁學校圓表演夢的珈珈、在社工幫助下走出低潮並改善與家人關係的阿Moon、在明愛黃耀南中心接受治療並成功戒除毒癮的Owen、在明愛藝坊展現自己畫畫才能的珈慧、照顧病重丈夫並擔任義工幫助他人的晶晶……明愛透過多元化服務,為有需要的朋友提供協助,為他們的人生旅途締造更多的可能。 晚會由趙增熹擔任音樂總監,新世紀青年管弦樂團現場演奏。恢宏的音樂、感人的故事,配合一眾歌手的動人歌聲,讓觀眾沉醉其中。當晚演出陣容包括泳兒、JW王灝兒、許靖韻、陳潔靈、曾比特、方皓玟、林奕匡、鄭俊弘、鍾柔美、任暟晴、涂毓麟、周吉佩、李佳、古淖文、譚輝智、冼靖峰、黃洛妍、趙紫諾、龍婷等。演員余香凝及歌手Gin Lee亦有拍攝短片呼籲支持。 「明愛暖萬心」慈善晚會更獲得Make The Right Call贊助78條捐款熱線,並得到善長贊助「一對一捐款配對」。市民大眾踴躍捐輸,為晚會帶來理想的籌款成績。截至7月11日,晚會已籌得善款接近港幣$1000萬元(未作捐款配對),在此再次感謝各界的支持。捐款配對將持續至9月底,希望大家繼續慷慨解囊,使明愛可以在社區播下更多希望的種子,結成飽滿甘甜的果實,惠澤社群。
Caritas – Hong Kong and Parkway Medical Services collaborate to redevelop Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas) to provide excellent and comprehensive healthcare services (23 May 2024) Caritas – Hong Kong (“Caritas”) and Parkway Medical Services (Hong Kong) Limited (“PMS”) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) today (23 May), marking a new milestone in the cooperation between Caritas and PMS on the redevelopment project of Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas) (the “Hospital”). This MOU was signed by Rev Joseph Yim, Chief Executive of Caritas – Hong Kong and Dr Kenneth Tsang, Chief Executive Officer of PMS. Through this partnership, Caritas and PMS will co-create a new hospital campus which will involve creating new space for inpatient and ambulatory services. The clinical services of the redeveloped Hospital will focus on the provision of outpatient consultation, elderly healthcare services, and high volume day and elective operations or procedures. The key strategies of the collaboration include providing more affordable and high-quality private healthcare services to the community and actively participating in Public-Private Partnership (“PPP”) Programmes to provide timely care for patients and help relieve pressure on services of public hospitals. The redevelopment project will be implemented in phases. The initial phase will focus on the creation of a new inpatient clinical space, which will involve moving outpatient services and non-clinical functions to an offsite location and setting up a new offsite ambulatory care centre. Current facilities such as the operating theatres will be upgraded. The next phase will involve renovation of the Hospital to allow provision of more beds and day procedures. The project also aims to develop a new ambulatory clinical block on a site adjacent to the Hospital in the longer run. In his address at the signing ceremony, Rev Joseph Yim said, “We are delighted to join hands with PMS to initiate a series of collaborations that capitalize on each other's strengths in medical services. Our ultimate goal is to provide more professional and comprehensive medical services to the community through a better development of the Hospital.”
二零二三年度香港明愛籌款運動閉幕典禮已於2024年5月31日(星期五)假堅道明愛大廈五樓禮堂圓滿舉行。在明愛籌款委員會的積極帶領,以及各堂區、天主教學校、友好機構和善長義工的全力支持下,去年度共籌得善款約$5,477萬港元,刷新紀錄。 典禮當日由天主教香港教區主教周守仁樞機帶領感恩祈禱,籌款委員會主席中國工商銀行(亞洲)高級業務總監詹偉基博士,以及一眾籌款委員會贊助人頒發賣物會和慈善獎券的各個獎項,並由香港明愛總裁閻德龍神父頒發籌款總成績最佳單位分別予冠軍中國工商銀行(亞洲)、亞軍聖母無原罪主教座堂及季軍明愛醫院。典禮上除了重溫了去年度各項籌款活動的精彩花絮,更正式首播一段以明愛70周年時創作的《明愛伴我行》作為背景音樂的機構短片,以動人歌聲和畫面展示出明愛的一份愛與關懷、攜手同心的精神。 詹偉基博士在致歡迎辭時表示,2023年是充實的一年,除了是明愛70周年誌慶,亦是中國工商銀行(亞洲)擔任明愛籌款委員會主席第25年。銀行一直支持明愛多項籌款活動,在大家的通力合作之下,籌款數字更創下新高。詹博士亦寄語,雖然現時本港經濟仍然面對壓力,對籌款工作帶來不少考驗,希望大家繼續齊心,跨越重重阻礙,帶來理想的成果。 周樞機在感恩祈禱中感謝天父的眷顧和恩寵,讓明愛可以得到各界的支持,為貧困弱小帶來陽光溫暖,譜出希望之歌。同時亦希望大家在軟弱時,能夠獲得天主的扶持和力量,在主的帶領與助佑下跨越難關,在祂的愛內圓滿無缺。
香港明愛與Parkway Medical Services合作翻新及擴建寶血醫院(明愛) 為市民提供優質及全面醫療服務 (2024年5月23日)香港明愛(「明愛」)與Parkway Medical Services (Hong Kong) Limited (「PMS」) 今天簽訂合作備忘錄,標誌着寶血醫院(明愛)翻新及擴建的重要里程碑。 合作備忘錄由香港明愛總裁閻德龍神父及PMS執行總裁曾慶亷醫生簽署。透過是次合作, 明愛與PMS將攜手為醫院增設住院和日間醫療服務空間。寶血醫院(明愛)完成翻新及擴建後將主要提供門診、長者醫療服務,以及需求較大的日間及預約手術或程序。透過優化醫院的可用空間、環境和設施,是次合作旨在為市民提供高質素及可負擔的私營醫療服務。同時醫院會繼續積極參與公私營協作計劃,為病人提供適切的醫療服務,協助紓緩公營醫院的壓力。 此項目將分階段有序地實行,首階段是增加住院空間,門診服務和後勤支援部門將遷移至院外,並會在院外設立日間醫療中心;同時會提升現有的醫療設施,包括手術室等。下一階段將會翻新現有的醫院大樓,以優化醫院環境並增加空間發展病床和日間醫療服務。長遠計劃是在醫院旁邊興建一棟全新的日間醫療大樓。 閻德龍神父在簽署儀式上表示:「我們很高興能和PMS開展合作,發揮彼此在醫療服務領域的優勢。透過優化醫院發展,我們的最終目標是為市民提供更專業、更全面的醫療服務。」 PMS執行總裁、IHH醫療(北亞洲)區域首席執行官曾慶亷醫生表示:「我們致力透過不同的合作項目,讓更多市民可得到優質的醫療服務。我們很高興與明愛合作,讓我們可以善用在醫院發展和營運以及提供卓越無縫服務體驗方面的經驗,為寶血醫院營造更舒適的醫療環境和提供更貼心的醫療服務體驗。我們相信寶血醫院翻新及擴建後,將可更適切地滿足區內及區外市民的醫療需要。」 香港明愛醫療服務部長雷操奭醫生預料與PMS的合作將能發揮強大的協同效應。他認為PMS在此項目的規劃和管理及醫院營運方面擔當重要的角色。寶血醫院將繼續是一所天主教醫院,維持其宗教價值和使命,為當區居民和有需要的病人服務。醫院將會成立董事會,由明愛和PMS共同管理醫院日後的運作。雷醫生期待與PMS交流知識及經驗,合力提升醫院的服務質素。
明愛黃耀南中心25週年STAND FIRM音樂會 踏入2024年,明愛黃耀南中心舉行了一連串慶祝25週年的活動,其中最重要的一個慶祝活動為「明愛黃耀南中心25週年STAND FIRM音樂會」。今次活動主題是「STAND FIRM」,代表企硬,堅持改變,抗拒毒品,而中心職員也懷著堅定的心與戒毒人士同行,協助他們踏上新生路。 音樂會於2024年3月6日在新蒲崗東蒲綜合會堂舉行,各界人士皆有出席支持,包括主禮嘉賓禁毒專員李基舜先生、香港明愛助理總裁麥冠達神父、衞生署高級行政主任(員工關係及補助事務)陳丹娜女士、香港明愛社會工作部部長李淑霞女士、香港明愛家庭服務總主任林綺雲女士、香港明愛家庭服務副總主任鍾凌慧女士、香港明愛黃耀南中心顧問及前院長張大衛先生,並以樂器為活動揭開序幕。大家以《ROCK YOU》改編成的《STAND FIRM》歌曲作為音樂會的開場,氣氛十分熱鬧。 中心學員更為主禮嘉賓送上為他們特別製作的水泥盆栽,運用他們在維修班學習到的水泥技術製作成水泥盆,然後在盆內栽種代表著他們會不斷成長的植物。之後便由現時居住在明愛黃耀南中心的學員表演《STAND FIRM》話劇,描述在中心戒毒的生活及心態。畢業學員及家屬也在活動中分享心路歷程;協作機構青牧團契及伸手助人協會樂富宿舍代表亦有分享對中心學員的看法。接著便是頒發操守證書環節,以表揚一班多年來操守良好的學員。他們已成功戒毒一年至到廿三年不等,多年努力改變自己,開展新生活。藉此機會也頒發感謝狀予多年的協作伙伴,希望大家可以繼續合作,與戒毒人士同行,幫助他們重過新生。 活動最後有多支樂隊帶來壓軸表演, 包括路德會青彩中心的RAINBOW樂隊、耀南聲樂隊及黃耀南中心職員樂隊,賣力的演出引起全晚高潮,活動在一片歡呼聲下圓滿結束。
Caritas Institute of Higher Education granted the university title and renamed Saint Francis University Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE) welcomes the approval by the Chief Executive in Council and is pleased to announce that it is renamed Saint Francis University, enriching the post-secondary education sector with quality learning opportunities, and recognizing young people who aspire for professional development. Saint Francis University will continue its long-standing mission and is committed to offering flexible and diversified study pathways in line with societal and student needs, including the area of Health Sciences that encompasses nursing, physiotherapy and other subjects, and the area of Social Services encompassing related professional subjects, to help nurture the talents and manpower needed for building a Healthy Hong Kong and a Caring and Inclusive Society. Its cross-disciplinary area of Techno-Humanities & Business, encompassing artificial intelligence, digital entertainment technology, language and culture and translation technology, is in line with the development of the Eight Centres, enabling students to share the opportunities, and contribute their efforts and talents. With the much-appreciated support of stakeholders, its student enrolment has been increasing every year in recent years. The University will also continue to enrich its postgraduate programmes. Following the launch of its Master of Corporate Governance (MCG) programme, the new Master of Nursing and Allied Health (MNAH) programme to be launched early this year, and more postgraduate programmes in different disciplines are being planned. To support the Education Bureau’s pilot scheme to develop applied degrees, the University has taken the lead in implementing the Nursing Applied Degree programme and has taken the initiative to promote STEM Education in secondary schools. The University is working to launch the Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management Degree and other programmes that integrate practicum experience and work closely with the industry, to help meet the strong manpower needs and lift the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s human resources. The University is committed to whole person development, encouraging students to serve with love in giving back to society. Saint Francis University will continue to collaborate with its sister Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (CBCC), as well as other partners, to provide flexible diversified through-train pathways to success so that aspiring young people can achieve their goals, regardless of their starting points. The university title of Saint Francis University has undergone the Institutional Review by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) as conducted by its international panel in accordance with the rigorous criteria stipulated and has been approved by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong SAR Government.