3/27/23 - This blog has been reinstated by Support thirty six days after being summarily deleted by Tumblr with no explanation then or now except a pointed comment in the reinstatement notice about the mature content now being permitted here not including depictions of actual sexual activity which restriction this blog never violated. 

I wasn’t expecting this and I’m not sure how I’m going to react. Probably I’ll continue using the replacement I made, @paulgadzikowski, as my primary blog. If you’ve found your way here via an Ask-Me-Anything link at the main Hero of Three Faces site, please be patient, because I’m not sure how often I’ll remember to look at this blog in the future. Or send your ask at @paulgadzikowski. 

Huh. Somebody got prissy about that nude Peri comic, after all.

And was too cowardly to say it to you. weaksauce.

Or they were complaining about the mature content sideblog on this account which I haven’t updated since 2017 when most of its posts got flagged. Which would mean the intended consequences wouldn’t have been accomplished, because while this blog was deleted its activism sideblog was still there even though I couldn’t access it. I don’t remember whether I checked whether the mature content sideblog was still there while the main was deleted but, when one sideblog still was, I imagine so was the other.

EDIT In any case the Three Faces link post with the preview panel with the triangle casual nudity was still pinned when I got the blog back, so your hypothesis is as good as any. Well, it leaves open the question of why my first replacement blog also got zapped but the second one hasn’t.

Anyway here’s this blog’s FAQ and here’s my active blog’s FAQ

Do we know when Doctor Who comes on tomorrow?

asker portrait
Anonymous asked:

Welcome back!

Thank you! Hoping you’re the same anon I just answered at @not-caused-by-those-who-love

3/27/23 - This blog has been reinstated by Support thirty six days after being summarily deleted by Tumblr with no explanation then or now except a pointed comment in the reinstatement notice email about the mature content now being permitted here not including depictions of actual sexual activity which restriction this blog never violated. 

I wasn’t expecting the reinstatement and I’m not sure how I’m going to react. Probably I’ll continue using the replacement I made, @paulgadzikowski, as my primary blog. If you’ve found your way here via an Ask-Me-Anything link at the main Hero of Three Faces site, please be patient, because I’m not sure yet how often I’ll remember to look at this blog in the future. Or send your ask at @paulgadzikowski.

Anyway here’s this blog’s FAQ and here’s my active blog’s FAQ

Finish this poem 🥰

Roses are red, sugar is sweet..


The thing is, chibnall removing all non consential kissing from the show is one of my favourite things about him, so him cutting the master kissing ashad is on point and works for me.

On the other hand, the master is a bad guy. I don't necessarily mind a bad guy doing it. The master isn't known for their regard for consent. And it would have been Wildly Hilarious.

I'm so torn right now

the removal of all nonconsenual kissing from Doctor Who by a new showrunner is not a concept I anticipated having to deal with today and for the rest of my life

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Cartoons linked at about 10:00 Central US are new and link posts are pinned to the top of the...

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Or see this tumblog’s FAQ.
Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers.
Cartoons linked at about 10:00 Central US are new and link posts are pinned to the top of the blog. Cartoons linked at about 22:00 are from the archive and are only pinned during annual summer hiatus of new cartoons.
Thanks for reading.

[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link. Sarah Jane of Sarah Jane Adventures and Captain Jack of Torchwood stand talking on the Cardiff Plas at night outside Torchwood headquarters with Sarah Jane’s car nearby. The wormhole Torchwood monitors is open and visible through it is a thick forest under a blue sky. Sarah Jane is saying, “Would you really burn the entirety of the Forest of Cheem if that’s what it should come to?” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.]

Everybody who wears The One Ring in LOTR starts to refer to it as ‘My Precious,’ and Tolkien’s right that is super creepy, but what I really love is that everybody does it, which says to me that this super powerful scary evil sentient ring has a favorite pet name and just, like, will not respond to anything else.


Hey uhh @piyo-13 you cant hide brilliance like these in the tags

look i’m just saying, even as educated as frodo is, would he really KNOW the true name of sauron? like shit, of any of the elves left in middle earth by the time the events of LotR actually happen, only círdan and galadriel are old enough to remember that sauron existed in valinor (not counting old sindarin/avari elves because iirc sauron was never called mairon on the shores of ara [except possibly by melkor wink wonk]), let alone what his name was.
so to everyone in ME, he’s always been sauron, and there’s no connection to “precious” in any linguistic sense…
but mairon remembers.

no you’re a hundred percent right!! no one would know, and it wouldn’t make sense to anyone except maybe Gandalf, but that shredded little piece of sauron’s souls remembers

Oh, wow.   

this is why i love lotr fandom. this right here

so what you’re saying is there’s a tiny piece of sauron’s soul tucked smug into the Ring just going around introducing itself as “i’m babey”

This post has justified every second of every minute, hour, and collective day I have ever spent on Tumblr. It was all worth it for this.

holy shit it’s a horcrux

“A cartoonist has to eat the frog.”

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