help people


read pinned post before contacting please

Okay, finally putting up a little intro/pinned post. Mods pronouns are it/it's, and I am not a minor.

The rules

  • Dm me to have your post shared, I only have tumblr mobile, I can't view half the asks I receive.
  • Dm me once and wait, don't message again to ask if I've seen your message, I am homeless and busy. We are all going though a lot and I'll get to you asap, I promise I check often.
  • You can, however tag me if im really not getting back.
  • Spread the word. This means rb posts from here, and send posts from people who need their post shared. Tell people who need help that they can contact me to share posts. Anything to help others in return.

Let me know if I reblog a scammer.

People I don't consider scammers:

  • Addicts trying to get a fix or who need money bc they spent it on addict shit
  • Swers soliciting adults
  • Homeless people lying about the severity of their situation to escape how bad it is
  • People undergoing abuse doing the same
  • People who are kind of assholes that need help (I don't care if someone is rude in their post, them getting food/housing is more important than anyone's feelings being hurt by a post)

I do however consider missionaries of any kind scammers. Missionary work is colonialism. Yes, even your church.

You are worthy of help. Don't hesitate to ask. Message me if you need help making a post.

Just a reminder to dm me your post, do not tag me if you need it to be seen in a timely manner, tumblr is horrible, I will see your dm faster!!


09/15/24 - New Post!


We have housing! We are trying to get things moved out of our three storage units so we can put our crafting stuff for my mom's (hopeful) at home business in the smallest/cheapest unit, and get rid of the two units in Fallbrook and condense to one smaller unit at our current storage space in Carlsbad. However, there is a slight problem.

The plumbing job where they were supposed to replace the piping in our apartment has been postponed until we don't know when (and so far, no one will tell us anything except it has to do with permit issues), and that means we can't bring over as much of our furniture as we had wanted until it's done. Basically our whole back wall of our dining area and the larger kitchen wall/cabinets (as well as the bathroom) need to be clear of stuff. So we can bring in some of the bedroom furniture, but not all of the rest. So if I can raise about $2000 now, I can get the movers to move some of the stuff we need to the new apartment and maybe get stuff moved from the smaller unit to the big one once we clear it out.

Any reblogs of this post, monetary help or buying things from our Amazon wishlist would be a huge help.. We're almost on our feet and hopefully we won't need as much help in the future. Thank you very much for reading, and have a pleasant day!

TOTAL GOAL: $3000/$5500

IMMEDIATE GOAL: $1000/$2500

I upped each goal by $500 because my mom has a lot of microloans to pay off, and if I can't cover them before the 1st we may have trouble with our rent. So any help getting that would be very much appreciated.


09/15/24 - New Post!


We have housing! We are trying to get things moved out of our three storage units so we can put our crafting stuff for my mom's (hopeful) at home business in the smallest/cheapest unit, and get rid of the two units in Fallbrook and condense to one smaller unit at our current storage space in Carlsbad. However, there is a slight problem.

The plumbing job where they were supposed to replace the piping in our apartment has been postponed until we don't know when (and so far, no one will tell us anything except it has to do with permit issues), and that means we can't bring over as much of our furniture as we had wanted until it's done. Basically our whole back wall of our dining area and the larger kitchen wall/cabinets (as well as the bathroom) need to be clear of stuff. So we can bring in some of the bedroom furniture, but not all of the rest. So if I can raise about $2000 now, I can get the movers to move some of the stuff we need to the new apartment and maybe get stuff moved from the smaller unit to the big one once we clear it out.

Any reblogs of this post, monetary help or buying things from our Amazon wishlist would be a huge help.. We're almost on our feet and hopefully we won't need as much help in the future. Thank you very much for reading, and have a pleasant day!

TOTAL GOAL: $3000/$5500

IMMEDIATE GOAL: $1000/$2500


straight up not true i have spoken to many of the people that have sent me messages and this is a dangerous thing to spread. i won’t deny that there are probably bots but just use common sense. this same post says that the vetting process is just “trust me bro” and that also isn’t true. this post encourages donating to organizations that benefit palestinians instead, and that’s Fine, but to say every single message from an individual is a scam is frankly ridiculous. and harmful


My name is Eman, and I am a mother of three young children. Until recently, we had a home, a life, and a sense of stability in Gaza. I ran a small office, worked hard to provide for my family, and like any mother, I dreamed of a better future for my children.

But everything changed in an instant. The war in Gaza destroyed our home, my office, and my livelihood. In a matter of moments, our lives were turned upside down, and we were forced to flee, leaving behind the only life we knew.

Now, my children and I are refugees in a new city, trying to find a way to rebuild from nothing. We have lost not just our home and possessions but also our sense of security and hope. My children ask me daily when we can go home, but I have no answer for them. The war has taken everything from us.

I am reaching out for help because I believe in the kindness and generosity of people. With your support, we can start to rebuild our lives. Donations will go towards finding a safe place for my children, securing basic necessities, and eventually, rebuilding a new future for us all.

Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in our lives. Please help us rebuild after this unimaginable loss. Together, we can restore hope for my children and give them the chance to heal and thrive.

Thank you for your kindness and support.




1,226$ / 50,000$


Aww, remember this?

How cute are they?


I can't join the donor registry because I have Sjogren's (an autoimmune condition), can someone else join in my stead?

If you're not in the US, there are some other locations:

This website will point you towards how to become a stem cell/bone marrow (same thing) in so many different countries. I can’t recommend it enough.

Signing up to registry means that your country’s organisation will contact you if you are found to be a match for someone that needs a stem cell transplant (around 1 in 800 chance - which is why we need as many people as possible to sign up as potential donors!). You will only donate if you are found to be a match for someone.

The process is not as scary as ‘bone marrow donation’ makes it seem (which is why many places have switched to ‘stem cell donation’). In most cases, you will receive an injection that makes your stem cells migrate from your bone marrow into your bloodstream and then you will be hooked up to a haemodialysis machine that will filter your blood and take the stem cells out - this process does take several hours but, again, you will literally be saving someone’s life.

And afterwards your body will replenish the stem cells you donate - in as little as one week!

So please, please, please - look into signing up to your country’s stem cell/bone marrow donor registry.


Paypal suspended my account im no longer can access to the money i have in account until i solve the problem.

I need your help guys to continue help me and my family especially my brother and my relatives who still there in Khan Yunis so i will share my sister paypal account

I want to thank everyone for helping i’m able help my brother and some of relatives who are facing now winter and their tents will not hold the rain my brother tent drowned last time rained

I hope you keep helping him .


i was gonna go to bed but then i realized i actually don’t have enough money for getting home from work tonight/lunch this week. by any chance anybody wanna help? it’s not much like usual it’s just $70


dm for other paylinks. reblogs will be turned off once i’m done with this




🛑I will never be ashamed to talk about my period struggles in war‼️

In this war, I am facing indescribable suffering. When my period comes, I cannot find the sanitary pads I need. Their prices have become so high that I am forced to look for unhealthy alternatives, such as old cloths. This is not only inconvenient, but it also puts my health at risk and increases my pain. I feel embarrassed and anxious, not only because of the physical pain, but because I know that my need for something as simple as pads is not available under these harsh conditions. All I ask for is a little understanding and support in these difficult times. Any amount will ease my pain and suffering. Do not forget the suffering of girls in war


“Gfm doesn’t operate in Palestine therefore….”

It doesn’t operate in other places too if people would take time to read it instead of constantly citing this when seeing an ask from a gfm account. People will ignore the other countries to point to one of them and call it a day.

Don’t listen to people/anons who comment like this on your posts. They’re being ignorant on purpose.

Family/friends can do what they need to. That’s a fact that gets waved away and dismissed in order to continuously spread the false information that every gfm ask you get is a bot.

Gfm doesn’t operate in multiple places so consistently stating just one is ignoring what else is there.

“But how can you trust friends/family making it because…”

It’s called researching and checking the details out yourself.


There's this really cool thing that a handful of diaspora Palestinians have committed a lot of time and effort to called vetting (maybe you've heard of it?) in which they speak directly with a fundraiser holder face-to-face or over phone/video call to verify all portions of a fundraiser. There are so many posts [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] that talk about the details of this process to verify that a fundraiser organizer, recipient, and the details are correct by verifying legal documents like proof of residence, photo ID, fluency in Palestinian-Dialect Arabic, family tree constructions, etc.

These vetters have been posting about Palestinian/Gaza/Arab culture/Islam/etc. for a really long time, [1] [2] [3] (these are Wayback machine links to the tumblr accounts of 90-ghost, el-shab-hussein, & nabulsi before you start crying "but, you can post backdate on tumblr!") [4] (moayesh's Instagram because his tumblr is fairly new) meaning that they didn't just pop up after Oct 2023 to start posing as a qualified individual. They are real diaspora Palestinians with stories to tell and culture to share.

GFM also has strict requirements for withdrawing money, needing evidence of a bank account from a country they service and a solid way to transfer funds from that bank account to the recipient's bank account. If the funds are withheld from the intended recipient, that can be reported to and resolved by GFM.

If you're too overwhelmed by trying to distinguish between scams and real fundraisers, then whatever. That's your problem, not everyone else's. You don't need to publicly announce to everyone that you're too busy/tired/incompetent/ignorant to properly investigate fundraisers, so everyone else should stop supporting them as well. There are plenty of vetters and scam-busting blogs dedicated to helping people distinguish between real and fake; you can read my pinned post for the full list. No more defeatist rhetoric about how it's impossible to tell. We owe Ghazans better.

A screenshot of a comment that reads, "but how do you know if thats like legit, the outside family and friends part. I've not got time to vet all these spammy asks. I feel like deleting all of them and encourage people to donate to legit charities designed for sending aid is the easiest and best
way 🤷‍♀️"

"I've not got time..." so I should encourage "...people to donate..." to charities and delete fundraising asks because I'm incapable of telling the difference. As if you're the be-all and end-all of fundraiser verification.

Donating to established nonprofit aid organizations is absolutely a good deed and is much more straightforward, but it's not the only way to help. Especially with the repeated aid blockages, sometimes Ghazan families need a more direct flow of money to pay for the ridiculously inflated cost necessities (I recently received a video from Farah wherein she states that a bottle of dish soap cost $50. $50!!!!) as well as save up for evacuation costs once the Egyptian border crossing opens. (Thousands of dollars!) Many of these people have lost jobs and/or the family breadwinners are dead. They can't survive off your "#free palestine" aesthetic posts.


Did the math for September's bills, which thankfully only come out to $900 -- $600 for the car, $300 for everything else, haha "only" -- this month, but I'm having bad weather brain so words are particularly hard rn.

i'm disabled and can't work; any and all help, boosting or donating or wishlist for things that aren't bills, are so damn appreciated thank you so much

all the ways to help live here but for donation convenience

venmo: dovesndecay paypal: [email protected] cashapp: $dovesndecay


I only need $510 more to clear the month's bills and I can breathe for just a little bit. If 20 folks sent $30, I'd be good. Every bit helps so so much 🫶🏽😭

As of 9/13, I am ... hilariously ... standing at a need for $420 to clear out the last of the bills. 😂


i was gonna go to bed but then i realized i actually don’t have enough money for getting home from work tonight/lunch this week. by any chance anybody wanna help? it’s not much like usual it’s just $70


dm for other paylinks. reblogs will be turned off once i’m done with this




Hello, I am in a much better situation now than I have been the past few months, however, I still have a lot going on this month. After having Covid last month, I'm tired all of the time, even if I do the bare minimum on a day to day basis. I'm thinking about getting checked out for long Covid but in the meantime it has just overall made my life more difficult, especially financially, because it's harder for me to do basic things.

At the moment, I have an appointment that will likely cost me between $100-145 for my hormone management. I've been dealing with a hormonal imbalance for a while because treatments aren't working well enough and I also have a lot of meds to pick up, around $250 worth in total but pressingly at the moment around $60 worth.

Along with groceries, I anticipate needing about $800 in financial assistance this month. Thank you all so much for the support, I am very grateful for the help in the past and present 💖

This hasn't moved, I have an appointment in a week, and I really need to pick up my meds! Like I need $160-200 soon, at the very least $60 for my meds. Please keep boosting!

I had a reminder text yesterday about my appointment in 6 days. This still hasn't moved, please keep boosting!

$60/800, Thank you! Please keep boosting!

$137/800, thank you! My immediate meds are covered but (I moved my appointment) in 2 days I have an appointment which is $23-63 more. There are also only 13 days left and this isn't moving much, please keep boosting!

This isn't moving and the appointment is tomorrow, please keep boosting!

$137/800 and only 12 more days. My appointment is tomorrow and so this is in part urgent, please keep boosting!



Can anyone help a homeless trans woman not freeze to death outside? Donations have rly slowed down and she doesnt even have a tent. Please help!

VENM0 @ruby_arnone $rubyk01 Pay///pal


0 donated so far!! Could she please get $80 for a tent?


Thank you for all your help! She got a tent and paid a fine due to her probation officer. Currently $300 raised- she needs $2000 or more for a used vehicle to live in before it gets too cold. Please help if you can!

Please help out if you can! Even $10 or $20 will help a lot! She has a little saved but each day it goes down because she has to pay to try to survive outside!


Yesterday her friend was giving her a ride and his car broke down- she had to spend most of the money saved so far to call a tow truck, so she is back to square one. Please donate today if you can! The winter is coming on fast and she needs a vehicle to survive.

EDIT: her friend’s car is stuck with no means to move it without repairs. She needs $140 for that.


I sent money for her to help repair the car, and her “friend” immediately abandoned her after Charlotte spent hours fixing it for free. She is now stranded in the middle of nowhere without her sleeping bag, tent, or warm clothes- please help!!! This is urgent. She has lost everything.


...fuck. I need new glasses

they don't sell these frames anymore so im gonna need new lenses too. i wanna kms

I'm gonna need to go to the optometrist, get new frames and get the lenses made, so the whole thing should cost around 1500-2000 reais (270-360 dollars)... I have basically 0 money right now and almost all of what I'm getting is going to bills meds and food, so I really can't afford to get new glasses. If anyone wants to help even a bit, I would really appreciate it.

p*yp*l: [email protected] PIX: 11 94801-6032


Hey. You. The American teenager inexplicably reading this. Don't join the US military. You're better than that. The military is a bunch of cops. Are they technically diverse and inclusive? On some level, kind of, almost. But their job is to kill people. They kill innocent people every day. They abuse their own members, especially their members who aren't white cis het middle class Christian men. The US exists through perpetual violence against the global working class, including its own working class. The military is how it carries out a large portion of that violence. You deserve better. You're better than that. Don't join.

I used to be you. Trust me when i say that. "It's just a job" is easy to say until you see drones take off loaded and land empty. "I need the money" is easy to say until you hear about the US betraying and abandoning her allies and you watch an empty lot in the desert fill with tanks that, until a few days ago, had been protecting the people you thought you signed up to protect. "I didn't have a choice" is a lie you tell yourself when you hear about an AC-130 crew destroying a hospital.

Have you directly supported combat aircraft that have killed people? Have you directly supported logistics aircraft that moved weapons and ammo and troops into combat zones? Have you heard about war crimes committed by the US and realized the war criminals and their tools were able to get where they did because you helped keep an airfield in operation? Have you seen armed white men supervise impoverished Indian and Filipino migrant workers building and maintaining infrastructure on behalf of the US government and Kuwaiti royal family like some sort of 21st century version of plantations in the Antebellum South? Have you seen a team of hurricane "first responders" treat the hurricane response duty like a vacation, drinking and partying every night while the people off the base are dying due to lack of electricity?

I have. I haven't seen combat, I'll admit that. But everything i just described, i saw in Kuwait in 2019 and Puerto Rico in 2017. I saw and experienced other things, too, things I'd rather not have seen.

You are morally superior to me. You are a better person than me. Don't do what i did. If you're so damn desperate to get killed by doing a government job, join a fire department. I would run into a burning building and relive those nightmares every single night before I'd spend another second in the USAF uniform. You can do better than me. Please do better than me. I'm not superstitious but the Devil is real and he collects souls at US military recruiting stations. Don't give him yours.

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