Moodle can be accessed from
Your Moodle homepage contains a dashboard with links to resources you may require on a daily basis: email, online storage, Microsoft 365, module information, library resources, University news, support information, and ChiView (your academic record).
The menu at the top of Moodle is the student intranet and has useful links to additional help and university services you can access.
My pages lists your academic module information and department pages.
Tutors will use these to publish:
- All module information in one place
- Your Module Handbook
- Links to online resources
- Activities for you to participate in
- Videos of teaching sessions
- Important news and announcements
- Electronic assignment submission
Moodle is mobile friendly so you can use it on your phone or tablet.
More information:
Moodle FAQ
How do I access Moodle?
You can access Moodle in two ways:
- Via the University website: > Information for > Students > Moodle
- Via
Some/all of my Modules are missing!
Your Moodle modules are from Registry, so you can only access modules that you are registered on.
If you are still to register onto a module, you will not have access to it.
If you have fully registered and still do not see your modules, please contact the SIZ desk and they will contact the Registry Team.
Wrong modules are appearing!
Moodle is a copy of what appears in Registry, so you can only access modules that you are registered to. If you are seeing incorrect modules, it is very important that you report this to the SIZ desk and they will contact the Registry Team.
Why is my module empty?
Your lecturers have full control over the content on the Moodle pages. If a page is empty, it could be because they are still to upload content. If your lecturers are not using Moodle, feel free to chat to them about what sort of information and activities you think would help your learning at the University.
Your lecturers can find support from the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Team who can help them to set up learning resources and create activities.
If you feel uncomfortable talking directly to your lecturers, feel free to contact the TEL Team via [email protected] or on 6135, and we will contact them on your behalf. Alternatively, you could approach your Student Rep, Head of Department or Department Administrator.
Why have I got a 'Too many logins' message?
If you see this message, fully close down your web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc) and then try again. If you get the message again, please report this to the SIZ desk.
I cannot access Moodle!
You should be able to access Moodle from anywhere with internet access. If you are encountering problems, please contact the SIZ desk.