Media releases & news



headspace can provide media with access to expert comment on issues related to youth mental health as well as background information, statistics and images. We have a range of spokespeople available for comment, including headspace clinicians, psychologists, youth workers as well as young people who have their own personal mental health stories to share.

Availability for comment

headspace welcomes the opportunity to talk with media to provide insight on the issues youth face and help remove the stigma around mental health and asking for help. We’re able to comment on:

  • Youth mental health generally
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Mental health stigma and prevention
  • Early intervention
  • Bullying, cyber bullying
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Body image and eating disorders
  • Youth suicide
  • Relationship break ups
  • LGBTI issues
  • Exam stress
  • Indigenous social and emotional well being
  • Homelessness

For more information, call the headspace national media team on 0413 025 385 or send an email to [email protected]

Reporting guidelines

Any story about mental health and young people should include details for headspace and the following guideline:

People aged 12-25 seeking help for a mental health problem should contact headspace at

Details of other organisations, such as LifeLine and Kids' Helpline, should also be included, depending on the nature and content of the story.

More information about reporting on suicide can be found on Mindframe.


young people find happiness in physical activity, family, and friends

New survey findings released ahead of The Push-Up Challenge launching on 5 June.

budget backs in headspace early career workforce

Funding in the 2025 Federal Budget will put more allied health graduates and student clinicians into headspaces centres around Australia.

statement on headspace Israel

It is important to make clear that headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation has only ever operated in Australia.

headspace urges young women to create connections, as survey reveals many feel lonely

Research finds young women are more likely than their male peers to experience loneliness.

this safer internet day, headspace stands against sextortion, online abuse

This World Safer Internet Day, the National Youth Mental Health Foundation headspace is breaking down the stigma surroun...

2023 was tough for many young people, but headspace research shows they are resilient

As 2023 draws to a close and pressure mounts to make ambitious resolutions for the year ahead, headspace is encouraging young people to reflect on and be proud of their…

statement on the conflict in Palestine and Israel

headspace knows that the crisis in Palestine and Israel is significantly impacting the lives, health and wellbeing of young people.

parliamentary inquiry points to headspace Work and Study as model approach to vocational support

headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation welcomes a parliamentary inquiry report that singled out the headspace Work and Study as a model example of how vocational supports can be embedded…