var MARK_UNREAD = false; var ADD_UNSNOOZED_LABEL = false;
function getLabelName(i) { return "Snooze/Snooze " + i + " days"; } function setup() { // Create the labels we’ll need for snoozing GmailApp.createLabel("Snooze"); for (var i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) { GmailApp.createLabel(getLabelName(i)); } if (ADD_UNSNOOZED_LABEL) { GmailApp.createLabel("Unsnoozed"); } }
function moveSnoozes() { var oldLabel, newLabel, page; for (var i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) { newLabel = oldLabel; oldLabel = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(getLabelName(i)); page = null; // Get threads in "pages" of 100 at a time while(!page || page.length == 100) { page = oldLabel.getThreads(0, 100); if (page.length > 0) { if (newLabel) { // Move the threads into "today’s" label newLabel.addToThreads(page); } else { // Unless it’s time to unsnooze it GmailApp.moveThreadsToInbox(page); if (MARK_UNREAD) { GmailApp.markThreadsUnread(page); } if (ADD_UNSNOOZED_LABEL) { GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("Unsnoozed") .addToThreads(page); } } // Move the threads out of "yesterday’s" label oldLabel.removeFromThreads(page); } } } }
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// Initializing the Tasks API serviceTasks service = new Tasks("2-LO Tasks Test", httpTransport, jsonFactory);service.accessKey = API_KEY;