Join Privacy Sandbox Developer Office Hours #4: Topics demo + Q&A

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Sam Dutton

Aug 30, 2022, 9:51:07 AM8/30/22
to Topics API announcements

The Google Chrome team will be hosting our next two external office hours sessions, providing an overview and a demo of the Topics API, as well as a Q&A session with DevRel, Product and Engineering leads. 

Join us to learn more about our approach to the Topics API, and to get your questions answered.

Session 1 with English-language demo
Tuesday, September 6th
8:00–9:30 am PDT 
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 651-867-0444‬ PIN: ‪530 909 558‬#
More telephone numbers:

Session 2 with Japanese-language demo
PDT: Tuesday, September 13, 6–7:30 pm
JST: Wednesday, September 14, 10–11:30 am
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪Japan (JP) +81 3-4545-0450    984 065 402 5397#
More telephone numbers:

A recording of the overview presentation and demo will be shared after the events​​ via the Chrome Developer YouTube channel.

We hope this is a helpful forum, and welcome your feedback and suggestions on how to make these events most useful for you as we experiment with different approaches.

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