Scheduled call for Topics: November 28, 2022

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Sam Dutton

Nov 10, 2022, 4:36:41 AM11/10/22
to Topics API announcements

We are holding regular phone calls, usually once a month, to resolve the details of the Topics proposal. These calls should be good places for a dedicated group to address open issues and suggest technical fixes.

The next meeting will be Monday Nov 28, 2022 at 11am New York (= 8am California = 5pm Paris time = 4pm UTC in winter).

The call will take place on Google Meet:
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 253-289-6906‬ PIN: ‪365 612 889 56‬#
More phone numbers:

Agenda proposals, attendance records, notes will happen in this Google Doc:

For a speaker queue, we will use the Google Meet "Raise My Hand" feature.

If you want to participate in the call, please make sure you join the PATCG:

Sam Dutton

Nov 17, 2022, 3:51:31 AM11/17/22
to Topics API announcements, Sam Dutton
This call has now been rescheduled for December 5, 2022 at 11am New York time (= 8am California = 5pm Paris = 4pm UTC in winter).

Full details:

Sam Dutton

Dec 1, 2022, 9:52:39 AM12/1/22
to Topics API announcements, Sam Dutton
A reminder that the next Topics call will take place on Monday, December 5 at 11am New York time (= 8am California = 5pm Paris = 4pm UTC in winter).

Full details:
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