General Availability rollout starting with our M115 Chrome release

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Kevin Lee

May 3, 2023, 8:06:25 AM5/3/23
to FLEDGE API announcements
Following our recent Intent to Extend the origin trial for the relevance and measurement APIs, the Chrome team set a goal to launch these APIs, including Protected Audience, for general availability (GA) in the M115 milestone, with a gradual ramp-up to 100% of Chrome Stable traffic. This is a heads-up to developers; in the coming weeks, we will share more details about timing of the roll-out, including how we expect to facilitate and support further ecosystem testing. These details will be in alignment with guidance from the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority on ecosystem testing.  The process to launch the APIs will be initiated with an Intent to Ship on the blink-dev list closer to M115.
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