Re: PSA: Protected Audience k-Anonymity Enforcement

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Russ Hamilton

Apr 3, 2024, 10:25:34 AMApr 3

Recently, we became aware that Chrome was mistakenly applying k-anonymity enforcement on reporting to a portion of Mode A and Mode B testing traffic. This did not affect ad selection and therefore should have had little or no impact on auction dynamic or pressure.  To mitigate this issue, we briefly turned off k-anonymity enforcement on all Chrome traffic. We have landed a high confidence fix for this issue and have started ramping back up k-anonymity enforcement on eligible traffic1 that has the fix. 

The application of k-anonymity enforcement in Mode A and Mode B traffic did not affect ad selection, i.e. no winning ads were removed because the creative URLs were below the k-anonymity threshold and the creative URLs would continue to be available in reportWin() and reportResult().  The k-anonymity enforcement on reporting means that some Mode A and Mode B traffic may have been inadvertently missing interestGroupName, buyerReportingId, or buyerAndSellerReportingId in reportWin(), and buyerAndSellerReportingId in reportResult(), in cases where the value, when combined with the interest group owner, bidding script URL, and ad creative URL was not jointly k-anonymous. Adtech scripts should properly handle the lack of these values in reportWin() and reportResult() as they’ve always been intended and specified as optional and missing when they don’t meet the k-anonymity threshold. However, we understand that the current implementations may not have reached this stage of development.  Here’s a timeline of how k-anonymity enforcement was ramped:

Jan 24 - Feb 12


Feb 12 - Mar 7


Mar 7 - Mar 13


Mar 13 - Mar 22


Mar 22 - Apr 2 

k-anon enforcement disabled, ~0%

Apr 2

fix deployed, ramping back up, <1%

We have started ramping  k-anonymity enforcement up on pre-stable and plan to continue ramping on eligible traffic1. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this disruption. 

1 Eligible traffic is pre-stable and stable channels, excluding Mode A and Mode B traffic.

--Benjamin "Russ" Hamilton

On Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 6:59 PM Russ Hamilton <[email protected]> wrote:
We plan to start enabling the k-anonymity enforcement feature for the Protected Audience API (Intent to Ship). K-anonymity enforcement has long been a part of the Protected Audience API’s plan for improving user privacy by limiting ads that can win Protected Audience auctions to those ads that are k-anonymous. The k-anonymity enforcement feature limits the ability of advertisers to target specific users by requiring each ad be shown to a minimum number of users. This enforcement will initially apply to up to 20% of unlabeled traffic only, meaning the groups that are part of Chrome-facilitated testing for third-party cookie deprecation will not be enforced for k-anonymity during the testing period. After the testing period, enforcement will apply to all traffic (see timeline details at

Russ Hamilton

Apr 8, 2024, 10:21:04 AMApr 8
We are planning to ramp k-anonymity enforcement back up to 50% of eligible traffic on Beta channel later today.

--Benjamin "Russ" Hamilton

Russ Hamilton

Apr 24, 2024, 7:10:48 AMApr 24
We are currently in the process of ramping k-anonymity enforcement back up to 1% of eligible traffic on Stable channel. As before, eligible traffic is pre-stable and stable channels, excluding Mode A and Mode B traffic.

--Benjamin "Russ" Hamilton

سامي قصيرين

Apr 24, 2024, 7:44:25 AMApr 24
السلام عليكم 
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 من المعلومات حساباتي 

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