Protected Audience API Webinar #1 - Fundamentals

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Kevin Lee

Sep 8, 2023, 7:40:03 AM9/8/23
to FLEDGE API announcements
Join this webinar hosted by Google DevRel, Partnerships, Product, and gTech teams to learn more about the Protected Audience API of the Privacy Sandbox. This is the first of three webinars for Protected Audience, and we will cover the technical fundamentals of the API in this session for developers that want to ramp up on Protected Audience. 

We will hold the same webinar in two regions, so that you can join a session that is friendlier to your time zone.  

* September 27th at 11am GMT - Registration page
* September 27th at 10am EST - Registration page

Kevin Lee

Sep 8, 2023, 7:45:44 AM9/8/23
to FLEDGE API announcements, Kevin Lee
Date correction for the EST session:  
* September 26th at 10am EST - Registration page

Kevin Lee

Sep 18, 2023, 4:07:36 PM9/18/23
to FLEDGE API announcements, Kevin Lee
Reminder that we are hosting a webinar for Protected Audience next week:
* September 26th at 10am EST - Registration page
* September 27th at 11am GMT - Registration page

We will go over key concepts, walkthrough the sequence, and dive into the code. This will be mostly technical, and is geared towards developers that will be working with the Protected Audience API.  

Kevin Lee

Sep 27, 2023, 10:01:09 AM9/27/23
to FLEDGE API announcements, Kevin Lee
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