Intent to Ship: Move onwebkit{animation,transition}XX handlers to GlobalEventHandlers

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Stephen Mcgruer

Jan 10, 2020, 7:04:02 AM1/10/20
to blink-dev
[email protected] N/A Specification:,-document-objects,-and-window-objects (onwebkitanimationend, onwebkitanimationiteration, onwebkitanimationstart, onwebkittransitionend) Currently, the prefixed onwebkit{animation,transition}XX handlers are only available on the Window object in Chrome. By the spec[0], these should be on GlobalEventHandlers[1] - i.e. available on HTMLElement, Document, and Window. Note that although standardized, these event handlers are still obsolete - web developers should use the non-prefixed versions instead! [0]: [1]:
N/A - this is a direct Intent to Ship.
This fix brings us into line with the spec, Gecko, and WebKit.
This change should be a win for interoperability and compatibility, since it brings us in line with the other browsers. The biggest risk is that web developers end up using the prefixed versions rather than the non-prefixed versions. Note that this already happens today, the high usage is why we spec'd these handlers rather than deprecate them! Firefox: Shipped ( Edge: No public signals Safari: Shipped ( Safari incorrectly specs the handlers on Window and Element rather than GlobalEventHandlers; this means they are missing Document. Web developers: No signals
Yes Yes (all the idlharness tests) (tests for specific interactions above and beyond the API tests) Firefox currently passes almost every test (one bug with case sensitivity), Chrome will pass every test once this I2S is implemented, and Safari passes most tests (excepting the Document problem noted above).

Rick Byers

Jan 10, 2020, 8:39:10 AM1/10/20
to Stephen Mcgruer, blink-dev

It's always sad to have to continue to maintain and improve obsolete prefixed APIs, but the alternative is worse :-). Thanks for pragmatically driving interop!

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Boris Zbarsky

Jan 10, 2020, 9:45:43 AM1/10/20
to Stephen Mcgruer, blink-dev
On 1/10/20 10:03 AM, Stephen Mcgruer wrote:
> Firefox currently passes almost every test (one bug with case sensitivity),


Thank you for the thorough tests! I filed to track this.



Jan 12, 2020, 1:37:27 AM1/12/20
to Stephen Mcgruer, blink-dev
It would be nice to file a bug with WebKit regarding their missing implementation...



Stephen Mcgruer

Jan 13, 2020, 4:48:18 AM1/13/20
to PhistucK, blink-dev

Philip Jägenstedt

Jan 13, 2020, 5:26:07 AM1/13/20
to Stephen Mcgruer, PhistucK, blink-dev

If we keep either removing or standardizing webkit-prefixed APIs, then soon enough there won't be any left in limbo and we can worry about interop in other areas :)

Daniel Bratell

Jan 13, 2020, 6:43:38 AM1/13/20
to Philip Jägenstedt, Stephen Mcgruer, PhistucK, blink-dev
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