Intent To Deprecate And Remove: Public Key Pinning

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Chris Palmer

Oct 27, 2017, 12:07:54 PM10/27/17
to blink-dev

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Deprecate support for public key pinning (PKP) in Chrome, and then remove it entirely.

This will first remove support for HTTP-based PKP (“dynamic pins”), in which the user-agent learns of pin-sets for hosts by HTTP headers. We would like to do this in Chrome 67, which is estimated to be released to Stable on 29 May 2018.

Finally, remove support for built-in PKP (“static pins”) at a point in the future when Chrome requires Certificate Transparency for all publicly-trusted certificates (not just newly-issued publicly-trusted certificates). (We don’t yet know when this will be.)


PKP offers a way to defend against certificate misissuance, by providing a Web-exposed mechanism (HPKP) for sites to limit the set of certificate authorities (CAs) that can issue for their domain. However, this exposes as part of the Open Web Platform considerations that are external to it: specifically, the choice and selection of CAs is a product-level security decision made by browsers or by OS vendors, and the choice and use of sub-CAs, cross-signing, and other aspects of the PKI hierarchy are made independently by CAs.

As a consequence, site operators face difficulties selecting a reliable set of keys to pin to, and adoption of PKP has remained low. When site operators’ expectations don’t match the reality of trust anchors on real world client machines, users suffer. Unexpected or spurious pinning errors can result in error fatigue rather than user safety.


  • It is hard to build a pin-set that is guaranteed to work, due to the variance in both user-agent trust stores and CA operations.

  • There is a risk of rendering a site unusable.

  • There is a risk of hostile pinning, should an attacker obtain a misissued certificate. While there are no confirmed or rumored cases of this having happened, the risk is present even for sites that don’t use PKP.

Interoperability And Compatibility Risk

There is no compatibility risk; no web site will stop working as a result of the removal of static or dynamic PKP.

Edge: Currently does not support key pinning.

Firefox: No official signals yet.

Safari: Currently does not support key pinning.

Opera: If Opera wishes to continue to support pinning, they will need to carry a patch that reverts our diff(s).

Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers

To defend against certificate misissuance, web developers should use the Expect-CT header, including its reporting function. Expect-CT is safer than HPKP due to the flexibility it gives site operators to recover from any configuration errors, and due to the built-in support offered by a number of CAs. Site operators can generally deploy Expect-CT on a domain without needing to take any additional steps when obtaining certificates for the domain. Even if the CT log ecosystem substantially changes during the validity period of the certificate, site operators can provide updated SCTs in the form of OCSP responses (if their CA supports it) or via a TLS extension (if they wish for greater control). The combination of these mitigations substantially reduces the risk of DoS (either accidental or hostile) via Expect-CT deployment. By combining Expect-CT with active monitoring for relevant domains, which a growing number of CAs and third-parties now provide, site operators can proactively detect misissuance in a way that HPKP does not achieve, while also reducing the risk of misconfiguration and avoiding the risk of hostile pinning.

Usage information from UseCounter

Scott Helme found in August 2016 that very few of the Alex Top 1 Million sites were using HPKP (375) or the Report-Only (RO) variant (76): My own scans (using slightly different/additional corpora) earlier in 2016 showed even lower numbers.

The UMA histogram Net.PublicKeyPinSuccess records a high number of successes, but it includes popular domains for which Chrome has static key pins: likely Google sites.

The UMA histogram Net.PublicKeyPinReportSendingFailure2, which is probably a much better indication of dynamic PKP adoption than Net.PublicKeyPinSuccess, shows extremely low numbers of success and failure, indicating that very few sites are using it, and/or that only very low-traffic sites are using it.

If necessary, we can add UMA histograms to find the ratio of HTTP responses with and without HPKP(-RO) headers.

OWP launch tracking bug

The Chromium tracking bug is

Entry on the feature dashboard

I’m not sure if we need this. If we do, I’ll add one.

Requesting approval to remove too?


Oct 27, 2017, 3:30:38 PM10/27/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]
There is no compatibility risk; no web site will stop working as a result of the removal of static or dynamic PKP.

Well, ( specifically) would stop working since HPKP Suicide underpins its WebSign implementation, so that's at least one. In addition to unearthing interesting attack cases e.g. RansomPKP, using HPKP suicide as a builder technique also underpinned much of our talk at BH/DC last year, so I'd prescribe to the team a rigorous investigation before killing the standard. My understanding is that DigiCert and possibly others expanded support for rapid key rotation in part to enable use cases like this.

In short: there is a non-zero count of sites which would fundamentally break if HPKP were removed.
Oct 27, 2017, 4:20:22 PM10/27/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]

Am Freitag, 27. Oktober 2017 21:07:54 UTC+2 schrieb Chris Palmer:
To defend against certificate misissuance, web developers should use the Expect-CT header, including its reporting function.

Isn't the idea of PKP to also stop "security boxes" from intercepting TLS traffic?

Rich Baldry

Oct 27, 2017, 6:07:07 PM10/27/17
That is one of the effects of PKP but it was not stated as a primary goal of the HPKP extension. The RFP focuses on the ability of HPKP to 
   "...reduce the incidence of man-in-the-middle attacks due to compromised Certification Authorities."

Oct 27, 2017, 6:42:17 PM10/27/17
Ok, thank you for the clarification.

Andrew Meyer

Oct 27, 2017, 8:40:49 PM10/27/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]

Jochen Eisinger

Oct 28, 2017, 12:23:28 AM10/28/17
to Chris Palmer, blink-dev

I read about the HPKP suicide approach to implement trust on first use which is interesting but doesn't strike me as something HPKP was designed for. Instead, this might be something that we could address with signature based SRI in the future

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Oct 28, 2017, 2:41:55 AM10/28/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]
On Friday, October 27, 2017 at 9:07:54 PM UTC+2, Chris Palmer wrote:

This will first remove support for HTTP-based PKP (“dynamic pins”), in which the user-agent learns of pin-sets for hosts by HTTP headers. We would like to do this in Chrome 67, which is estimated to be released to Stable on 29 May 2018.

I expect y'all will be putting in a deprecation warning in trunk shortly, and if there's no risk of breakage (and I agree with y'all's analysis that no site will stop working), it doesn't seem like you'd need a 3-release gap. Is there a reason you chose M67?

Finally, remove support for built-in PKP (“static pins”) at a point in the future when Chrome requires Certificate Transparency for all publicly-trusted certificates (not just newly-issued publicly-trusted certificates). (We don’t yet know when this will be.)

It looks like the built-in pinsets we have in are limited to Google, Tor, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, SpiderOak, Yahoo,, NCSCCS, and Tumblr. It looks like we support requiring CT on an origin-by-origin basis with `Expect-CT`'s 'enforce' directive. If that's the case, is there still value in keeping the hard-coded list? It seems like we could drop the hard-coded list as soon as these origins independently start sending `Expect-CT: max-age=whatever; enforce`, rather than waiting for ecosystem-wide changes.

Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers

To defend against certificate misissuance, web developers should use the Expect-CT header, including its reporting function. Expect-CT is safer than HPKP due to the flexibility it gives site operators to recover from any configuration errors, and due to the built-in support offered by a number of CAs. Site operators can generally deploy Expect-CT on a domain without needing to take any additional steps when obtaining certificates for the domain. Even if the CT log ecosystem substantially changes during the validity period of the certificate, site operators can provide updated SCTs in the form of OCSP responses (if their CA supports it) or via a TLS extension (if they wish for greater control). The combination of these mitigations substantially reduces the risk of DoS (either accidental or hostile) via Expect-CT deployment. By combining Expect-CT with active monitoring for relevant domains, which a growing number of CAs and third-parties now provide, site operators can proactively detect misissuance in a way that HPKP does not achieve, while also reducing the risk of misconfiguration and avoiding the risk of hostile pinning.

I note that you didn't mention the `enforce` mechanism here. It seems like something we ought to be recommending folks to opt-into, right?

Entry on the feature dashboard

I’m not sure if we need this. If we do, I’ll add one.

Please do. The feature dashboard drives things like release notes, so it's useful even for small features (and this doesn't seem small to me :) ).

Oct 28, 2017, 9:54:34 AM10/28/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]
I would like to renew calls for deployment of DANE, or a similar specification to replace some of the security guarantees previously provided by HPKP. Certificate Transparency allows post-mortem identification of an attack but does not stop attacks. The time to intervention is raised from zero to the time for the site operator to be notified by their CT monitoring software of a malicious issuance, plus the time for the site operator to notify the certificate authority (or in the case of a rogue CA, the Chrome team), plus the time for OCSP staples to expire (or CRLSets to be pushed). This is an entirely manual process, and may never occur for domains with inadequate monitoring.


Oct 28, 2017, 6:50:56 PM10/28/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]
Patience, please.

It's unreasonable to measure the success of something like that over a couple of years. It's the sort of thing you'd expect to take 10 or 15 years to catch on, and to have some growing pains along the way. Most Web sites aren't Google. They don't even install software updates, much less adopt new crypto practices in a couple of years.

If people had backed away from IPv6 after after two years of non-adoption, or given up on it because it was hard to deploy at the time it was designed, we'd all be in serious trouble now.

There are reasonable knocks against pinning. You can see it as partly a band-aid for the fundamental every-CA-can-sign-any-name brokenness of X.509. It was really strange to choose to do it at the HTTP layer rather than the TLS layer. And among your issues, malicious pins ring true.

... but certificate transparency isn't remotely a substitute.

CT works OK for big public services like Google. It works basically not at all for small, low-traffic, or completely private services; nobody is going to audit the log for Even if they did, nobody could be sure whether any given update was actually a problem or merely looked "suspicious" under some possibly broken heuristic. Nor is it obvious what you're supposed to do if you *find* something suspicious, again especially for a small site.

And where pinning is partly a band-aid on the fundamental X.509 brokenness of every-CA-signs-anything, CT is *entirely* a such band-aid.

If you want to make a real difference, I suggest DANE, which eliminates the basica problem... and stick with it for at least 5 years before you even think about reevaluating that support.

... but given that you already have pinning, and it really is a pretty trivial thing, you should also give *it* 5 years or more.

Oct 29, 2017, 3:00:16 PM10/29/17
to blink-dev
It is a pity that this hasn't worked. But I am not convinced that CT covers the same set of concerns.

The big problem with pinning is that for most sites, losing the ability to publish the site is a vastly more significant concern than confidentiality. So I am not at all surprised that takeup was slim. Basically it is not possible to use it without an ops team that includes a world class crypto group or a world class Dunning Kreuger effect.

Pinning has two major effects:

1) It forces the use of TLS
2) It requires the use of a particular set of trust anchors.

CT and CAA help address the first but not the second. Currently, CT and CAA are two independent systems. Perhaps it is time to consider linking them and closing the loop via CT for DNSSEC.

On the security policy issue, I think it is past time to admit the failure of DANE and look at the blocking problems that have to be solved to get any sort of client side enforcement of server security policy. I see the problems of DANE as being

1) There is no administration infrastructure. Any security policy scheme that depends on administrators updating DNS records to match server configuration manually is doomed to fail.

2) The scheme is limited to TLS and is not integrated with DNS Discovery (RFC6763).

3) The scheme links security policy with trust anchor validation. While this might be feasible if you are working within an entirely novel discovery infrastructure (e.g. UDDI if it had worked), trying to do that in DNS not.

4) Any scheme that requires additional RR round trips is going to add latency and be unacceptable.

5) There is still far too much infrastructure that blocks unknown DNS RRs to make anything that requires delivery practical.

Despite the length of the list, these are all fixable if there is a will to do so.

Ryan Sleevi

Oct 30, 2017, 6:38:43 AM10/30/17
to Bryant Zadegan, blink-dev, Chris Palmer
Without wanting to focus too much on the technical details, I think it's worth noting: the HPKP Suicide approach outlined is not intended to be functional as part of the Web Platform.

More specifically:
- WebSign based on AppCache works due to manifest update failures not resulting in the disabling of the manifest, which is a security downside of AppCache
- WebSign based on Service Workers only functions for 24 hours (due to the service worker activation lifecycle - )

Put differently, it seems as if this is largely relying on misfeatures of AppCache rather than HPKP itself. HPKP is just used to force network errors even when the network is functional. For the case outlined, one doesn't need HPKP or HPKP Suicide - just to induce network errors. Similarly, if one were to analyze the security properties of HPKP Suicide, they largely rely on some form of self-attestment that the server is well-behaving - and one can achieve that with Service Workers (and no HPKP).

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Ryan Sleevi

Oct 30, 2017, 6:42:02 AM10/30/17
to Mike West, blink-dev, Chris Palmer
On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 5:41 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
On Friday, October 27, 2017 at 9:07:54 PM UTC+2, Chris Palmer wrote:

This will first remove support for HTTP-based PKP (“dynamic pins”), in which the user-agent learns of pin-sets for hosts by HTTP headers. We would like to do this in Chrome 67, which is estimated to be released to Stable on 29 May 2018.

I expect y'all will be putting in a deprecation warning in trunk shortly, and if there's no risk of breakage (and I agree with y'all's analysis that no site will stop working), it doesn't seem like you'd need a 3-release gap. Is there a reason you chose M67?

Finally, remove support for built-in PKP (“static pins”) at a point in the future when Chrome requires Certificate Transparency for all publicly-trusted certificates (not just newly-issued publicly-trusted certificates). (We don’t yet know when this will be.)

It looks like the built-in pinsets we have in are limited to Google, Tor, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, SpiderOak, Yahoo,, NCSCCS, and Tumblr. It looks like we support requiring CT on an origin-by-origin basis with `Expect-CT`'s 'enforce' directive. If that's the case, is there still value in keeping the hard-coded list? It seems like we could drop the hard-coded list as soon as these origins independently start sending `Expect-CT: max-age=whatever; enforce`, rather than waiting for ecosystem-wide changes.

Unfortunately, it's not a unilateral replacement - that is, we can't independently transition, say, Facebook, to Expect-CT - because that would first require Facebook to be able to ensure that any certificate it ever gets or deploys will be CT compliant. Much like HPKP, this is something that individual sites can work out with their respective CAs - or, unlike HPKP, they can configure their servers to guarantee this (via the TLS extension) - but it's not something that we can just change itself.

So the date outlined here represents the upper-bound: That is, even if none of the pinned sites transition their servers or collaborate with their respective CAs, at the time in which all publicly-trusted certificates are accompanied with CT information, one can easily remove the pin list.

That's not to say we can't move it sooner, just that it's not part of the deprecation plan to aggressively push other sites into going sooner.

Ryan Sleevi

Oct 30, 2017, 6:50:01 AM10/30/17
to Phillip Hallam-Baker, blink-dev
On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 6:00 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
Pinning has two major effects:

1) It forces the use of TLS
2) It requires the use of a particular set of trust anchors.

Note: HPKP does not force the use of TLS. HSTS does.
CT and CAA help address the first but not the second. Currently, CT and CAA are two independent systems. Perhaps it is time to consider linking them and closing the loop via CT for DNSSEC.

This would be an orthogonal and unrelated improvement to the CA ecosystem.

It is important to note that this intent tries to establish that "requires the use of a particular set of trust anchors" is not a valuable goal as part of the Web Platform. More precisely, it is actively harmful towards the security of users, both individually and as an ecosystem. HPKP in particular exposes the details of the underlying platform (whether independent software stack - in the case of Mozilla - or OS library in the case of Apple and Microsoft) - and in doing so, undermines the value of interoperability and openness.

While the desire is unquestionably to provide a robust platform with extensibility throughout, certain aspects of the platform are intentionally not exposed - for example, there's no Web API to control the process-level sandboxing of a given site, nor is there a way to customize the Same Origin Policy (CORS notwithstanding). The choice of a particular set of trust anchors is similarly 'below' the platform to be able to be effectively, interoperably, and securely exposed - hence the Intent to Deprecate.

Rick Byers

Oct 30, 2017, 7:32:55 AM10/30/17
to Ryan Sleevi, Phillip Hallam-Baker, blink-dev
Although I'm not an expert in this space, I'm a little uneasy about the apparent inconsistency between saying that the static pinning list must persist for some indefinite time, while the dynamic approach no longer has value.  I'd feel more comfortable if either (like Mike suggests) we removed static key pinning at the exact same time, or we at least had an open policy and clear instructions for what anyone who was sufficiently motivated could do to get their keys into our static list (I did a quick google search and checked the FAQ, but maybe I'm missing it?).  For me this mostly falls under the "we go out of our way to make it clear that Google properties do not receive special treatment in Blink" comment in the blink compat principles.

Also, what's the best guidance we can point people to for understanding CT log anomolies and how to respond to them?  I don't see anything really addressing that question in the CT FAQ.

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Phillip Hallam-Baker

Oct 30, 2017, 8:06:42 AM10/30/17
to [email protected], blink-dev
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 9:49 AM, Ryan Sleevi <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 6:00 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Pinning has two major effects:
>> 1) It forces the use of TLS
>> 2) It requires the use of a particular set of trust anchors.
> Note: HPKP does not force the use of TLS. HSTS does.

So it does. Seems an odd choice, if you are going to accept a
downgrade to plaintext, a downgrade to a possibly less than
satisfactory key seems to miss the point.

>> CT and CAA help address the first but not the second. Currently, CT and
>> CAA are two independent systems. Perhaps it is time to consider linking them
>> and closing the loop via CT for DNSSEC.
> This would be an orthogonal and unrelated improvement to the CA ecosystem.

Probably. However there is a connection in that there is a finite
limit to the amount of outstanding proposals extending this space that
the community can track. If the authors are no longer promoting
RFC7469 as an ongoing proposal, perhaps you could propose to make in
HISTORIC and free up the slot?

> It is important to note that this intent tries to establish that "requires
> the use of a particular set of trust anchors" is not a valuable goal as part
> of the Web Platform. More precisely, it is actively harmful towards the
> security of users, both individually and as an ecosystem. HPKP in particular
> exposes the details of the underlying platform (whether independent software
> stack - in the case of Mozilla - or OS library in the case of Apple and
> Microsoft) - and in doing so, undermines the value of interoperability and
> openness.

I am unable to parse or make sense of that. It is not clear whether
you are referring to an assumption in what I originally posted or
making a separate claim. I think it is wrong either way.

If you are asserting something is 'actively harmful' then there should
be some specific risk that is introduced.

> While the desire is unquestionably to provide a robust platform with
> extensibility throughout, certain aspects of the platform are intentionally
> not exposed - for example, there's no Web API to control the process-level
> sandboxing of a given site, nor is there a way to customize the Same Origin
> Policy (CORS notwithstanding). The choice of a particular set of trust
> anchors is similarly 'below' the platform to be able to be effectively,
> interoperably, and securely exposed - hence the Intent to Deprecate.

I think that the problem is that there is a layering violation in
HPKP. A URI is an identifier in a Uniform (aka Universal) naming

Introducing a protocol mechanism that semi-permanently changes the
interpretation of the naming space for an unpredictable set of clients
is problematic to say the least.

That objection would not apply to a restriction that was carried in
the naming space itself, e.g. as DNS records, DNS labels or some new
form of URI.


Ryan Sleevi

Oct 30, 2017, 8:16:02 AM10/30/17
to Rick Byers, Ryan Sleevi, blink-dev
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Rick Byers <[email protected]> wrote:
Although I'm not an expert in this space, I'm a little uneasy about the apparent inconsistency between saying that the static pinning list must persist for some indefinite time, while the dynamic approach no longer has value.

Could you indicate where/how you arrived at that interpretation? We should definitely work to clarify that.

I think the statement here is that dynamic pinning is substantially more risky - both for those who try to use it (a bad fit for the platform) and those who don't want to use it (e.g. hostile pinning). These risks substantially outweigh the reward.

Static pinning is different, in this respect, on multiple dimensions. More importantly, the incremental approach allows for a meaningful reduction in risk to users and the ecosystem, without compatibility concerns.
  I'd feel more comfortable if either (like Mike suggests) we removed static key pinning at the exact same time, or we at least had an open policy and clear instructions for what anyone who was sufficiently motivated could do to get their keys into our static list (I did a quick google search and checked the FAQ, but maybe I'm missing it?).  For me this mostly falls under the "we go out of our way to make it clear that Google properties do not receive special treatment in Blink" comment in the blink compat principles.

Historically, we've accepted anyone - it's been handled the same as HSTS submissions. However, given the deprecation plan - and the costs - I don't think we'd want to continue accepting inclusion requests.

With respect to the Blink Compat principles, I think that may be a misapplication, although well intentioned - after all, it was the same argument I put forward when arguing for standardization of HPKP. You can look at the static pin list on a number of dimensions - from a site operator perspective, it doesn't 'guarantee' more security, because it's not a fundamental part of the Web Platform. From a user perspective, it doesn't make one browser that includes such pins more or less secure than another browser that doesn't - the sites and/or UA vendors themselves are responsible for detecting and mitigating the risk. From a Compat/Interop side, this doesn't provide any special advantages to one site over another - so I don't think it conflicts with those principles at all.

I think you'd agree that static pinning for various Google-specific features (e.g. translation, updates, sync) wouldn't be a concern - both from the fact that these aren't part of the Web Platform stack, but also that these are vendor-specific security settings. The major UA vendors (Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla) all provide some level of restrictions on updates and specific features, and this also doesn't undermine interop or compat.

Does that help address?
Also, what's the best guidance we can point people to for understanding CT log anomolies and how to respond to them?  I don't see anything really addressing that question in the CT FAQ.

"Best" is going to be inherently subjective and complex - it's somewhat similar to asking what's the best guidance we can give for people running a high-traffic site or for monitoring for brand/trademark abuse. There will be general principles, for sure, but many details will end up being specific to the use case/objective.

The simple answer is site operators should look for certificates for their domains they don't recognize - and a number of tools exist to help with that:

Chris Palmer

Oct 30, 2017, 10:12:29 AM10/30/17
to rsleevi, Bryant Zadegan, blink-dev
Regarding " will stop working", that's not the case. It will continue to work as well as it currently does in browsers that don't support HPKP, such as Safari, Edge, and IE. (I just tested Safari.)

Chris Palmer

Oct 30, 2017, 10:27:43 AM10/30/17
to [email protected], blink-dev
The strength of PKP ― run-time enforcement with hard-fail — is also exactly its weakness. Some people are OK with the risk, but overall I think the market has spoken: HPKP has seen close to no adoption. People don't want to brick their sites.

As for DANE, it would at best have the same strength/weakness of HPKP, but with the additional problems of DNSSEC. But this thread (or even this list) is not a good place to debate the merits of DANE or DNSSEC.

Rick Byers

Oct 30, 2017, 11:30:56 AM10/30/17
to Ryan Sleevi, blink-dev
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Ryan Sleevi <[email protected]> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Rick Byers <[email protected]> wrote:
Although I'm not an expert in this space, I'm a little uneasy about the apparent inconsistency between saying that the static pinning list must persist for some indefinite time, while the dynamic approach no longer has value.

Could you indicate where/how you arrived at that interpretation? We should definitely work to clarify that.

I'm sure I was just mis-interpreting / reading too much into it.  But it was these lines that struck me (lacking context in the details you describe below) as inconsistent:

"Unexpected or spurious pinning errors can result in error fatigue rather than user safety." (all the listed concrete drawbacks sound, to me, like they'd apply equally to both types of PKP). Then "remove support for built-in PKP at a point in the future ... we don’t yet know when this will be" (which I presumed to also mean "may never actually happen").

I think the statement here is that dynamic pinning is substantially more risky - both for those who try to use it (a bad fit for the platform) and those who don't want to use it (e.g. hostile pinning). These risks substantially outweigh the reward.
Static pinning is different, in this respect, on multiple dimensions. More importantly, the incremental approach allows for a meaningful reduction in risk to users and the ecosystem, without compatibility concerns.

That's a good argument, thank you.  The cost/benefit tradeoff to static pins makes it worthwhile for some people at this time, but that for dynamic pins doesn't really.  I can believe that, but then see below.
  I'd feel more comfortable if either (like Mike suggests) we removed static key pinning at the exact same time, or we at least had an open policy and clear instructions for what anyone who was sufficiently motivated could do to get their keys into our static list (I did a quick google search and checked the FAQ, but maybe I'm missing it?).  For me this mostly falls under the "we go out of our way to make it clear that Google properties do not receive special treatment in Blink" comment in the blink compat principles.

Historically, we've accepted anyone - it's been handled the same as HSTS submissions. However, given the deprecation plan - and the costs - I don't think we'd want to continue accepting inclusion requests.

Keeping some in while not accepting new ones seems inconsistent to me.  Would we also accept changes to the existing ones, or freeze the list entirely?

With respect to the Blink Compat principles, I think that may be a misapplication, although well intentioned - after all, it was the same argument I put forward when arguing for standardization of HPKP. You can look at the static pin list on a number of dimensions - from a site operator perspective, it doesn't 'guarantee' more security, because it's not a fundamental part of the Web Platform.

It's not about guarantees, it's about statistical risk and expected costs.  Let's put this another way with a completely hypothetical and improbable example. Imagine GitHub were to claim that their expected cost-per-user for a certificate missisuance incident were higher than for other auth providers like Facebook and Google due to their inclusion in the static pin list (since a significant subset of their users would be largely immune from attack, and theirfore their recovery costs for a massive password phishing operation would be lower).  Would we really tell GitHub that's just too bad?  I think we had this conversation a couple years ago and you satisfied me with "HPKP is the right answer for the long tail" <grin>.

In practice perhaps this will never come up - that static pinning isn't really that important to anyone for it to matter.  But I believe the integrity of our open intent process depends on us bein consistent in treating all of the web the same.  Maybe we could agree that if such a request with Chrome usage above some threshold (applied retroactively to existing pinsets) comes in, then we'll commit to either adding it, or removing all our static pins at that time?  Ideally I'd rather we treat sites the same regardless of usage level, but if we're going to have site whitelists then at least inclusion should be controled by some principled equation (i.e. chrome users impacted / cost, or just the top 12 in terms of usage) instead of being an arbitrary accident of history.

From a user perspective, it doesn't make one browser that includes such pins more or less secure than another browser that doesn't - the sites and/or UA vendors themselves are responsible for detecting and mitigating the risk. From a Compat/Interop side, this doesn't provide any special advantages to one site over another - so I don't think it conflicts with those principles at all.

Yeah, I agree - it's not the compat and interop risk I'm worried about here.  It's about "openness" beyond interop, I just did a poor job of separating that into it's own section in the compat principles doc (IP rights is really the only other section like that).

I think you'd agree that static pinning for various Google-specific features (e.g. translation, updates, sync) wouldn't be a concern - both from the fact that these aren't part of the Web Platform stack, but also that these are vendor-specific security settings. The major UA vendors (Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla) all provide some level of restrictions on updates and specific features, and this also doesn't undermine interop or compat.

Yes, agreed - none of this applies to what we do for Google services built into Chrome. 

Does that help address?
Also, what's the best guidance we can point people to for understanding CT log anomolies and how to respond to them?  I don't see anything really addressing that question in the CT FAQ.

"Best" is going to be inherently subjective and complex - it's somewhat similar to asking what's the best guidance we can give for people running a high-traffic site or for monitoring for brand/trademark abuse. There will be general principles, for sure, but many details will end up being specific to the use case/objective.

Sorry I shouldn't have said "best" - just what is the one or two resources we should point people to who ask (probably link to from the chromestatus entry that console warning and deprecations blog post links to)?

The simple answer is site operators should look for certificates for their domains they don't recognize - and a number of tools exist to help with that:

Cool.  I see SSLMate even mentions some possible "corrective actions" that can be taken in their docs.  Is there a page somewhere that has, or could be modified to have links like these so we at least have some explicit guidance we can link to?  

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Ryan Sleevi

Oct 30, 2017, 11:45:46 AM10/30/17
to Rick Byers, Ryan Sleevi, blink-dev
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:30 PM, Rick Byers <[email protected]> wrote:
Historically, we've accepted anyone - it's been handled the same as HSTS submissions. However, given the deprecation plan - and the costs - I don't think we'd want to continue accepting inclusion requests.

Keeping some in while not accepting new ones seems inconsistent to me.  Would we also accept changes to the existing ones, or freeze the list entirely?

Indeed, it's an uneasy inconsistency. We've had some recent updates - for example, due to discussions around DigiCert and Symantec, Yahoo recently updated their set of pins. If those updates weren't made, then their static pins may have broken due to changes in the CA ecosystem. Alternatively, simply removing all the pins entirely may have also worked - but this Intent wasn't out yet :)

So I don't think we can straight freeze the list - there has to be some change, otherwise users suffer.

As to whether we'd want other site operators to add themselves to the pin list, as the intent tries to capture - that's trying to offer site operators a guarantee that they can't actually rely on. It may be better aligned with, say, Pepper or Extension private APIs - there's a whitelisted set, but that whitelist is trying to be shrunk and the API eliminated, rather than expanded.

In practice perhaps this will never come up - that static pinning isn't really that important to anyone for it to matter.  But I believe the integrity of our open intent process depends on us bein consistent in treating all of the web the same.  Maybe we could agree that if such a request with Chrome usage above some threshold (applied retroactively to existing pinsets) comes in, then we'll commit to either adding it, or removing all our static pins at that time?  Ideally I'd rather we treat sites the same regardless of usage level, but if we're going to have site whitelists then at least inclusion should be controled by some principled equation (i.e. chrome users impacted / cost, or just the top 12 in terms of usage) instead of being an arbitrary accident of history.

Well, that's where the "no new inclusions" attempts to establish a clear principled equation. I don't think we can escape the arbitrary accident of history, and I think attempting to derive a set of rules either runs the risk of new inclusions (which we know are not beneficial to users, to browser developers, or to site operators), or quickly removing things still in use.

We know that the dynamic usage of HPKP is low - low enough to support removal - but the static usage is, well, an arbitrary accident of history that also needs time to correct :)
The simple answer is site operators should look for certificates for their domains they don't recognize - and a number of tools exist to help with that:

Cool.  I see SSLMate even mentions some possible "corrective actions" that can be taken in their docs.  Is there a page somewhere that has, or could be modified to have links like these so we at least have some explicit guidance we can link to?  

Where do you see that page-of-links being linked to? The chromestatus entry? And what's the goal for the explicit guidance? To document alternatives to a rarely used (and itself underdocumented) feature? 
Oct 30, 2017, 12:54:55 PM10/30/17
to blink-dev, [email protected], [email protected], Chris Palmer, Bryant Zadegan
Thanks Ryan and Chris for responding to the Suicide/WebSign-specific concerns raised by Bryant! I'll fully read through the latest messages and respond privately, as the explanations and follow-up questions will be a bit out of scope here. However, I'll say here that the compatibility issue noted above, while heavily simplified, is essentially correct.


First, a huge +1 to everything said by @jbash. This seems way too early to be judging the uptake of HPKP. And the proposed alternative doesn't address the same use case at all; it's just the regular old TLS trust model with an improved ability to conduct postmortems.

Second, why is mass uptake suddenly a goal that HPKP needs to achieve? In my mind it seems pretty clearly not a feature that makes sense for every single website to use, but rather the small subset of sites with a particular need for confidentiality, which I think is okay. This would be like deprecating WebRTC or Workers simply because they're relatively niche advanced features, when that would've been obvious all the way back during their standardization processes.

All that being said, clearly the accidental self-bricking footgun aspect is a problem. However, this is a shortcoming in the usability of the API, not in the utility of the functionality provided. Why not open a discussion with the community about how this could be improved before jumping straight to "Intent To Deprecate"? Here is my suggestion:

1. Short-term (Chrome 67): Restrict dynamic PKP to an HSTS-Preload-like whitelist, with a big scary warning in the submission form that the use of this feature is highly discouraged unless they have a specific need for it and an experienced InfoSec team to manage it.

2. Medium-to-long-term (ecosystem-wide collaboration): Disregard dynamic PKP headers unless the domain in question i) has CAA enabled, ii) has an EV cert, and iii) has some kind of new indicator in the certificate to indicate that the CA has validated that the site owner is really really sure they want to use HPKP and understands the risks involved (i.e. offload the whitelisting/validation responsibility from individual browser vendors to the broader CA industry).

Alternatively, maybe #2.i and #2.ii could be merged into #1, and maybe the existing whitelisting system is good enough and #2.iii isn't needed.
Oct 30, 2017, 2:33:58 PM10/30/17

First, a huge +1 to everything said by @jbash.

Wow, thanks. I'm afraid I'm still going to disagree with some stuff YOU said, though...

In my mind it seems pretty clearly not a feature that makes sense for every single website to use, but rather the small subset of sites with a particular need for confidentiality,

It may or may not be niche in the long run, but a lot of the value I see is actually in private networks, and I don't see it as being about "particular needs for confidentiality". Everything has a need for confidentiality.

1. Short-term (Chrome 67): Restrict dynamic PKP to an HSTS-Preload-like whitelist, with a big scary warning in the submission form that the use of this feature is highly discouraged unless they have a specific need for it and an experienced InfoSec team to manage it.

What would be the point of dynamic pinning if you had to get the browser to whitelist it before it would work? Why would you want to force people to figure out how to supplicate themselves to however many browsers before they could make a server-side configuration decision?

> 2. Medium-to-long-term (ecosystem-wide collaboration): Disregard dynamic PKP headers unless the domain in question i) has CAA enabled,

What does CAA have to do with it?

This sounds like "we don't think you're smart enough to know what to do with your own domain, so we're going to make you jump through irrelevant hoops". And random dependencies like that are always bars to adoption. Something that used to be deployable with a simple local decision is now a big administrative hassle that has to be negotiated with a bunch of people.

If you're going to overcome browsers' traditional reluctance go out and request data from DNS, then, again, please use that juice to do DANE.

> ii) has an EV cert, a

I (generic "I", not me personally) can't get an EV cert for every router or management station or whatever in an enterprise network, and that's one of the major places where you need the extra assurance. Nor am generic-I very likely willing to have my internal CA generate EV flags, and if I am willing I'm going to have to go through a change control board to do it.

Not only that, but one very reasonable pinning use case is trust on first use with self signed certs.

> iii) has some kind of new indicator in the certificate to indicate that the CA has validated that the site owner is really really sure they want to use HPKP and understands the risks involved (i.e. offload the whitelisting/validation responsibility from individual browser vendors to the broader CA industry).

Now I have to change CAs or wait until my CA supports this, plus doing extra administrative work to communicate this to the CA. Although this one is probably the least objectionable idea mentioned so far if you really want to deal with the malicious pin issue.
This would be like deprecating WebRTC or Workers simply because they're relatively niche advanced features, when that would've been obvious all the way back during their standardization processes.

Actually, if people could take all that security-damaging complexity out of browsers, I'd be pretty happy. I might even shut up about certs. I can give you a list of stuff to drop. I might let you keep JavaScript, but not without some grumbling. :-)

Oct 30, 2017, 3:34:18 PM10/30/17
It may or may not be niche in the long run, but a lot of the value I see is actually in private networks, and I don't see it as being about "particular needs for confidentiality". Everything has a need for confidentiality.

Just about everything can benefit from some level of confidentiality, but not everything needs strong confidentiality more than they need the site to stay up. e.g. The bricking risk makes sense for something like my bank's website, GitHub, or Ashley Madison; but (to steal tptacek's example from the HN thread) a small ecommerce business using GoDaddy would be justified in not trying to correctly configure/manage HPKP.

The difficulty of setting up HPKP has been massively overblown here IMO, but I think it's fair to say that it shouldn't be implemented by a novice admin for anything important given its current interface and the current state of surrounding tooling.

What would be the point of dynamic pinning if you had to get the browser to whitelist it before it would work? Why would you want to force people to figure out how to supplicate themselves to however many browsers before they could make a server-side configuration decision?

Why would the point change? I as a site operator want to use dynamic pinning on for whatever reason I have in mind. The only difference is now I have to wait a little bit for it to start working in Chrome until Google approves me (and potentially likewise for other browsers), and I have a few warnings shoved in my face that'll hopefully scare me off if I truly don't know what I'm doing.

> 2. Medium-to-long-term (ecosystem-wide collaboration): ...

Sorry, I was unclear on the full reasoning for that. Aside from pulling the whitelisting responsibility away from browser vendors (so that going through a whitelisting process N times per domain, as you noted, would not be a requirement), this was also intended as a mitigation for hostile pinning attacks.

I listed CAA first because (as noted in my and Bryant's Black Hat / DEF CON talk that brought attention to this risk in the form of "RansomPKP") it blocks low-effort attacks involving taking over any arbitrary box and grabbing a cert to pin from LetsEncrypt; you'd specifically need a cert from the CA they're already using. Further, by attaching an EV requirement, there would be a higher level of confidence that whoever requested the certificate is actually the site owner and not an attacker. These two things do secondarily add some hoops to jump through to reduce the likelihood of someone inexperienced from deploying a bad HPKP setup, however.

Not saying my proposal is ideal, but I'd say it's a lot more productive a stepping stone to something that everyone will be more or less okay with than "Intent to Deprecate".

As far as your examples, I think those make a lot of sense to consider. I would rather end up with something than nothing, but hopefully we can collectively come up with something that the Chrome team is okay with and doesn't break any existing legitimate/non-malicious uses of HPKP.

Actually, if people could take all that security-damaging complexity out of browsers, I'd be pretty happy. I might even shut up about certs. I can give you a list of stuff to drop. I might let you keep JavaScript, but not without some grumbling. :-)

lol. Those were just examples off the top of my head. My general point is that relatively low usage isn't a great argument for killing something that wouldn't have been expected to have high usage to begin with (on top of your point that it's still too early to gauge its success in that regard).
Oct 30, 2017, 7:31:09 PM10/30/17

On Monday, October 30, 2017 at 6:34:18 PM UTC-4, Ryan Lester wrote:

 [Moving the most important part to the top...]

Not saying my proposal is ideal, but I'd say it's a lot more productive a stepping stone to something that everyone will be more or less okay with than "Intent to Deprecate".

I understand the concern. It's not nice at all if somebody who can compromise you once can make every client that visits you while compromised shun you for the next couple of months. And I can see where that would be really bad (TM) for apublic Web site with a ton of clueless users, in a way that it would not necessarily be for a private server. But I don't think overloading CAA would even work (see below) and requiring or requiring EV certs gives me the heebie-jeebies.

The difficulty of setting up HPKP has been massively overblown here IMO, but I think it's fair to say that it shouldn't be implemented by a novice admin for anything important given its current interface and the current state of surrounding tooling.

I have to admit that I'm having an awful lot of culture shock here. I just can't see how it's a browser's job to keep a sysadmin from turning on a feature on the server side, regardless of how bad an idea it may be. It's simply flat-out none of the browser's business to protect sysadmins, many of whom may not even use that browser, from getting behavior they explicitly request.

... and I haven't looked recently, but I suspect that you have to be pretty technical to even get the average server to set a pin at all at the moment. It's not like you can accidentally click the "set a pin and lose the key" button.

Frankly, I think a browser should do exactly zero to prevent a server admin from hosing themselves. I do agree that it should help prevent other people from hosing them, though.
What would be the point of dynamic pinning if you had to get the browser to whitelist it before it would work? Why would you want to force people to figure out how to supplicate themselves to however many browsers before they could make a server-side configuration decision?

Why would the point change? I as a site operator want to use dynamic pinning on for whatever reason I have in mind. The only difference is now I have to wait a little bit for it to start working in Chrome until Google approves me (and potentially likewise for other browsers), and I have a few warnings shoved in my face that'll hopefully scare me off if I truly don't know what I'm doing.

I sort of thought that a big part of the point was that it was an easy, lightweight thing to do.

If I'm setting up a server in a standardized protocol, I don't traditionally have to worry about configuring every possible client that any random user might choose to use. I don't traditionally even have to worry about knowing what clients exist. Whitelisting asks me not only to know, but to explicitly ask for a modification to the distributed code of (potentially) every single client. I can't see how that's sane at all.

Yes, I know that you can't be truly client-blind when running public Web sites (although you could be a lot more so if people would just quit it with the pointless bells and whistles). But running a private server inside your own network can be like that.

There are other issues, too:
  • How is the browser distributor going to authenticate my request? Are they all going to make me jump through different hoops?
  • Would that authentication work for, say, a .onion site, which could very reasonably want to pin?
  • What if I don't want to disclose the existence of the server I'm using pinning on? Not everything is a public service, and even things that will be public in the future may not want to announce it until they are
  • What if I want to test the stuff using different names?
  • What if I want to learn to set it up, or teach somebody else to set it up? Do hostnames in my learning lab now have to be embedded in Chrome?
  • What if I want to spin something up quickly?
  • Where's the RFC that tells me I have to communicate with the browsers at all?
I listed CAA first because (as noted in my and Bryant's Black Hat / DEF CON talk that brought attention to this risk in the form of "RansomPKP") it blocks low-effort attacks involving taking over any arbitrary box and grabbing a cert to pin from LetsEncrypt; you'd specifically need a cert from the CA they're already using.

Wait, that's different. If I understand what you say correctly, you want the browser not only to check whether CAA records exist, but also to look at the content of the CAA RR(s).

That changes the effective semantics of CAA, which is explicitly only meant to be looked at in the first place by the CAs themselves, not the clients. At the moment, I can publish a CAA record authorizing, get a bunch of certs that are valid for a year... and the very next day change my CAA to, without invalidating any of my certs. If I understand what you're proposing, you'd require me to retain the CAA pointing to for as long as I wanted to keep using the certs I already have.

Also, CAA records use FQDNs, but CA root certs use DNs. It's not clear to me that it's even possible to determine whether a given issued cert matches a given CAA record.

I submit that if you want to tell a client what CA or certs are valid at the time of a connection, there's already a standardized way of doing that: DANE.

But I still would rather not require somebody to set up DANE to use HPKP. Part of the beauty of HPKP is that it's totally local.

Further, by attaching an EV requirement, there would be a higher level of confidence that whoever requested the certificate is actually the site owner and not an attacker.

Higher. :-)


Joe Medley

Oct 31, 2017, 8:19:59 AM10/31/17
to Chris Palmer, blink-dev
Re feature dashboard, my feeling based on first glance is that you do need an entry. The text that caught my eye is in the motivation section: "Web-exposed mechanism".


Joe Medley | Technical Writer, Chrome DevRel | [email protected] | 816-678-7195
If an API's not documented it doesn't exist.

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Joe Medley

Oct 31, 2017, 8:21:54 AM10/31/17
to Chris Palmer, blink-dev
One more thing: DevRel made a deal of this when we rolled it out. It would be courteous to let developers know we're turning it off.

Joe Medley | Technical Writer, Chrome DevRel | [email protected] | 816-678-7195
If an API's not documented it doesn't exist.

Ryan Lester

Oct 31, 2017, 4:28:38 PM10/31/17
re: jbash, all great points (I hadn't considered internal networking at all), and if it were up to me there would be no or very conservative changes. I don't think it warrants a change in the standard itself at this point if people have deployed it incorrectly in the past, but rather the documentation and tooling should be improved; for example, maybe certbot could handle automatic HPKP configuration with optional cloud backups of keys and all major docs like MDN could be updated with examples/guides based on the new certbot command along with more prominent/scary warnings about the dangers of HPKP.

Based on your feedback, here's a modification to my earlier proposal:

1. Short-term (Chrome 67): Any time dynamic PKP is used, print a console warning that additional requirements are planned to be attached to the use of dynamic PKP with a relevant link.

2. Medium-to-long-term (ecosystem-wide collaboration): Disregard dynamic PKP headers unless the domain in question has some kind of new indicator in the certificate to show that the CA has validated that the site owner is really really sure they want to use HPKP and understands the risks involved (i.e. offload the whitelisting/validation responsibility from individual browser vendors to the broader CA industry).

Note that what was originally #2.iii is now #2 in its entirety. This should also work for self-signed certs, reducing the hindrance for internal networking use cases; it also pretty much encompasses any benefit requiring EV would've provided. There are no changes here that impact static PKP, as my impression is that no one has any particular problem with static PKP provided that HPKP in general continues to exist.

Maybe this is too conservative to change the team's mind, and maybe they would prefer to attach different restrictions to public and private hostnames (with more relaxed requirements for private ones), but I think this makes a lot of sense as-is. Any thoughts, Chris and Ryan?


Replies to specific comments:

Would that authentication work for, say, a .onion site, which could very reasonably want to pin?

Incidentally, I'm using HPKP on cyphdbyhiddenbhs.onion, so this would be a concern of mine to ensure is handled correctly as well.

Wait, that's different. If I understand what you say correctly, you want the browser not only to check whether CAA records exist, but also to look at the content of the CAA RR(s).

Nope, I hadn't suggested that (the exact phrasing I used was "Disregard dynamic PKP headers unless the domain in question i) has CAA enabled"). It's a little weak because a sysadmin could always enable CAA after the fact of getting a cert (and not even necessarily use an RR that's compatible with their existing cert), but it would help drive adoption of CAA, which is a good long-term hostile pinning mitigation for the reason you quoted. I get that tying that to HPKP is also kind of messy for the reasons you mentioned, particularly at this point now that HPKP is already out there in production use, but might be worth considering as a requirement for public hostnames.

Chris Palmer

Oct 31, 2017, 5:00:36 PM10/31/17
to Joe Medley, blink-dev
Yes, good idea. We'll write a Developers blog post, when the time comes.

Chris Palmer

Oct 31, 2017, 5:27:28 PM10/31/17
to blink-dev
In the short term, we'll certainly add a warning on the console. But, about the deprecation. :)

I don't see how (2) really addresses the concerns we stated in the original post. As stated there, there are simply too many uncoupled or loosely-coupled business and policy interests to result in a reliable API guarantee of the kind that we need for the Open Web Platform. For example, even a CA might have a hard time ensuring that a given pin set will work for all clients, who build certificate paths in their own ways based on their own sets of trust anchors and policies. And those things change over time, sometimes surprisingly.

Similarly, client platforms can't always know for sure what decisions CAs are going to make as regards cross-signing, issuer cert lifetimes, and so on. Coordinating more closely is the goal of the CA/Browser Forum, but to date, the status quo is the best it has ever been (IMHO). But it's not sufficient to help establish a reliable API.

Also, "set a header to indicate your intent oh actually no you need a header AND an X.509 extension in your cert") is not a super clear 'calling convention' (if you will) for this API.

Finally, I don't think Edge or Safari are going to start supporting HPKP. (And I don't think they should.)

Ryan Lester

Oct 31, 2017, 6:04:57 PM10/31/17
to blink-dev
I can see why these would be complicating factors when first drafting and implementing the spec, but why is this all a concern now after three years? What's changed since HPKP was originally adopted? Were there things outside the scope of the spec that were expected to happen with/between browsers and CAs and didn't?

As far as #2 in my suggestion, the intention is to address motivation #2 ("There is a risk of rendering a site unusable") by ensuring some reasonable amount of education before dynamic PKP can be used on any public hostname and to address motivation #3 by also putting the burden of some level of verification on the CA. For example, LetsEncrypt wouldn't be able to support this X.509 extension because their process is fully automated (and the existence of LE and potentially future CAs like them was one of the biggest enabling factors of RansomPKP).

I don't really understand motivation #1, but is there more detail you can point me towards about that? Could a standard format for whatever is too variant be conceived and made a requirement for using the new X.509 extension?

None of this makes sense to me as justification for killing something that already works and is relied on in production.

Philip Jägenstedt

Nov 15, 2017, 5:05:59 AM11/15/17
to Ryan Lester, blink-dev
Bumping this thread without adding any insight. Jochen, Mike, Rick, you've already commented here, does this require some further discussion or do we have all the information we need?

Just from the initial message, the fact that Edge and Safari don't support this leads me to think removal is a good direction, it's just a matter of how to navigate our way there?

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Mike West

Nov 15, 2017, 5:21:56 AM11/15/17
to Philip Jägenstedt, Ryan Lester, blink-dev
Sorry, I'd convinced myself that I'd already LGTM'd this. :)

We talked about this at length in last week's WebAppSec meeting (notes at There was some concern in the room around improving the revocation story before removing static pinning altogether, but I think there's plenty of time for that in the time between now and ubiquitous CT requirements.

This intent LGTM.


Nov 15, 2017, 5:28:48 AM11/15/17

On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 8:05:59 AM UTC-5, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

Just from the initial message, the fact that Edge and Safari don't support this leads me to think removal is a good direction, it's just a matter of how to navigate our way there?

... and that's (part of) why I don't use Edge or Safari.

Philip Jägenstedt

Nov 15, 2017, 6:02:24 AM11/15/17
Pardon if my reason was a bit opaque there. What I mean is that for something to be part of the web platform, it needs to be in all browsers. Things that are some browsers but not all should, ideally, all be on a track either to be ubiquitously supported, or supported nowhere.

As you noted in another message, patience is required on the web platform, but no issues resolve themselves by waiting. So, given the network team's desire to remove this from Chrome, and its non-support in Edge and Safari, my initial reaction is positive.

I just went to look for some more clues about why it's not in Edge and Safari, and found:

To be sure that we're not missing some sudden interest on the part of Edge or Safari, +Travis Leithead +Maciej Stachowiak. Please shout if you think HPKP is a good idea and removing it from Chrome would be a mistake.

In the meantime, I'm leaning on the judgement of those API owners who are much more knowledgeable about these matters.

Philip Jägenstedt

Nov 15, 2017, 6:04:17 AM11/15/17
to Mike West, [email protected], Ryan Lester, blink-dev
That would be LGTM2.

I'd feel pretty comfortable giving the final LGTM on this, but wonder if perhaps +Yoav Weiss might be in a better position to evaluate this one. WDYT?

Maciej Stachowiak

Nov 15, 2017, 9:31:18 AM11/15/17
to Philip Jägenstedt, [email protected], [email protected], blink-dev, [email protected]
Safari supports public key pinning via the HPKP Preload list. We do not support dynamically defining a pin via the header. The primary reason is that we believe it's too much of a footgun. Sites can easily inadvertently lock out their users, and many security testing sites blindly recommend adding it. I do not expect we would add support for the HPKP header, and the news of Chrome's plan to remove it solidify that decision. We don't believe the preload list has this problem, since it can be updated out of band.

We do have potential interest in Expect-CT. Certificate Transparency does not seem to have the problems that HPKP does. No specific plans to announce at this time though.

Cert pinning and cert transparency are implemented by lower levels of the OS rather than WebKit  on macOS and iOS so you won't see anything about them on the WebKit feature status page.


Yoav Weiss

Nov 16, 2017, 5:46:37 AM11/16/17
to Philip Jägenstedt, Mike West, Ryan Lester, blink-dev
LGTM3 - as there seems to be wide consensus in the web security community that HPKP does more damage than good, Edge and Safari are not likely to ever support it, and removing it will not result in breakage for any legitimate use-case.

A couple of comments:
1) CT (and Expect-CT which enforces it) make it possible for developers to know that their certificates are being mis-issued, but do not create an enforcement mechanism on their own.
Y'all probably already know this, but seems to me like this can significantly benefit from tools that will allow for automatic revocation (maybe relying on CA APIs??). Right now the expectation is that developers will start calling CAs they don't know in order to revoke a mis-issued cert. I'm not sure that's realistic in all cases.
Such tools are beyond the scope of a web platform feature (and I agree that CT is the web feature required to make it happen), but they could have made the lose of dynamic HPKP easier to swallow.

2) I agree with Rick's comments regarding the static PKP preload lists. From Maciej's comments as well as the minutes from webappsec's F2F, I understand they're not going away in the immediate future, and they exist across browsers. I understand that there is a will to deprecate and remove them as well in an undetermined point in the future, but in case that won't be possible, it'd be good to specify them and re-open them for registration. That would help avoid the appearance of preferential treatment for the domains that are currently on those lists.

Rick Byers

Nov 16, 2017, 5:59:08 AM11/16/17
to Yoav Weiss, Philip Jägenstedt, Mike West, Ryan Lester, blink-dev

I think we can defer the debate on what to do with the static PKP preload list as it's purely theoretical at this point.  But if you do get a request to add a new entry, please loop API owners into the discussion (eg. blink-api-owners-discuss).

Nov 16, 2017, 6:08:58 AM11/16/17
OK, obviously you guys have a consensus on HPKP, and I'm not going to waste your time on that issue.

However, *please* at least think about not making either static pinning or CT "the answer" to anything.

CT as it stands doesn't do anything.

Sure, with enough work, you could make it do something... after the fact, after some probably significant number of bad connections have been accepted. But it doesn't do even that right now. And frankly, when you try to figure out how to make it useful, and you find yourself driven to suggestions like "tools that will allow for automatic revocation (maybe relying on CA API??)", what that says to me is that you're adding epicycles trying to squeeze some value out of something that fundamentally doesn't work. You'd get a complexity explosion. You'd get an authentication problem (when the authentication system is what you're trying to fix, no less). You'd get dozens of organizations trying to cooperate.

Seems like it's time to cut your losses on CT.

As for static pinning, from the message I'm replying to, it doesn't sound like there's a lot of love for that either, but let me reiterate that it's not tenable for anybody but very large public Web sites (if it's even tenable for them). I requires anybody who wants to operate a server to interact with a potentially unbounded number of client development projects, each with its own rules... and to synchronize key updates with software updates from those projects, with the slowest project gating any key change. It won't do anything for small operators (who would of course be the people most likely to hurt themselves with dynamic pinning), it wont' do anything for private, internal deployments, and it will probably get no uptake in non-browser clients.

You could make static pinning a bit simpler with some sort of centralized pin registry that all the projects would use to build their static lists, but I think you'll have to agree that that's a Rube Goldberg answer.

In the end, both CT and static pinning seem even more complicated and unikely to get uptake than, say, DANE (did you notice I said DANE?). If I can go to the trouble to get my keys into a registry (or into a dozen registries), then I can certainly go to the trouble to set up DNSSEC.

Ryan Sleevi

Nov 16, 2017, 7:02:20 AM11/16/17
to Rick Byers, Yoav Weiss, Philip Jägenstedt, Mike West, Ryan Lester, blink-dev
Note: They exist across browsers, but they are not consistent across browsers. For example, we've seen several organizations request that Chromium's pin list not be shared, because of their ability to support/maintain/update.

As Maciej noted, in other UAs, the pin list is maintained separate from the Web Platform team (e.g. as part of "OS platform" security).

Regarding CA Revocation, that is something worth exploring, and discussions with Mozilla have seen them push for a more standardized form of problem/incident reporting (see the draft, Action 6)

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Ryan Sleevi

Nov 16, 2017, 7:10:32 AM11/16/17
to [email protected], blink-dev, Philip Jägenstedt, Mike West, Ryan Lester
On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 9:08 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
OK, obviously you guys have a consensus on HPKP, and I'm not going to waste your time on that issue.

However, *please* at least think about not making either static pinning or CT "the answer" to anything.

CT as it stands doesn't do anything.

At the risk of replying, it's worth noting there's a lot of incorrect understanding and assumptions here.

- CT has detected multiple CA misissuance events, including
  - Intentional, malicious issuance
  - Unintentional, insecure issuance
  - CA interoperability with the relevant standards
- CT has detected things for which DANE/DNSSEC fundamentally cannot
- Tools for CT monitoring already exist and are widely deployed
  - And is implemented across other browsers ( , NSRequiresCertificateTransparency, kSecTrustCertificateTransparency, kSecTrustCertificateTransparencyWhiteList )
- CT is already required for EV certificates (since 2015)

To the extent "CT doesn't block browser connections" - yes, you're correct in that. But it would be a mistake to assume "block browser connections" is the goal, for the user or the site operator, when looking holistically at the threat landscape.

Nov 16, 2017, 2:51:00 PM11/16/17
to blink-dev, [email protected]

To be sure that we're not missing some sudden interest on the part of Edge or Safari, +Travis Leithead +Maciej Stachowiak. Please shout if you think HPKP is a good idea and removing it from Chrome would be a mistake.

No, we don't have a sudden interest. :) We had thoughts of implementing for the sole purposes of interop, but didn't get much farther than that. Given the direction things are going, we're totally OK seeing this go. Thanks for asking! 

Chris Palmer

Apr 6, 2018, 1:33:42 PM4/6/18
to blink-dev
Hi all,

We're looking at removing HPKP support in M69 now.

We have Jochen's LGTM. Any other Blink API OWNERS want to chime in?


Emily Stark

Apr 6, 2018, 3:25:51 PM4/6/18
to Chris Palmer, blink-dev
It looks like Philip, Yoav, and Rick also LGTMed up thread so we are good to go. :)


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Apr 11, 2018, 6:10:17 PM4/11/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]
While CT discourages attacks, HPKP allows to block them completely. Why can't HPKP be left as a niche feature for websites requiring high security?
Apr 11, 2018, 6:22:58 PM4/11/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]
I still think that HPKP should not be deprecated, because CT can only detect a malicious certificate after the damage is done. Also I believe that websites, even if it's a small minority, should be able to restrict the CAs which can issue certificates for them to a smaller set than the current list of hundreds of CAs. I personally would like to restrict CAs which can issue certificates for my website to only 2 of hundreds of CAs. I think Firefox and Tor Browser will refuse to deprecate HPKP, regardless if Chromium will do that. So this is kind of pointless. You can't force everyone to deprecate a standard you don't like.
Apr 11, 2018, 6:37:04 PM4/11/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]
In case a legitimate CA is tricked into issuing a malicious certificate, it can be revoked, but the damage will already be done since the revocation is not instant, but in case of a legitimate CA gone rouge (like DigiNotar), asking it to revoke the certificate, waiting for a response for a reasonable time and then going through the process of distrusting such CA may take months.

To sum up, CT may be used to detect certificate misissuances and act on them but HPKP allows to preemptively block such misissued certificates.

Ryan Lester

Apr 11, 2018, 6:47:23 PM4/11/18
to blink-dev
Agreed 100%. The obvious response is "use CAA", but there's a big difference between "probably/usually won't do it due to the risk of punishment by browser vendors" and "literally can't do it".

Chris Palmer

Apr 12, 2018, 9:55:23 AM4/12/18
to [email protected], blink-dev
Hi koops1997,

These issues were discussed already in the thread (including in the initial email). Reiterating the same arguments won't change the outcome, I'm afraid.

Note that we're keeping static/preloaded key pins for the time being. Many high-value target sites are thus still protected.
Apr 12, 2018, 10:48:31 AM4/12/18
Does that mean that Chromium team is okay with a system which will only detect a rouge certificate after the damage is done?

I still believe that HPKP and CT should be used in tandem to provide maximum security. They are filling different roles.

I'm not sure if you're doing that on your own free will, if you know what I'm talking about. You're acting very suspicous. I am okay with deprecating dynamic HPKP, but not letting the websites to use static HPKP if they need high security and understand the risks? Very suspicous indeed.
Apr 13, 2018, 12:28:33 PM4/13/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]
I also do not understand how HPKP harms the ecosystem. By this logic almost every HTTPS website harms the ecosystem by presenting a certificate signed by only one CA, since it may be not trusted by some obscure OS or device.
Jul 16, 2018, 8:47:14 PM7/16/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]
I think pinning should be kept for website that can demonstrate that they are at risk of targeted attacks (e.g.,, but not allowed for most websites, for which CAA records are enough.
Jul 29, 2018, 3:37:34 PM7/29/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]

I understand why HPKP has been deemed a failure, it is simply too easy to accidentally break a site. Plus the knowledge required to deploy it is excessive for a typical webmaster, allowing HPKP to be deplyoed via htaccess files was its breaking point, you compromise the webspace than boom you got control of htaccess and as such the HPKP record.

Dane is superior in that it is done via DNS, typically if you gain access to webspace, you still have no access to DNS records.  But it still has the problem of the knowledge required to set it up.

Another problem is the short amount of time before HPKP got abandoned, 2 years is "nothing", the rest of the world isnt as fast moving as google which has a mass amount of staff and a rapid development model.  If you going to develop a new tech, you need to give it 5 years minimal to assess adoption.

As an example, I manage probably dozens if not 100s of websites, I assessed HPKP on my own personal websites for a minimum of 1 year before I even consider putting it on customer websites.  My assessment period is half of the entire period given by chrome to support the entire technology.  I wasnt even aware of HPKP for months until after chrome added support for it, so you see the problem here? 2 years is absolutely nothing.

If you going to take the same approach moving forward then I will simply ignore anything invented by google/chrome, if I realise that after 2 years it will probably be dead due to lack of adoption, waste of my time to invest in anything that has a 2 year shelf life.

Jul 29, 2018, 6:21:49 PM7/29/18
to blink-dev, [email protected]
We must all collectively ask the Chromium team: what are we going to do the next time a CA goes rogue? Are we going to distrust it after the damage is done? Or are we going to use mechanisms that completely prevent damage to websites that implement them?
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