The paper proposes an optimal distributed k Nearest Neighbor query processing algorithm based on Data Grid, called the opGkNN. Three steps are incorporated ...
In this paper, we propose a new grid-based k-NN join query processing algorithm on MapReduce. First, we design a dynamic grid index that represents the ...
Apr 4, 2013 · I have a fairly large set of 2D points (~20000) in a set, and for each point in the xy plane want to determine which point from the set is closest.
To address this problem, we propose a distributed grid index for trajectory data which partitions the trajectory into grids under MapReduce framework.
The paper proposes an optimal distributed k Nearest Neighbor query processing algorithm based on Data Grid, called the opGkNN. Three steps are incorporated in ...
May 5, 2012 · PostGIS has supported indexed nearest neighbor queries via a special operator(s) usable in the ORDER BY clause.
Proposed in this paper is a novel k-nearest neighbor query algorithm based on data grid, called the GkNN. Three steps are made in the GkNN.
The k-NN queries aim to identify k-objects with the shortest distance based on object references over the network. However, a critical limitation of the k-NN ...
People also ask
What is the nearest neighbor grid?
How does the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm handle missing values in the data?
What are Hyperparameters in K-nearest neighbor?
How does KNN analyze data?
We construct a novel distributed spatial data index: Inverted Grid Index. We illustrate two typical distributed Nearest Neighbor algorithms based on the index ...