They also present a wonderful new venue for parallel and distributed processing. Bandwidth, storage, and energy limitations make in-network processing essential ...
The challenges in making networks of intelligent sensors robust and programmable are described, including platform architecture, operating system design, ...
Abstract: Vast networks of intelligent sensors that are deeply embedded in physical world will revolutionize practices in the life sciences, ...
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Wireless Sensor Networks - Where Parallel and Distributed Processing Meets the Real World. IPDPS 2005 Keynote, April 5, 2005. Wireless Sensor Networks - the ...
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), empowered by wireless sensing and parallel-distributed computing technologies, represent a promising development trend. WSNs ...
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This paper proposes wireless sensor networks as a parallel and distributed computing platform for neurocomputing. The proposal entails leveraging the ...
This paper presents the latest technology developments of WSSN in the last ten years, including ones for a single sensor node and those for a network of nodes.
It also allows controlling or detecting objects directly via the used network technology used, establishing a closer connection between the real world and ...
Dec 2, 2017 · Wireless sensors and wireless sensor networks have come up to the forefront of the scientific community freshly. Clustering is a flourishing ...
Wireless Sensor Networks - Where Parallel and Distributed Processing Meets the Real World. IPDPS 2005 Keynote, April 5, 2005. Wireless Sensor Networks - the ...