Wireless networks and random geometric graphs. Abstract: In this paper, mobile ad-hoc networks are studied. Chen and Jia (2001) proposed a routing algorithm by ...
Such random graphs are called random geometric graphs, which have been studiesd recently by Ellis, Jia and Yan [12] and many others. 2 Wireless Networks. We ...
What are geometric random graphs? Given a geometric graph G = (V,E) a geometric random graph is a probability distribution over the set of all subgraphs of ...
Mar 29, 2022 · Abstract:The Random Geometric Graph (RGG) is a random graph model for network data with an underlying spatial representation.
In this paper, mobile ad-hoc networks are studied. Chen and Jia (2001) proposed a routing algorithm by utilizing multiple communication channels and ...
A random geometric graph (RGG) is the mathematically simplest spatial network, namely an undirected graph constructed by randomly placing N nodes in some ...
In many applications (not only wireless networks), it is desirable that the graph is connected; that is, every node is linked to every other node in a multihop ...
Jan 9, 2018 · Abstract:k-connectivity of random graphs is a fundamental property indicating reliability of multi-hop wireless sensor networks (WSN).
In this paper, mobile ad-hoc networks are studied and it is proven that both the construction of the spanning tree and the routing algorithm are efficient.
Abstract—Random geometric graphs (RGGs) are commonly used to model networked systems that depend on the underlying spatial embedding.