We describe the design of an ontology-based framework, named WikiFactory, that aids users to automatically generate a complex and complete wiki website related ...
We describe the design of an ontology-based framework, named WikiFac- tory, that aids users to automatically generate a complex and complete wiki website ...
We describe the design of an ontology-based framework, named WikiFactory, that aids users to automatically generate a complex and complete wiki website related ...
We describe the design of an ontology-based framework, named WikiFactory, that aids users to automatically generate a complex and complete wiki website related ...
WikiFactory: An Ontology-Based Application for Creating Domain-Oriented Wikis. Creators. Di Iorio, Angelo · Presutti, Valentina · Vitali, Fabio. Description.
WikiFactory: an ontology-based application for creating domain ...
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WikiFactory: an ontology-based application for creating domain-oriented wikis. A. Lorio, V. Presutti, and F. Vitali. In Proceedings of the 3rd European ...
Angelo Di Iorio , Valentina Presutti, Fabio Vitali : WikiFactory: An Ontology-Based Application for Creating Domain-Oriented Wikis. ESWC 2006: 664-678.
People also ask
What is an ontological domain?
What is domain-specific ontology?
The architecture of WikiFactory Application - ResearchGate
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One way to create a semantic wiki is to model the semantic relationships underlying the information in the wiki as an ontology, and then to customize a wiki to ...
WikiFactory is an application that takes these ideas to implementation, based on a strong distinction between the ontology designer, the content author and the ...
Wikifactory: An ontology-based application for creating domain-oriented wikis. In Y. Sure and J. Domingue, editors, ESWC, volume 4011 of Lecture Notes in.