Wei Ding from www.cs.umb.edu
Wei Ding, Professor of Computer Science, Fellow of IEEE, AAIA. Research Interests: knowledge discovery, data mining, and machine learning.

Wei Ding

Computer scientist
Wei Ding is a computer scientist who is currently professor of computer science at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research involves data mining, machine learning, feature selection, and their applications in scientific computing and... Wikipedia
Professor of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Boston - ‪‪Cited by 9164‬‬ - ‪Data Mining‬ - ‪Artificial Intelligence‬ - ‪Machine Learning‬ ...
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My main research interests lie in the field of knowledge discovery, data mining… · Experience: University of Massachusetts Boston · Location: Boston · 500+ ...
Wei Ding from www.umb.edu
Wei Ding, Department: Computer Science, Title: Professor, Location: Science Center, Send Email, Area of Expertise: AI, Data Mining, Machine Learning.
Wei Ding is a computer scientist who is currently professor of computer science at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research involves data mining ...
Wei Ding from www.dfhcc.harvard.edu
Wei Ding received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Houston in 2008. She has been an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the ...
Professor Ding is currently exploring AI tools that can improve interpretation. She was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan and lives on the Monterey Peninsula ...
She is a Professor of Computer Science in the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research interests include data mining, machine learning, artificial ...
Wei Ding from pure.psu.edu
Wei Ding, PhD, MD · Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery · Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery.
Wei Ding is part of Stanford Profiles, official site for faculty, postdocs ... Wei Ding. Graphic Designer 2, IT Services. Print Profile · Email Profile.