This paper examines the problem of weak ratio rules between nonnegative real-valued data in a transactional database. The weak ratio rule is a weaker form ...
This paper examines the problem of weak ratio rules between nonnegative real-valued data in a transactional database. The weak ratio rule is a weaker form than ...
This paper examines the problem of weak ratio rules between nonnegative real-valued data in a transactional database. The weak ratio rule is a weaker form ...
This paper examines the problem of weak ratio rules between nonnegative real-valued data in a transactional database. The weak ratio rule is a weaker form than ...
... Weak Ratio Rules ... A Generalized Boolean Association Rules. Baoqing ... rules problem and every weak ratio rule is supported by a Boolean association rule.
Jul 1, 2011 · This paper examines the problem of weak ratio rules between nonnegative real-valued data in a transactional database. The weak ratio rule is ...
文献类型:期刊文献. 英文题名:Weak Ratio Rules: A Generalized Boolean Association Rules. 作者:Jiang, Baoqing[1];Hu, Xiaohua[2];Wei, Qing[3];Song, ...
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This paper examines the problem of weak ratio rules between nonnegative real-valued data in a transactional database. The weak ratio rule is a weaker form than ...
The weak ratio rule is a weaker form than Flip Korn's ratio rule. After analyzing the mathematical model of weak ratio rules problem, the authors conclude that ...
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