This paper presents a federated directory system called WSDir, which allows registration and discovery of seman- tic web services.
This paper presents a federated directory system called. WSDir, which allows registration and discovery of seman- tic web services.
Oct 22, 2024 · This paper presents a federated directory system called WSDir, which allows registration and discovery of semantic Web services.
This paper presents a federated directory system called. WSDir, which allows registration and discovery of semantic web services. Its main functionality is ...
WSDir: a Federated Directory System of Semantic Web Services. Type of publication: Inproceedings. Citation: HEVS363. Booktitle: 16th IEEE International ...
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Abstract: This paper presents a flexible federated directory system called WSDir, which allows registration and dis- covery of semantic web services.
This paper presents a flexible federated directory system called WSDir, which allows registration and discovery of semantic web services.
This chapter presents WSDir, the federated directory system used in CASCOM. Its main functionality is to let heterogeneous Semantic Web Service descriptions ...
Project Summary. WSDIR is a federated directory system which allows registration and discovery of semantic web services.
This chapter presents WSDir, the federated directory system used in CASCOM. Its main functionality is to let heterogeneous Semantic Web Service descriptions.