This article presents an image space parallelization of an image order volume rendering algorithm aimed at shared memory multiprocessors. This parallel ...
This article presents an image space parallelization of an image order volume rendering algorithm aimed at shared memory multiprocessors. This parallel ...
Volume rendering is a useful visualization technique for under- standing the large amounts of data generated in a variety of scien- tific disciplines.
Koning, A. H. J., Zuiderveld, K. J., & Viergever, M. A. (1997). Volume Visualization on shared memory architectures. Parallel Computing, 23, 915-925. Koning, ...
Volume rendering is a useful visualization technique for understanding the large amounts of data generated in a variety of scientific disciplines. Routine use ...
New Citation Alert! · Contents. VVS '92: Proceedings of the 1992 workshop on Volume visualization. Volume rendering on scalable shared-memory MIMD architectures.
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Volume rendering on scalable shared-memory MIMD architectures. Pages 17 - 24. PREVIOUS ARTICLE. Parallel volume visualization on a hypercube architecture.
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Abstract: This paper presents a parallel volume rendering algorithm that can render a 256/spl times/256/spl times/225 voxel medical data set at over 15 Hz ...
Volume rendering is a useful visualization technique for understanding the large amounts of data generated in a variety of scientific disciplines.