May 2, 2019 · We argue that the aesthetic factor is very important in modeling and predicting users' preferences, especially for some fashion-related domains ...
Feb 27, 2021 · We proposed a novel model that incorporates aesthetic features into a tensor factorization model to capture the aesthetic preferences of users ...
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In this extended version, we try to explore aesthetic features in negative sampling to get further benefit in recommendation tasks. In implicit feedback data, ...
Abstract Visual information plays a critical role in human decision-making process. Recent developments on visually aware recommender systems have taken the.
This work argues that the aesthetic factor is very important in modeling and predicting users' preferences, especially for some fashion-related domains like ...
We argue that the aesthetic factor is very important in modeling and predicting users' preferences, especially for some fashion-related domains like clothing ...
Visually aware recommendation with aesthetic features ... Authors: Wenhui Yu; Xiangnan He; Jian Pei; Xu Chen; Li Xiong; Jinfei Liu; Zheng Qin. List of references.
The model is able to show improvements over state-of-the-art recommendation techniques such as BPR and variants that make use of pretrained visual features, ...
Feb 27, 2021 · 视觉上推荐系统的最新发展已考虑到产品图像。我们认为,美学因素对于建模和预测用户的喜好非常重要,尤其是对于某些与时尚相关的领域,例如服装和珠宝。这项 ...
Visually aware recommendation with aesthetic features. Abstract · Personalized clothing recommendation combining user social circle and fashion style consistency.