We present an efficient algorithm for computing the vertex ranking number of an asteroidal triple-free graph. Its running time is bounded by a polynomial in ...
Nov 27, 1995 · In this paper we show that the vertex ranking problem can be solved effi- ciently for AT-free graphs with a polynomial number of minimal ...
A vertex ranking of a graph is a vertex coloring by a linear ordered set of colors such that for every path in the graph with end vertices of the same color ...
We present an efficient algorithm for computing the vertex ranking number of an asteroidal triple-free graph. Its running time is bounded by a polynomial in ...
The main contribution of this work is to provide a number of structural results concerning asteroidal triple-free graphs. To anticipate, our main results1 are: ...
Missing: Ranking | Show results with:Ranking
AbstractWe present an efficient algorithm for computing the vertex ranking number of an asteroidal triple-free graph. Its running time is bounded by a ...
Vertex ranking of asteroidal triple-free graphs. ... We present an efficient algorithm for computing the vertex ranking number of an asteroidal triple-free graph.
An independent set of three vertices such that each pair is joined by a path that avoids the neighborhood of the third is called an asteroidal triple.
AbstractWe present an efficient algorithm for computing the vertex ranking number of an asteroidal triple-free graph. Its running time is bounded by a ...
Bibliographic details on Vertex Ranking of Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs.